بررسی تطبیقی نظام های کاربری زمین شهری از دیدگاه دو پارادایم مدرنیسم و پست‎مدرنیسم


1 دانشجوی دکترای جغرافیا و برنامه‎ریزی شهری، دانشکده‎ی جغرافیا، دانشگاه تهران

2 دکترای شهرسازی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم تحقیقات، تهران

3 کارشناس ارشد طرّاحی شهری، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تهران


برنامه‎ریزی مدرنیستی بین سال‎های 1920 تا 1930 در دو سوی اقیانوس اطلس آغاز شد، گرچه می‎توان نشانه‎های آن را در جنبش‎های اوّلیه‎ی برنامه‎ریزی در شهر زیبا یا باغ شهر پیدا کرد. این آغاز با نمودار شدن جنبش مدرنیسم در معماری همزمان بود و در برنامه‎ریزی شهری غرب تا اواخر دهه‎ی 1960 پاردایم مسلّط بود. فاجعه‎های بوم‎شناختی در طول قرن بیستم منجر به درک تدریجی محدودیت‎های طبیعی، از‎جمله زمین شد و رشد آگاهی‎های زیست‎محیطی، به‎عنوان نشانه‎ای از پست‎مدرن شدن فرهنگی بروز کرد. انتقادهای صحیح وارد بر جریان مدرنیسم سبب شد که انتقادها و رویکرد‎های همراه آن، پست‎مدرنیسم نام بگیرد و تنها وجه اشتراک همه‎ی آنها، نقد جدّی بر سبک معماری و شهرسازی بود که خود را به‎نام مدرنیسم مطرح کرده بود. نتایج به‎کارگیری این دو پارادایم در برنامه‎ریزی شهری و خاصّه کاربری زمین مشهود و قابل تأمل است. به‎طوری‎که تجربه‎های سطح جهانی نشان می‎دهد، بازتاب کالبدی ـ فضایی این دو پارادایم در شهرها در قالب طرح‎ها و برنامه‎های کاربری زمین متفاوت از یکدیگر بوده و هر کدام دارای ویژگی‎ها و مؤلّفه‎های خاصّ خود هستند. دراین نوشتار تلاش شده تا با توجّه به اهمّیّت کاربری زمین و راهبرد‎های آن برای آسایش و رفاه انسان شهرنشین، مقایسه‎ای تطبیقی میان این دو پارادایم مهم و اثرگذار بر کاربری زمین انجام شود. نتایج این بررسی حاکی از چرخشی آشکار در قوانین و مقرّرات کاربری زمین در پارادایم پست‎مدرنیسم نسبت به مدرنیسم است، چنانکه ارزش‎های مدرنیستی در پارادایم جدید نفی و بازگشت به ارزش‎های پیش از این دوره، مبنای عمل قرار گرفته است.

عنوان مقاله [English]

A Comparative Study of Land Use System in Modernism and Postmodernism Schools

نویسندگان [English]

  • M. Pazhuhan 1
  • N. Eliaszade Moghadam 2
  • S. Fathei 3
چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract

School of Modernism started between 1920 until 1930 in both sides of Atlantic Ocean. However, one can see its signs in the first movements in planning about the Garden City ideas. The idea of Modernism happened at the same time in Architecture and this paradigm was dominant until late 1960. In twentieth century, the limitations of natural resources were understood more and more. The growth of awareness about environment is considered as a sign of the emergence of postmodernism school. The modernism school was criticized. Modernization is a process that increases the ability of a political and economical society through the industrial and bureaucracy. In the modernism humanitarian tradition, planning is trying to pave the way for development and distribution of social justice through organizing city in a beauty symbolist and efficient way. The 1960 s is the pick of criticisms on the modern city planning. This was the belief that returns to the history, damage treatment of the modern and here that the place loses him and the revival of the values of the local historical, variety, meaning and authenticity of part of the protection and revival of ancient cities and building new towns like ancient cities an important position in urban development. City and culture receipt as a text in domain of meaning that was not function. Therefore in 1960 s disavow of functionalism, rationalism, vagrancy urban context is a prevalent concept. Instead of present support of the multiplicity, many people rejected the theory of comprehensive and relying on the reality. Products of this postmodern approach are participant’s design, attention to the social sciences, using the historical symbol and the revival of the historical monuments in urban planning.

Descriptive research design is used in the studies which aim at comparing two approaches or two thought schools. Therefore in this paper the research method is descriptive-analytic through which researcher used documents including books, papers and other documents in scientific database like Elsevier, Proquest for gathering data and information. In the next step this dataset is analyzed and land use system in Modernism and Postmodernism schools is compared.

Results and Discussion
The criticisms against modernism deficiencies and the approaches for solving its deficiencies were named postmodernism. The results of applying the ideas of these two paradigms in land use planning are discussed in this paper. World’s experiences show that the impact of applying each of these paradigms in projects and plans in land use planning have been different, and each has their own consequences. Considering the importance of land use planning and its approaches in urban planning, comparative method was used to do an analysis for the impact of these two paradigms. In other hand, transition of modernism to the Post modernism yield through of motions the social-economic and political sectors that coordinate with the daily human needs and causing rotation of modernism on the Post modernism approach. Specialized movement the change in the field of urban planning of the 1960 s by professionals like Jane Jacob, St. Louis Mumford and Robert Ventury that modernism for destroying life and urban anatomy attacked, was started. The results of using the two paradigms in urban planning and especially the land use are obvious and considerable. As land use system in viewpoint of these two paradigms there are basic differences between the dimensions of theoretical and practical aspects. Results of the comparative study of the land use system show the difference between the two paradigms.

The results of study show that there has been a turn in laws and regulations of land use planning from modernism to postmodernism. The values of modernism have been considered negatively in postmodernism school and there has been a return to the prevailing values of the pre-modernism era. The land use in modernism paradigm has tendency to the detachment functions and zoning of functions by the rigid zoning of region land use. At the postmodernism, conceptions like base-form instructions that farraginous land use and some functional urban spaces are making as an example of the newest approach of the postmodernism control system in the land use instruction is revised.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Comparative Study.
  • land use planning
  • modernism
  • Postmodernism