تحلیل الگوی گسترش فیزیکی شهر خرم‌آباد با استفاده از مدل‌های آنتروپی شانون و هلدرن و تعیین جهات بهینۀ گسترش آن با استفاده از مدل AHP

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 دانشیار گروه جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری دانشکدۀ جغرافیا، دانشگاه تهران

2 کارشناس ارشد جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری دانشگاه تهران، کارشناس شهرسازی منطقه 18 شهرداری تهران

3 دانشجوی دکتری تخصصی جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری دانشگاه خوارزمی، کارشناس طرح تفصیلی شهرداری شیراز

4 دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری- آمایش شهری، دانشگاه پیام نور رشت


یکی از مهم­ترین مباحث شهر و شهرنشینی در ایران امروز، بررسی و تحلیل رشد و توسعة کالبدی-فضایی شهر و شهرنشینی است. در این زمینه، هدف کلی برنامه­ریزی شهری تأمین رفاه مردم از طریق ایجاد محیطی بهتر، سالم­تر، آسان­تر، مؤثرتر و دلپذیرتر است. به‌این‌ترتیب، تحلیل تناسب زمین برای توسعة شهری و شناسایی اراضی مناسب و اولویت­دار برای توسعة­ فضایی بسیار ضروری می­نماید. هدف این پژوهش، تحلیل عوامل و شاخص­های کمی مؤثر بر رشد نامتعادل شهر خرم­آباد است. نوع تحقیق کاربردی و روش اجرای آن توصیفی-تحلیلی است. در پژوهش حاضر، با  بهره‌گیری از مدل‌های آنتروپی شانون و هلدرن، متغیرهای فضایی رشد نامتعادل خرم­آباد تحلیل شده است. براساس یافته­های پژوهش در زمینة رشد نامتعادل در فاصلة سال­های 1368- 1390، حدود 24 درصد از این رشد مربوط به افزایش جمعیت و 76 درصد دیگر مربوط به رشد افقی و اسپرال است. طبق نتایج تحلیل یافته­های تحقیق، با توجه به گسترش شکاف ارزش آنتروپی ناشی از رشد افقی و اسپرال خرم‌آباد، که متأثر از الگوی رشد خطی آن است، الگوی قطاعی متمرکز الگوی مطلوب گسترش آتی آن تشخیص داده شد. به‌منظور تحقق این مسئلة مهم، باید با تقدم زمانی و مکانی از الگوی گسترش تمرکز درون بافتی و در عین حال الگوی پیوستة قطاعی با توسعة سیستم شبکة ارتباطی متقاطع و مورب بهره گرفت. در بخش پایانی تحقیق با تهیة لایه­های اطلاعاتی قابلیت اراضی، سطوح ارتفاعی، شیب، شبکة ارتباطی، فرودگاه، گورستان، رودخانه، شهرک صنعتی و نقاط روستایی اطراف شهر اراضی مناسب به‌منظور توسعة آتی شهر درنظر گرفته شد. یافته­های پژوهش بیانگر مکان‌یابی توسعة آتی شهر به سمت جنوب خرم‌آباد است.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Physical development pattern analysis of Khorramabad city using models Shannon entropy and Holdern and determine optimal ways to expand the use of Model AHP

نویسندگان [English]

  • Hosein Hatami Nejad 1
  • Akbar Lorestani 2
  • Sajad Ahmadi 3
  • Maryam Mohammadi 4
2 Tehran Municipality
چکیده [English]

One of the most important discussions in urban and urbanization in current Iran is to determine and analyze the growth and physical- spatial improvement of urban and urbanization. In this relation the main objective of urban planning is to prepare residences welfare via establishment of better, healthier, easier, more efficient, and pleasant environment. To this end, suitable analysis of earth to improve urban and determining suitable fields‌ and among the prioritiesfor spatial development is essential. To this end, the aim of presented research is to study the procedure of physical improvement of Khoramabad, identifying influent factors in urban spatial improvement, studying the sequences of city improvement and its physical paradigms, identifying the capacities and development limits of the city, providing solutions principles and action plan for the physical development of the city. A research method in this study has been of type analytical - descriptive. After historical development of the city, factors and constraints affecting the physical development of the city has been studied. Based on assumptions set forth in the study, the role of natural and human factors, the physical expansion of Khoramabad has been studied. The results show that the natural and human factors and barriers have a major role in direction of the city's physical development.
At final part, preparing informational layers such as land capability, surface elevation, slope, land stability, communication networks, airports, cemeteries, rivers, industrial and rural areas and entrance of these layers to ArcGIS and their analyzing in geographical information system database, using AHP model and Expert Choice Software, suitable lands for future development of city were determined. These lands are mostly located at the south parts of city.One of the most important discussions in urban and urbanization in current Iran is to determine and analyze the growth and physical- spatial improvement of urban and urbanization. In this relation the main objective of urban planning is to prepare residences welfare via establishment of better, healthier, easier, more efficient, and pleasant environment. To this end, suitable analysis of earth to improve urban and determining suitable fields‌ and among the prioritiesfor spatial development is essential. To this end, the aim of presented research is to study the procedure of physical improvement of Khoramabad, identifying influent factors in urban spatial improvement, studying the sequences of city improvement and its physical paradigms, identifying the capacities and development limits of the city, providing solutions principles and action plan for the physical development of the city. A research method in this study has been of type analytical - descriptive. After historical development of the city, factors and constraints affecting the physical development of the city has been studied. Based on assumptions set forth in the study, the role of natural and human factors, the physical expansion of Khoramabad has been studied. The results show that the natural and human factors and barriers have a major role in direction of the city's physical development.
At final part, preparing informational layers such as land capability, surface elevation, slope, land stability, communication networks, airports, cemeteries, rivers, industrial and rural areas and entrance of these layers to ArcGIS and their analyzing in geographical information system database, using AHP model and Expert Choice Software, suitable lands for future development of city were determined. These lands are mostly located at the south parts of city.
One of the most important discussions in urban and urbanization in current Iran is to determine and analyze the growth and physical- spatial improvement of urban and urbanization. In this relation the main objective of urban planning is to prepare residences welfare via establishment of better, healthier, easier, more efficient, and pleasant environment. To this end, suitable analysis of earth to improve urban and determining suitable fields‌ and among the prioritiesfor spatial development is essential. To this end, the aim of presented research is to study the procedure of physical improvement of Khoramabad, identifying influent factors in urban spatial improvement, studying the sequences of city improvement and its physical paradigms, identifying the capacities and development limits of the city, providing solutions principles and action plan for the physical development of the city. A research method in this study has been of type analytical - descriptive. After historical development of the city, factors and constraints affecting the physical development of the city has been studied. Based on assumptions set forth in the study, the role of natural and human factors, the physical expansion of Khoramabad has been studied. The results show that the natural and human factors and barriers have a major role in direction of the city's physical development.
At final part, preparing informational layers such as land capability, surface elevation, slope, land stability, communication networks, airports, cemeteries, rivers, industrial and rural areas and entrance of these layers to ArcGIS and their analyzing in geographical information system database, using AHP model and Expert Choice Software, suitable lands for future development of city were determined. These lands are mostly located at the south parts of city.One of the most important discussions in urban and urbanization in current Iran is to determine and analyze the growth and physical- spatial improvement of urban and urbanization. In this relation the main objective of urban planning is to prepare residences welfare via establishment of better, healthier, easier, more efficient, and pleasant environment. To this end, suitable analysis of earth to improve urban and determining suitable fields‌ and among the prioritiesfor spatial development is essential. To this end, the aim of presented research is to study the procedure of physical improvement of Khoramabad, identifying influent factors in urban spatial improvement, studying the sequences of city improvement and its physical paradigms, identifying the capacities and development limits of the city, providing solutions principles and action plan for the physical development of the city

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • urban physical development
  • Geographical Information System
  • analytical hierarchical process
  • urban optimal development
  • Khoramabad City
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