تحلیلی بر وضعیت ساختاری-کالبدی شهر مهاباد از منظر راهبرد توسعۀ شهری (CDS)

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 استاد تمام جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه تهران

2 کارشناس ارشد معماری، دانشگاه آزاد واحد علوم تحقیقات نیشابور

3 دانشجوی دکتری جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه تهران

4 دانشجوی دکتری جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه اصفهان


راهبرد توسعة شهری (CDS) فرایندی همه‌جانبه در مطالعات توسعة شهری در بلندمدت و کوتاه‌مدت است که شهر را از زوایای جامع مطالعه می‌کند و درنهایت برنامه­های اجرایی را متناسب با فرصت­ها، تهدیدها، ضعف‌ها و قوت‌های شهر ارائه می­دهد. از این‌رو، پژوهش حاضر با توجه به اشراف کامل بر شهر مهاباد و چگونگی اجرای طرح راهبرد توسعة شهری در آن، وضعیت ساختاری-کالبدی این شهر را از منظر طرح مذکور تحلیل می‌کند. براین‌اساس، با استفاده از روش توصیفی-تحلیلی و پیمایشی، وضعیت ساختاری-کالبدی شهر مهاباد (محدودة پژوهش) بررسی شده است. روش اصلی تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات پیرامون موضوع مورد بحث، مشاهدات مختلف پیمایشی، مصاحبه‌های صورت‌گرفته با مردم و مسئولان و نیز مطالعات اسنادی از وضعیت گذشته و موجود شهر از بُعد وضعیت ساختاری-کالبدی است. درنهایت، با توجه به مطالعات جامع صورت‌گرفته دربارة این شهر، اهداف بلندمدت، میان‌مدت و کوتاه‌مدت و پروژة اجرایی اهداف کالبدی و ساختاری شهری مهاباد، نتایج نشان می­دهد این شهر با توجه به گسترش کالبدی در طول سال‌های گذشته، امروزه مشکلات متعددی در زمینة مسائل ساختاری، کالبدی و بصری مانند واحدهای مسکونی، معابر، شبکه‌بندی و... دارد که درنهایت بر کیفیت زندگی شهروندان تأثیر گذاشته است. براین‌اساس، راهبرد­ها، حول محور ساماندهی کالبدی مهاباد، اهداف اجرایی پیرامون وضعیت کالبدی-ساختاری شهر و نیز اصول و الگوی ساختاری و کالبدی شهر مهاباد براساس راهبرد توسعة شهری (CDS) ارائه می‌شود.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Analyzing. the physical - structural condition of Mahabad city from city development strategies (CDS) view

نویسندگان [English]

  • Keramatollah Zyyari 1
  • Saied Ghasemi 2
  • Ali Mahdi 3
  • Masoumeh Mahdian Behnamiri 4
چکیده [English]

The city, the most important of human life and human settlements is one of the last half century, due to the increasing degree of urbanization and urban population of the most important aspects of global change, the introduction to the growth and development of cities and provide a broad body changes range from local to global scale land created content. This trend is more pronounced, especially in developing countries, has led many urban areas in terms of population, physical or both, developing and developed, yet "there is a huge demand for the development of basic infrastructure. Cities Iran is not exempt from this, so that along with the rise and development of capitalism, capital accumulation, spatial concentration of production tools and manpower requirements will lead to the development of Urbanization. CDS or urban development strategy, the process of preparation based on long-term vision of the future that is based on the implementation plan is prepared. The main objective of this process, the combination of all the components of effective participation in society, to achieve long-term outlook and priorities in the field of integrated urban settlement and administrative issues and implementing projects identified short-term. The Urban Development Strategy, the circumstances in which the partnership to solve problems of poverty and economic development should be considered. Overall, the strategic document for the development of conforming to social justice through community-wide collaboration to improve the quality of life for all citizens, especially the poor are made and Its main purpose the provision of sustainable urban development through public participation is to build community capacity building. Urban patterns analyzed and designed based on cognitive positivism model which were supplied in unreal environment and far from urban population capacity. Considering growing problems in urban, the Civil Development Strategy (CDS) is an appropriate approach to comprehensive study and strategic management. The approach has provided seriously studying field for managers and urban planners as well as politicians now. In the end, the point is that the process is relatively centralized planning and urban management in cities and the impact of this project on cities and citizens , the necessity of the general framework for the design and use of a dynamic system approach , citizen participation and public review in the preparation , implementation and future landscape urban development , the processes of social, economic and cultural development of the city and urban communities , and good lord components such as transparency , accountability , consensus-building , cooperation , politics, voice , etc. is inevitable .Thus the paper is the results of field studies and library in a part of the implementation strategy for urban development in Mahabad which investigate structural - physical condition of the city.
It is a practical research and its method is descriptive – analytic. Reviewing the concepts and principles of related issue, field study methods (direct observation, interviews with experts and elites of the city) has been used to data collection. In this stage of study, along with field observations from different parts of the city, the state and problems of objective interviews and identification of the groups was explained and advice. The oldest participants were from 31 to 46 and nearly 60 percent of the total population in the study of various classes and groups in Mahabad. Interviewing citizens and officials and various stages of field studies, finally the physical and structural problems in this city were mentioned; then Solutions and executable programs was presented to manage Mahabad city in terms of civil development strategies (CDS).
Results and discussion
Research findings show that more than 91 percent of surveyed populations are not aware of running programs and future programs of urban management (municipalities). The most important current problems of Mahabad are lack of facilities and urban infrastructure, lack of appropriate recreational and sports spaces, Lack of efficient management in city, residents inadequate financial afford, authorities failure in implementing modern methods of scientific agriculture, poor utilization of natural resources and facilities related to them and no citizen participation in urban management and worn tissue, especially in the central parts.
The results show that Mahabad city’s abnormality outlook, particularly in the context of the central city, terminal, Tanakora market, urban and rural interconnection contexts, especially in urban areas around the foothills, expanding without proper infrastructure in urban areas (pristine foothills), compacted context, disorganized and unintelligible due to the development of the automobile and urban development, particularly in areas such as Ashabh Sefid, Shaiegan Gardens, Posht tapeh, Sanjan Abad, Rashid Sufi minerals, Taha Sufi mineral and worn context of Mahabad and marginalized groups in the city made a very terrible landscape in city especially in center and foothills; in other word they brings visual pollution and disturbance. The most important issues concerning spatial- structural studies from urban development strategy view are including: inefficient surface water disposal system especially in central and foothills of city due to its high slope, inappropriate and less durable materials, narrow streets its winding, lack of space on the roadway, chaotic streets of the marginal area, lack of adequate coverage and even coating asphalt streets. Also having good communication situation, pushing Apartments in tissues outside the central city park suitable for tourism due to the possibility of creating a suitable climate, access for pedestrians, and different user composition and to create routes bikes Due to the very good potential as Mahabad Dam, Sahoolan Cave and lagoon Connie Brothers, a relatively wide area of fertile soil the city, coefficient of low probability of earthquakes in the city, started a massive construction zone Zagros health, business exposure to strong edges in the city, according to the sustainability of the physical environment improving the quality of construction and ... are Issues that due to the positive points and areas to maintain proper body structure in future for this city, can take advantage of it be the best.
Keywords: CDS, physical - structural condition, urban management, Mahabad city

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • CDS
  • planning of urban development
  • physical - structural condition
  • urban managemen
  • Mahabad city
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