سنجش و ارزیابی وضعیت حقوق شهروندی در رابطۀ شهروندان با سازمان متروی شهر تهران

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 استاد جغرافیا، دانشگاه تهران

2 دانشجوی دکتری جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه تهران

3 دکتری جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری دانشگاه تبریز، مدرس مدعو دانشگاه تبریز


یکی از مشکلات بزرگ شهرهای ایران نابسامانی ترافیکی و حمل‌ونقل، ناآگاهی شهروندان از مقررات و قوانین و رعایت‌نکردن آن و همچنین رعایت‌نکردن حقوق شهروندان از سوی سازمان‌های مربوط به حمل‌ونقل از جمله مترو یا نبود قوانین در این زمینه  است. یکی از نشانه‌های جامعة پایدار، رعایت حقوق شهروندی است و شهروندان و سیستم حمل‌ونقل شهری حقوقی متقابل نسبت به هم دارند. در این راستا، هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی وضعیت حقوق شهروندی در رابطه با سازمان مترو است. این تحقیق از نظر هدف کاربردی است و با روش توصیفی- تحلیلی و به‌صورت پیمایشی انجام گرفته است. جامعة آماری شامل استفاده‌کنندگان از مترو در شهر تهران است. با توجه به نتایج این پژوهش، بین سه متغیر مورد بررسی یعنی آگاهی از حقوق شهروندی و حقوق متقابل، مشارکت شهروندی و عملکرد مترو رابطة معناداری وجود دارد، اما در زمینة سایر متغیرها معناداری مشاهده نشده است. بین جنس و شغل و تحصیلات با سه متغیر مورد بررسی یعنی آگاهی از حقوق شهروندی و حقوق متقابل، مشارکت شهروندی و عملکرد مترو رابطة معناداری وجود ندارد و شهروندان فقط استفاده‌کنندگان مترو هستند و هیچ مشارکت اجتماعی و مالی در طرح مترو نداشته‌اند؛ بنابراین، احساس مسئولیت و تعهد آن‌ها در سطحی پایین قرار دارد و سازمان نیز در این زمینه از چیزی استقبال نکرده است. در پایان پژوهش، در راستای تدوین حقوق و قوانین شهروندی و حقوق متقابل آن‌ها با سازمان مترو، راهکارهایی ارائه شده است.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Assessment and evaluation the civil rights of citizens in relation to Tehran City's Metro

نویسندگان [English]

  • Ahmad Pourahmad 1
  • Amin Safdari Molan 2
  • Razieh Teimouri 3
چکیده [English]

In Iran one of the big problems in traffic and transport is unawareness or lack of respect to rules by some citizens and so reciprocally lack of rules in this respect in relation to citizens from transport relevant organizations such as Metro. Lack of respect the rights and duties of citizens and reciprocally rights of organizations linked to public transportation such as subway, could be due to a belief or disbelief, respect or non-compliance, or the public awareness of citizenship rights. Awareness of civil rights causes the citizen participation in municipal affairs and it causes they be more stability, continuity, and they can be more responsible. Discussion about mutual rights of citizens and organizations such as the Tehran Metropolitan Transportation is the important discussion. Citizens of Tehran metropolis according to the its strategic situation and the demographic and economic situation in the country, and also according to the urban population's need for rapid movement, they require more knowledge about their mutual rights and subway system. So, the present study is an effective step to know about each other reciprocal rights and duties of citizens and the subway.

The research method is descriptive – analytic, and a research was done with 100 questionnaires at Engelab and government gate stations and also by citizens in Tehran city. And the data were analyzed using SPSS. The purpose of this study is to "identify, describe and analyze the mutual rights and duties of citizens and metro, and provide strategies for upgrading it '. In order to measure and test implementations of civil rights from citizens perspectives, one sample T-test method in spss statistical software is used that compare the mean observed variable of interest and the expected rate. and to evaluate the relationship between the measured variables and their significant degree, correlation and regression tests are used. And the impact of each independent variable on the dependent is examined.

Results and discussion
43% of respondents in Tehran, for its daily movement use the metro. 32% use the bus, 12% use personal cars, 8% use the taxis, 3% bike and 2% use other vehicles to transport in daily use. Respondent's awareness of their rights about citizenship and the rights in relation to the Metro has been measured.
Most respondents stated that their consciousness of rights is in an intermediate level. And also, most of them agree that if they be aware about mutual civil and organizations rights, it improve the Metro performance.
According to Citizens states, they did not have much participation in the development of Metro and their knowledge about metro programs and its development is in very small level. And also the function of Metro in relation to services and the rights of citizens has been measured. Citizen satisfaction about the Metro performance in quality and access speed and distance of movement and location of stations was higher than other options.
-Examining the relation with regression between the awareness variable with participation and test first hypotheses:
Meaningful level between awareness varies and participation variable is 00/0, this shows significant relationship between awareness and participation. It means that whatever the awareness of citizen's rights and the Metro's rights is in high level, the participation level is also is higher. So lack of awareness of civil rights lows the level of participation. Thus the first hypothesis of research "there is meaningful relationship between awareness of citizen rights and citizen participation" approved:
- regression correlation between knowledge variable with and function variable and testing the second hypothesis:
By examining the correlation between awareness with function is observed that the level of its meaningful is 00/0. and this represents a very high significance level, so the second hypothesis" there is relationship between the awareness of citizen's rights and the rights of Metro organization with function of Metro organization" is confirmed:
-Pearson correlations between the ages, gender, education and occupation variables, with awareness, participation and function variables and testing the third hypothesis:
There is no correlation between the age and three variables; awareness, participation and function, so this part of the third hypothesis "there is relationship between age and awareness of citizenship rights with function of Metro" rejected.
Examination the correlation between gender and participation variable shows that there is a significant relationship between gender and participation. And this part of hypothesis confirmed.
Also, the correlation between sex and performance variables shows that there isn't significant relationship between them and this part of third hypothesis rejected.
Examining correlation between education and subway organization practice concluded that there is no significant relationship between them, so this part of third hypothesis rejected too.
And also there is no significant relationship between jobs with awareness, function and participation, and then this part of the third hypothesis is rejected too.

the results of this study shows have that among the three variables; awareness of citizens' rights and mutual rights, citizen participation and function of subway there was significant relationship. and their meaningful is in high level. But in other variables were meaningful not observed.
To raise awareness on the citizenship rights and citizen participation and also improving metro organizational performance following suggestions are offered:
- editing the citizenship laws and their mutual rights with the metro.

-having education in civil rights and the metro rules in the media for citizens of and train experts in this field.
-Recruitment experts in the respective fields in the metro and related organizations.
- Citizens participation in the design and development of the subway and other transportation routes.
- Encouraging the use of public transportation, especially the subway to reduce pollution and traffic monitoring in metropolitan Tehran.
- Development of metro to other areas in need.
- Development of the Metro facilities and additional security to all classes of society.
-pay attention to disabilities for take more advantage of the Metro.
- Reduce Metro ticket prices than other means of transport.
-Planning and development of an integrated transport system in order to more benefit and better efficiency for metro.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • civil rights
  • Citizen
  • Participation
  • Awareness
  • mutual relationship
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