تحلیل و تبیین تأثیرات صنعت نفت بر ساختار فضایی شهر (مطالعۀ موردی: شهر آبادان)

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم و تحقیقات

2 استادیار گروه جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی روستایی، دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی

3 استاد گروه جغرافیای سیاسی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم و تحقیقات


هر پدیده‌ای در فضا و مکان اتفاق می‌افتد و متناسب با وضعیتش بر آن تأثیر می‌گذارد. صنعت و توسعۀ صنعتی نیز از این امر مستثنا نیست و به‌عنوان فعالیت پایۀ اقتصادی، با تأثیرگذاری بر سیاست‌های کلان ملی متفاوت و تأثیرپذیری از آن­ها، دگرگونی‌ها و تحولات عمیق ساختاری را ایجاد کرده و اشکال خاص ساختار فضایی-کالبدی را در شهرها به نمایش گذاشته است. هر راهبرد صنعتی، به نوعی آرایش فضا منجر می‌شود. بدون درک درست از مسائل و تغییرات صنعتی نمی‌توان تصویر صحیحی از شهرسازی و برنامه‌ریزی شهری و منطقه‌ای داشت. ساختار فضایی شهرها، به روابط مختلف و متقابل تمامی نیروها و عوامل موجود در شهر بستگی دارد. این عوامل شامل نیروی بازار، فعالیت‌ها، زیرساخت‌های شهری و خدمات گوناگون است (احمدی، 1374: 2). شهرها از ساخت‌های متفاوتی از جمله اجتماعی، اقتصادی، کالبدی و... تشکیل شده‌اند، اما هنگامی‌که در شهرسازی از ساختار فضایی شهر یاد می‌شود، منظور همان ساخت کالبدی شهر است که در آن، عناصر و اجزای تشکیل‌دهندۀ شهر و چگونگی ترکیب آن مدنظر قرار می‌گیرد (حسن‌زاده رومیزی، 1387: 20). ساختار فضایی هر شهر، به گذشتۀ آن و عوامل و حوادثی مربوط می‌شود که شرایط محیط را طی زمان برای ایجاد و برقراری آن به­وجود آورده است (زیاری و دیگران، 1393: 256). شکل‌گیری ساختار فضایی-کالبدی شهرها، بازتاب و برآیند اندیشه‌های متفاوتی است که در مکان‌ها و زمان‌های مختلف حاکم بوده­اند و ساخت‌های شهرهای متفاوتی را ایجاد کرده­اند (هوسینگ، 1381: 86). تحولات فرهنگی-اجتماعی و اقتصادی قرن نوزدهم و بیستم، با تأثیرپذیری از مدرنیسم سبب گسترش سریع شهرها و پیدایش کلان‌شهرها شده و تغییراتی بنیادی را در ساختار و سازمان فضایی-کالبدی آن‌ها به­وجود آورده است (زیاری، 1381: 151-164). این تحولات و به‌تبع آن رشد شتابان شهرنشینی، سبب ازبین­رفتن انسجام در ساختار فضایی و قطبی­شدن یک یا چند کانون شهری شده است. چنین تغییراتی، نحوۀ چیدمان کاربری‌ها در شهر، تراکم ساختمانی و جمعیتی و شبکۀ حمل‌ونقل را شامل می‌شود. درنتیجه، الگوهای شهری متفاوت با ساختار فضایی و سیستم حمل‌ونقل مرتبط با آن را به­وجود می‌آورد (رودریگوه، 1387: 54).



عنوان مقاله [English]

The study of the effects of the oil industry on the spatial structure of the city (Case Study: Abadan)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Sadegh Besharatifar 1
  • Esmaeil Ghaderi 2
  • Zahra Pishgahi Fard 3
2 Assistant professor Department of tourism management ,allameh tabatabi university, Tehran,
3 - full professor department of geography political Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran,
چکیده [English]

The study of the effects of the oil industry on the spatial structure of the city (Case Study: Abadan)

Sadegh besharatifar
Esmaeil Ghaderi
Zahra Pishgahi Fard

Extended Abstract
The results show that some oil company: Bvardh, Breym and Cyclin which is about 9/6 percent of the area of the city and 4/6 percent of the population have more per capita than other 36 neighborhoods of the city of Abadan. So that an imbalance in spatial structure and irregularities, contradictions and double standards in urban morphology, ecology, social and economic have been created in Abadan. The results obtained from the analysis of Friedman model showed that most of the gap between Abadan neighborhoods belongs to the neighborhoods of oil industry because the overall average rating of these neighborhoods compared to other neighborhoods in the city of Abadan offers a much lower amounts. It can be said that, boroughs such as Board, Brim and silken which are finance ally supported by oil company receive high level services, on the other hand, other boroughs which were created organic and automatically do not benefit from good facilities and proper welfare amenities in urban infrastructures. The effects of this form of development and also unequal distribution of proper facilities to receive social, economical, special and urban features causes a paradox (contrast) in the special structure of Abadan.
Based on the analysis of the impact of the spatial structure of employees of the oil industry on spatial structure through economic variable equal to 0/036, 0/053of varying social and physical variable is equal to0/066. This suggests that the changing economics of employees of the oil industry through economical variables had the maximum impact and through the physical variables had minimal impact on spatial structure in the city of Abadan. By0/488, the oil industry had substantial and significant direct impacts on urban spatial structure of Abadan which has greatly sorted inconsistency, contradiction and injustice created in spatial structure the city. This issue has caused social justice and sustainable development to face with serious problems.
Any phenomenon occurs obligatory in the specific space and location, consequently affects the space and location, to some extent. Industry and industrial development as a basic economical activity is not exception and causes an effectiveness tromp different national policies at macro level or causes to be influenced by changes and strong structural reforms. It has shown specific forms of space- matrix structures in the city. Any industrial strategy leads to a space planning/ designing. It is not possible to understand and imagine urban planning without having a good / accurate understanding of industrial changes and issues. The special structure the city depends on different interrelationships of all forces and factors within the city. These factors can include the force of market. activities, urban city infra structures and various services
Cities have been formed from a vanity of Social, economic, and formal
Structures However, mentioning the spatial structure of a city means its formal structure in which the elemental composing items and the way they are mixed taken into consideration. The spatial structure of every city depends on its background and the factors and events which have created some environmental circumstances to develop it. The formation of cities, spatial-formal structure reflects the collision of some various views and ideas governing different times and places. Cultural, social, and economic changes in the 19 and 20 the centuries influenced by modernism have to the rapid growth cities and the appearing of megacarriers with fundamental transformations their organizational and structural form these changes and their following rapid city dwellings growth has led.
To the new spatial structure and polarizing one more city centers.
The changes include city arrangement method, building density and population, and transportation networks. Hence, different city patterns with different spatial structures and related transportation systems are created.
In order to obtain data, documentary and library methods are used. The required information is used to obtain the average income of the families in urban parts through administration of questionnaires in the urban parts of Abadan. Using kook ran formula and according to the number of families in each urban region, volume sample for region one (361), region two(346), region three (370), region four(332), region five(345), region six(340), region(340) region seven(361),region eight(334), region nine(363), region ten(365) and for region eleven(228). Then in the urban parts, the volume of questionnaires is determined regarding the number of family members in proportion to all families . The questionnaires are distributed to families a simply random method. In order measure and to obtain the average of land in square meter, the price was asked from the real estate agencies in each part of Abadan.
Conclusions and discussion
The result obtained from spreading pattern, fridman test, branch analysis model, and analytic tests of Levin and integrated indicators, all lead us to issues that the basic and problematic factor causing disorder in boroughs and spatial structure of Abadan was the oil company and its activities and side applications. The effects of this kind of development as well as in equal and inefficient distribution of the mentioned indicators have caused a type of paradox in the spatial structure of Abadan.
The results show that some oil company districts like: Bovard ,Berim, and Siklin belonging to the oil company industry employees and supported by it have higher standard services. However, other suburbs lacked the necessary welfare infrastructural services, and effects of such form of development and undesirable, unequal distribution let to some polarity in e structure of Abadan.
This led disarrangement, incongruity, contrast, and injustice in the morphology of districts and the whelp city regarding the indices of economic, social and formal structure as well as the population .
Keywords: analysis, effects of the oil industry, spatial structure, Abadan

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Analysis
  • Industry
  • Structure
  • Abadan
  • Spatial
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