جایگاه حقوق گردشگران خارجی از نگاه اسلام و قوانین حقوقی جمهوری اسلامی ایران


1 استادیار دانشکده جغرافیا، دانشگاه تهران

2 دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشکده جغرافیا، دانشگاه تهران


گردشگری به عنوان صنعت نوظهور عصر جدید، به یکی از ارکان اصلی اقتصاد تجاری جهان تبدیل شده است. بسیاری از برنامه‌ریزان و سیاست‌گذاران توسعه نیز از صنعت گردشگری به عنوان رکن اصلی توسعه پایدار یاد می‌کنند. این رویه کشورها را واداشته است تا با اتخاذ محدودیت‌ها و راه‌حل‌هایی، آن را در جهت پایدار هدایت کنند. بنابراین تدوین قوانین و مقرراتی به‌منظور حمایت از گردشگران (توریست‌ها) و ایجاد امنیت برای آنها امری ضروری است، زیرا ورود گردشگران خارجی به هر کشور و رونق گردشگری خارجی تا حد زیادی با قوانین و مقرراتی که از حقوق آنها حمایت کند، مرتبط است. نخستین اقدامات در زمینه گردشگری در سال‌های پس از انقلاب صنعتی آغاز شد و به این ترتیب در ایران نیز گردشگری با قدمت چندهزار ساله از سال‌های 1314 جنبه قانونی به خود گرفت.
امروزه ابعاد حقوقی گردشگری در چارچوب جغرافیای سیاسی کشورها اهمیت بالایی دارد. بر این مبنا، ‌هدف این مقاله تحلیلی از جایگاه حقوقی گردشگران در قوانین و مقررات نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران و اندیشه اسلامی است. برای بررسی موضوع، از تکنیک تحلیل محتوا به عنوان رویه‌ای عمومی استفاده شده و برگزیده‌ای از قوانین و مقررات که به آنها عمل و استناد می‌شود مورد تحلیل محتوایی قرار گرفته است. با توجه به بررسی‌های صورت گرفته در منابع موجود با وجود تمام تلاش‌ها از سوی ارگان‌های درگیر، هنوز تعریف مشخصی از حقوق گردشگر خارجی (به عنوان شهروند در جامعه جهانی) در مجموعه قوانین مدون صورت نگرفته و اندیشه حقوق شهروندی گردشگر تبیین نشده است. همچنین اندیشه اسلامی با وجود عمق و غنای آن چندان با شرایط عصر کنونی سازگار نیست، و نیاز به نوعی بازنگری در چارچوب فرهنگ بومی دارد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Status of International Tourists Laws in View of Islam Religion and Islamic Republic Iran Laws and Regulations

نویسندگان [English]

  • R. Afzali 1
  • amin faraji mollaie 2
  • M. SahbaniFard 2
چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract

In recent decades, growth and development of tourism and adoption of that as one of the main economic activities in developed and developing countries and competition of main destinations in order to attract tourists have caused the planners to increase the income of tourism activities.
Tourism has become an important economic source for planners and authorities in the field of tourism planning. It is one of the sources of competition in terms of investments, priority of goals, spatial organization of tourist spaces and establishing suitable commercial structure for tourist activities.
At the outset of the 21st century, tourism will be an indispensable reality in the behavior and conduct of man to gratify his curious soul, given the established technological, cultural, political, social and economic structures. Visiting other places either in reality or through virtual technology for different purposes will be among the requirements of the 21st century, giving shape to a movement which has made national and international borders irrelevant and gone beyond the state and the nation. As a major component of post-structuralism economic theory, tourism is virtually bringing about deconstructive ideas in all areas
Therefore, many countries see tourism as a necessity and seek to utilize all their potentials and resources to achieve their interests and benefits. Recently, visitors are increasingly paying attention to Tourist spaces. The important activity in planning and development of tourist activities is their gathering and assembly of Laws and regulations in shield of Tourists and making security for them is essential.
The law has many rich potentials for tourism and tourists which play key roles in their development. Tourism nowadays is used as an important business enterprise, which calls for an assessment of the competing market, defining and setting objectives and judging among various options for investment, establishment and use of proper structure for commercializing urban tourist products .Proper decision making and collecting suitable Laws and regulations for international tourists should include all factors that affect decision making so that the best option is chosen. Primary actions in the field of tourism began after the industrial revolution, whereas Iran with its strong background in tourism initiated tourism regularly and legally since 1937.
Nowadays the discussion of legality dimension of tourism has the most important role in the world countries political geography.

This study makes use of the qualitative method hermeneutic method as usual. This choice has been made considering its advantages over other methods. Moreover we focus on historical and strong documents in tourism laws in Iran and afterward we have cooperated with and interviewed some organizations that are law makers and provide facilities and have participated in tourism development.

Results and discussion
Based on the above explanation, the purpose of this article is the Status of International tourists laws in view and thought of the Religion of Islam and Islamic republic of Iran laws and regulations
The important thing for law maker-based development and tourism planning is to pay attention to the needs and demands of international tourist with the approach to host communities’ necessities and needs. This is more important to be considered that law makers in Iran, in the field of tourism are faced with both Islamic identity and ancient identity for making laws in the country of Iran. In this study we try to examine the two dimension of Iran laws and regulations and view and thought of the religion of Islam to International tourist and tourism.

In our conclusion in Iran we have not defined specific definition from tourists laws and summing up in Islamic thought ,although it is verdant, it is not adapted with today’s global situation change. So at this time of the millennium, we should establish a framework for tourists’ law with approach to the cultural habitat. Tourism development and making benefit for our society need strong and flexible criteria such as institutional, legal and geographical ones, which have to be taken into account so that decisions can be made with regard to sustainability. In this connection, to codify necessary laws for tourists and maintaining the content of tourists and increasing efficiency of the industry, paying attention to international rules and regulations, human rights and conventions between governments is vital. Therefore, ignoring these variables, depose Iran’s tourism industry rules and regulations in an appropriate position and this has caused our country, which is among the highly potential tourism countries for competition in the international arena, to gain little income from this economic activity.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Islam
  • Islamic republic of Iran.
  • law
  • Tourism
  • Tourists law