برنامه ریزی تعاملی گردشگری روستایی با رهیافت ارزیابی مشارکتی روستاییT مورد مطالعه روستای وکیل آباد «سردابه»


1 استاد گروه جامعه شناسی توسعه روستایی دانشگاه تهران

2 استادیار گروه جامعه شناسی توسعه روستایی دانشگاه تهران


گردشگری روستایی یکی از زمینه‌های نسبتاً تازه در توسعه روستایی است که می‌تواند فرصت‌ها و امکاناتی را به ویژه برای اشتغال و درآمد روستایی فراهم سازد و نقش مؤثری در احیاء و نوسازی نواحی روستایی ایفا کند. نقش و اهمیت گردشگری در فرایند توسعه روستایی در بسیاری از کشورها به اثبات رسیده است. هم اکنون گردشگری روستایی به عنوان صنعت بالقوه پایداری قلمداد می‌شود. توجه به این امر مهم در برنامه‌ها و طرح های توسعه روستایی به ویژه طرح‌های محلی اهمیت زیادی را طلب می کند. گردشگری روستایی امروزه یکی از مردمی‌ترین اشکال گردشگری محسوب می‌شود(پاپلی یزدی، 1385، 201). جاذبه‌ها، امکانات و قابلیت‌های توسعه گردشگری در نواحی روستایی کشور ما بسیار متنوع و گسترده است. تاکنون این جاذبه‌ها چندان شناخته و معرفی نشده و بهره‌برداری‌های لازم از آن‌ها به عمل نیامده است. گردشگری در فرآیند برنامه‌ریزی توسعه‌روستایی اهمیت بسزایی دارد. لذا توجه به این امر در برنامه‌ها و طرح‌های توسعه روستایی به ویژه طرح‌های محلی پیش از پیش احساس می‌شود. با در نظر گرفتن مشکلات فراوان پیش روی توسعه و پیشرفت روستای وکیل‌آباد و بعضاً کمبود پتانسیل‌های لازم در جهت توسعه بخش کشاروزی به دلیل تقطیع اراضی و کوهستانی بودن منطقه و مهاجرت روستائیان و بیکاری، گردشگری روستایی می‌تواند نقش مؤثری در رونق بخشیدن به جامعه و اقتصاد روستایی ایفا نموده و گام مؤثری در جهت توسعه پایدار روستایی محسوب گردد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Interactive Rural Tourism Planning With Approach Participatory Rural Appraisal, Case Study: Vakilabad "Sardabeh" In Ardabil

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mahdi Taleb 1
  • H. Mirzaie 2
چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract
Several evolutions of development planning and rural development show that this planning moves unintentionally toward unborn development and disregarding rural participation. In fact, rural have ability to plan for themselves better than other and understand the path of development. Researcher’s emphasis on community participation in planning as key element to dominant on economical and social inequality. Furthermore, regarding to importance of tourism in the process of planning rural tourism, paying attention to it in plans and projects of rural development particular at local projects is more important. In this regard, rural tourism provides ability for some rural that have the tourism resources. By using this opportunity they can participate in and plan for the future of tourism and their rural development.

The main goal of this paper is operating of rural tourism planning in Vakilabad. For achieving to this goal, we use interactivity planning method with emphasis on approach participatory rural appraisal. For gathering the data, unstructured and structured interview and participatory observation was used.

Results and Discussion
Providing preparation and activation of this capabilities and sustainable planning of rural tourism, we are able to view progress of tourism and improve of live indexes and integrated development of Vakilabad rural (Sardabeh) and local more further. Based on interactive rural tourism planning with approach participatory rural appraisal, a participatory planning is presented as an hypothesis suggesting that planning for disadvantaged social groups participation in development may be initiated through benefit-sharing, gradually proceeding to shared decision making will increase. In the top-down making process, there is inadequate public participation. When development means outsiders imposing their ideas without understanding local conditions, it is undesirable. Development is positive when it involves local people and is based on their resources and knowledge. From that perspective, some development in rural sardabeh is not positive. The development of a tourism industry has been shown to help diversify and improve rural community’s economies. Tourism has been shown to improve a regions economic condition and has therefore been employed as a development strategy in many rural communities. Improved economic conditions, resulting from tourism, are often accompanied by negative impacts associated with the industry. These negative consequences are often overlooked as a result of the perceived economic benefits tourism has the potential to generate. While these communities can receive a tremendous amount of economic support and other social benefits from tourism, there are also many negative consequences that have been associated with the industry. In order to help minimize the consequences, while still benefiting from the industry, there are a multitude of factors which should be addressed before considering the development of a tourism industry. Studies measuring impacts often indicate one or more positive consequences and one or more negative consequences resulting from the industry. Therefore careful planning representing between the economic benefits and the acceptable levels of negative impacts. Vakilabad (Sardabeh) is placed on high and beautiful hillsides of Sabalan. This rural area have mineral waters (Sardabeh, Eddy Blok, Yersoeey, At Kgoly), unique Sardabeh waterfall, the summer for Eailsovan or Eilsevan tribe, pastures, scenic valleys, and other natural attractiveness is marked the one of rural tourism of province. Whereas tourism was developed in unbalanced ways in this rural. In order to planning tourism in rural could say which with regard to considered problems and limitations, more responses will view the positive future.

Results show that if we develop this potential and sustainable rural planning we will witness progress in tourism and more improving life indicators and integrated development of Vakilabad (Sardabeh) and this area. Tourism investigated not only as a tool to attract recreation and leisure travelers to a community, but as a method of developing a rural community. However, it has been difficult to development tourism in Sardabeh. There are many disparate opinions in the rural, and attempting to reach consensus has been a tedious process. The community has a great deal of potential, and there are several people that are ready, willing, and able to work on tourism development. The process has been started, but it is floundering from lack of leadership, funding, and stiff opposition from some members of the community. Research on impacts and perceptions, social development, and community development research approaches tourism as a pre-existing condition in rural communities. Tourism was not planned, it evolved; tourism was a successful self-development project; tourism development was stifled in rural Sardabeh because of the lack of government support; the residents did less support tourism development; there was, and continues to be, no plan for tourism. Most respondents suggested that tourism had not been planned. Several others said that if it had been planned, it would not be in danger of disappearing. The respondents said that there has been a failure to plan for the future of tourism, and said that the community would not begin to plan anytime soon. They again said that the planning for tourism has been negatively affected by the fear that tourism would result in overdevelopment.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Approach participatory rural appraisal
  • Interactive planning
  • Rural tourism
  • Vakil Abad.