پهنه بندی کاربری توسعة شهری با استفاده از منطق فازی (fuzzy) در محیط سامانة اطلاعات جغرافیایی (GIS) (مطالعة موردی: گرگان، گنبد و علی‌‌آباد)

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 دکتری تخصصی جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه اصفهان

2 استاد‌یار گروه جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه اصفهان

3 کارشناس ارشد ارزیابی و آمایش محیط زیست، عضو هیئت علمی دانشگاه آزاد آبدانان


سرزمین، منبعی محدود و آسیب­پذیر است، اما اگر از سودمندی­های آن به‌درستی استفاده شود، این منبع، ابدی و قابل تجدید خواهد بود. برای بهره‌برداری از سرزمین، با صرفة اقتصادی و مستمر باید روند بهره‌برداری را در چارچوبی برنامه­ریزی‌شده به نام طرح مدیریت اجرا کرد. چنین تفکری، مقدمه­ای برای آمایش سرزمین یا برنامه­ریزی برای استفاده از اراضی شده است. ایجاد و به­کار­گیری سامانه­های اطلاعات جغرافیای (GIS)، در بسیاری از زمینه‌ها از جمله آمایش سرزمین، محیط زیست و توسعة شهری، به بروز تغییرها و جهش­های عظیمی منجر شد. این پژوهش، تلاش می‌کند بخشی از نیازهای اطلاعاتی در مورد امکان توسعة شهری و تخمین قابلیت اکولوژیکی و اقتصادی- اجتماعی شهرستان­های علی­آباد، گنبد و گرگان در استان گلستان را تأمین کند و مناطق مستعد توسعة شهری را بیابد. در این تحقیق، برای جمع­آوری داده­های مورد نیاز در سامانة اطلاعات جغرافیایی (GIS)، نقشة تناسب اراضی برای کاربری توسعة شهری از روش ارزیابی چندمعیاره (MCE) و فازی­سازی (Fuzzy) استفاده شد و عوامل مورد بررسی با توجه به روش وزن­دهی سلسله‌مراتبی (AHP)، در محیط نرم‌افزار IDRISI Kilimanjaro و ArcGIS آماده شد. نتایج نشان می­دهد که 3،845،306،130 متر مربع از مساحت منطقه با توان بالا، 36،553،066 متر مربع با توان متوسط و 5،067،405،586 متر مربع نیز با توان ضعیف است. 



عنوان مقاله [English]

Zoning Urban Development Iand use Using Fuzzy Logic within Geographical Information System (Case study: Gorgan, gonbad and

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mohammad Salaavarzi zadeh 1
  • Jamal Mohamadi 2
  • Abdollah Kaboudi 3
چکیده [English]

According to the researchers theory, land is a limited and vulnerable resource which can be perpetual or retrievable, in case, utilize from its profits in stately (Makhdoum, 1387: 20). Fortunately, from the late of previous Christian century on, human has realized to have an incessant and frugal exploitation from an area in order to implement programs and projects manageably (Makhdoum, 1387: 20). Such issue is considered as an introduction on land using map or manage to use of lands the scholars narrate that land users is the most valuable, cheapest and effective solution concern reduction of environments destruction and prompt the social peace and economical efficiency, and it the developments methods have been stable, not to signify the economical peace and criterion (Makhdoum, 1387: 21).
Rapid development and evolution of computers technology consist of hardware and software compartments in the recent decades, provided tremendous technical facilities in relation to processing the geometrical and graphic data of land, moreover, it has been organized through applying information (Makhdoum and colleague 1384: 80-eastman and colleague 1998: 180). Our perimeter environment is Saturated with multi criteria and humans are compelled to make decision in such fields, so they designate appropriate techniques for determine consciously (Ghodsipour, 1384: 50)
Need to the development of a strategy and programming in various cases is one of the major reasons to be appealed into multi criteria analysis in land using map (Binat and Nige 2001: 45). So as the domination of multi criteria decisions over environmental management has been considerable this makes the development of specific devices for their controlling within GIS environment.
Present study is provide apart of data on Urbana's development and predict the ecological potency of Aliabad, gonbad and gorgan in golestan province because of placing the capable districts of Urbana's development by applying multi criteria methods within geographical information system.
Materials and Methods
This article is going to achieve the capable districts of Urbana's development, as if, it ask to help from GIS. As long as making the decisions is various, thus using MCE method concern scrutinizes ecological resources with multi variables. The preferred formula for (MCE) is as follow:
S= ∑i=1 to n wi xi * Ӆ ci s= Suitability for the intended zone wi= Weight of each layer
xi= fuzzy layers Ӆ= Accent mark ci=Boolean layers

Discussion of findings
To understand the general targets, firstly, increasing fundamental information of turban's development accommodate to the results of assumptions and various experiences of scholar. After passing through scientific shortages and collect sufficient data, provide a database accompany to substantial amendments.There are two kinds of data layers in (MCE) method as Boolean and fuzzy layers. Boolean layers have 0 and 1 values which imply the definite limitation; however, fuzzy ones have multiple number scalar numbers in condition. By looking upon weight of factors and parameters for any use the layer, will be fuzzy layers which determined 0 to 255. Its desirability increases as far as being closed to 255 numbers. Specific parameter for any user would be saved as data fuzzy layers and using for the combination of layers. Any layer has a Boolean and or (o and 1). (mahini and kamyab 1388: 270)
The weights of factors show according to the bilateral comparisons of analytical hierarchical process in the IDRISI software. One of the most prevalent methods in using data combination is weighted linear combination (WLC). In WLC, the standard factors multiply in the appropriate weight, and then they accumulate together. As the weights have been accounted any cell, afterward created picture should be multiplied in the Boolean limitation in order to exclude the additional zones from accounting. Final image of favorable combinational calculation from 0 to 255 boundaries have no limitation to be developed. In this state, the layer wills be combined through WLC. Final map of Urbana's development land using is by having value from 0 to 255, which this layer is apt to be reclassified.
According to the verbal ecological model of Urbana's development land using, for this reason, most interesting districts are located in the (0 to13) percent slopes with height of 400 to 1200 meter, southern directions and least amount of water and windy erosion in location, closest gaps to the 100 meter of buffer from the user of urban and village and also lakes, more deeper wells of district the distances which far from the faults of location, keeping on the suitable distance from protected areas, acceptable rainfall cover 500 millimeter, half-evolution soil to full evolution with medium granulation, absence of original stones as marn and shist, and also accumulation of the vegetation lesser than 30 percent have been expressed. According to these definition's, after combination of maps and investigation of districts values based on being and absence of increasing and decreasing agents, lands suitability for Urbana's development produced in three potencies: 1)high 2)middle 3)week. The results indicate that 38455306130 meter from area has high potential, 36553066 square meter has middle potential and 5067405586 square meter also is week.
According to the researchers theory, land is a limited and vulnerable resource which can be perpetual or retrievable, in case, utilize from its profits in stately (Makhdoum, 1387: 20). Fortunately, from the late of previous Christian century on, human has realized to have an incessant and frugal exploitation from an area in order to implement programs and projects manageably (Makhdoum, 1387: 20). Such issue is considered as an introduction on land using map or manage to use of lands the scholars narrate that land users is the most valuable, cheapest and effective solution concern reduction of environments destruction and prompt the social peace and economical efficiency, and it the developments methods have been stable, not to signify the economical peace and criterion (Makhdoum, 1387: 21).

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • zoning
  • Fuzzy logic
  • Urbana's development
  • Gorgan
  • gonbad and Aliabad
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