ارائه‎ی الگوی برنامه‎ریزی راهبردی توسعه‎ی گردشگری پایدار روستایی(مطالعه‎ی موردی: دهستان لواسان کوچک)


1 استادیار گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه پیام نور، مرکز شهرکرد

2 کارشناس ارشد جغرافیا و برنامه‎ریزی روستایی، دانشگاه تهران


گردشگری روستایی یکی از انواع گردشگری است که شکل پایدار آن در ابعاد مختلفِ اقتصادی، اجتماعی و محیطی، بسترساز دست‎یابی به توسعه‎ی پایدار جوامع محلّی می‎شود. از این‎رو، دست‎یابی به این مهم، نیازمند طرّاحی، تدوین و به‎کارگیری الگوی راهبردی، به‎همراه راهبردهای مناسب و ویژه‎ی این نواحی از سوی برنامه‎ریزان و مدیران گردشگری است. بنابراین این پژوهش با هدف تدوین الگوی راهبردی مناسب برای توسعه‎ی گردشگری در روستاهای منطقه‎ی مورد مطالعه انجام شده است. سؤال اساسی پژوهش این است که الگوی راهبردی مناسب برای توسعه‎ی گردشگری که به توسعه‎ی پایدار روستایی منجر شود، کدام است؟ بر این اساس، پژوهش پیش‎ِرو با بررسی‎های اسنادی و میدانی و نیز، روش‎شناسی توصیفی ـ تحلیلی و از سه گروه مشارکت‎کننده‎ی (مردم روستا 170 نفر، گردشگران 140 نفر، مسئولان 25 نفر) در 14 روستای دهستان لواسان کوچک و دیدگاه‎های آنها در ابعاد اقتصادی، اجتماعی، محیطی مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. برای تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات و ارائه‎ی الگوی راهبردی توسعه‎ی گردشگری روستایی در چارچوب جامع راهبردی، از روش تحلیلی سوات استفاده شده است. با توجّه به نتایج از بین مجموع عوامل داخلی، تعداد 9 قوّت و تعداد 11 ضعف و از بین مجموع عوامل خارجی، تعداد 7 عامل، به‎عنوان فرصت خارجی و تعداد 11 عامل، به‎عنوان تهدید خارجی پیش روی این نواحی شناسایی شدند. این نتایج بیانگر این مطلب است که سطح آسیب‎پذیری اغلب روستاها، به‎دلیل توسعه‎ی گردشگری بسیار بالاست و توزیع و تخصیص مجدّد منابع در سطح نواحی مورد مطالعه با توجّه به محدود بودن فرصت‎ها و بالابودن نقاط ضعف، امری الزامی است.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Presentation of a Model of Sustainable Tourism Planning in Rural Development Strategy (Case Study: Lavasan Small Village)

نویسندگان [English]

  • D. Mahdavi 1
  • N. Akbari Samani 2
چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract

Rural tourism is one of the tourists, the different dimensions of sustainable economic, social and environmental sustainable development of local communities to achieve bidder. Therefore, to achieve this requires the design, development and implementation of the strategic model, together with appropriate strategies and specific areas of the tourism planners and managers. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a strategic model for rural tourism development in the study area has been carried out. This is a fundamental question Strategic model for sustainable development of rural tourism development that will lead to what? Accordingly, such documents and field research as well as pre Rvbabrrsy, analytical methodology, and the three groups of participants (the village, tourists, officials) in 14 rural villages and Lavasan kochak their views aspects of economic, social, environmental studies is considered. Model for data analysis and presentation in the context of a comprehensive strategy of rural tourism development strategy, SWOT analysis is used The results indicate that this is The most vulnerable villages is very high due to tourism development Distribution and reallocation of resources in areas with limited opportunities and high points, is necessary.

Using descriptive research methodology and practice survey was conducted. The study collected information, refer to the documents, notes and records and documents taken from the library In field studies, direct observation, interviewing, producing photographs, films, and methods for data analysis software SPSS and EXCEL and Strategic SWOT is used. Statistical population of this study consisted of three groups to include rural families living in 14 villages Lavasan kochak villages, officials and entities associated with the village and the tourists that travel to this area. Using Cochran sampling of households (population) and 170, 140 tourists and staff of 25 people, have been chosen. For data analysis and presentation patterns of rural tourism development strategy, SWOT analytical method has been used The first measurement of the internal and external environment of the area, a list of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats were identified. Then by the opinions of people, tourists and authorities, and giving weight to calculate and analyze each of these issues, their priorities were identified. For eliminating or reducing threats and strengthen weaknesses and improve strengths and opportunities available in connection with the expansion of tourism in rural areas, depending on the type, the variety and nature of the changes in the environment can be a combination of strategic planning models used. Finally (based on the process and content) strategies are appropriate..

Results and Discussion
Charts for the district rural tourism development model for strategic planning in Lavasan kochak the total considerations of both process and content perspectives for the development of tourism in rural areas is presented. In view of the drawing process model that logical phases and steps in preparing a strategic plan of rural tourism as desired outcomes of the program will be over. The content reflects the views of the structures, frameworks, concepts and elements of the program obviously, addressing both the simultaneous approach is necessary to achieve the stated model. Considerable attention devoted to one another without understanding the patterns makes it difficult.

The results from total internal factors, number 9, number 11 of strengths and weaknesses The sum of external factors, the number 7, as the external opportunities and factor 11, these areas were identified as facing external threats. The result of this is that the most vulnerable villages for Tourism Development distribution and reallocation of resources are very high and the surface area of the limited opportunities and high points is necessary.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Pattern
  • Planning
  • Rural Development
  • Rural tourism.
  • strategic planning