سطح پایداری محله‌ای و رابطۀ آن با توسعۀ اجتماعی در محلۀ نازی‌آباد تهران

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 دکتری جغرافیای انسانی، گرایش برنامه‌ریزی روستایی، شهری و منطقه‌ای، دانشگاه تهران

2 کارشناس ارشد برنامه ریزی شهری و منطقه ای، دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی


به‌دلیل نیاز گسترده به احیای حس تعلق اجتماعی در شهرهای امروز، هدف مجموعة مدیریت شهری به‌نوعی سیاست‌گذاری، برنامه‌ریزی و مدیریت شهری در «محله» است و با طرح موضوعاتی چون محله‌محوری، شهروندمداری و مشارکت شهروندی بیش از هر زمان دیگری در راستای تجدید ساختار محله‌ای تلاش می‌شود. در پژوهش حاضر، با نگاهی به مقولة برنامه‌ریزی محله‌مبنا، ابعاد مختلف آن مطرح و سطح پایداری محلة نازی‌آباد بررسی می‌شود. بعد از انتخاب «نازی‌آباد» به‌عنوان محلة مورد پژوهش، با استفاده از مدل کوکران 381 نفر از ساکنان برای جامعة نمونه درنظر گرفته شدند. روش تحقیق با توجه به اهداف و ماهیت موضوع «سطح پایداری محله‌ای» و در ارتباط با پرسش‌های تحقیق، توصیفی- اکتشافی است. به‌منظور گردآوری اطلاعات از دو روش مطالعات اسنادی و پیمایشی استفاده شده است. براساس بررسی‌های صورت‌گرفته، میزان پایداری محلة نازی‌آباد از لحاظ اجتماعی و زیست‌محیطی متوسط رو به پایین و از نظر اقتصادی متوسط است؛ بنابراین، میزان موافقت با این نظر که محلة نازی‌آباد از نظر شاخص توسعه، محله‌ای پایدار محسوب می‌شود در حد متوسط رو به پایین است. درادامه، رابطة متغیرهای شغل، میزان درآمد و تحصیلات با شاخص پایداری محله آزمون شد و مشخص شد بین شغل ساکنان و میزان پایداری محلة نازی‌آباد رابطة ضعیف و مثبت وجود دارد و بین میزان درآمد و تحصیلات ساکنان با میزان پایداری محلة نازی‌آباد رابطه‌ای وجود ندارد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

The level of neighborhood stability and Its relationship with social development in the Nazi Abad neighborhood, Tehran

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mahmood Jomepoor 1
  • sepideh mokhlesian 2
چکیده [English]

Extended abstract


neighborhoods are One of the fundamental elements of constructive urban and geographic/ physical medium scale units, that form The residential area of urban and space region which we live every day. Planning and design of neighborhood scale, directly influences our daily lives, as determines The quality of our access to facilities at the neighborhood level, How to travel to reach the specific destination and how much Opportunities to interact with others .Also, the local scale is the level which occurs The development projects in-whether large or small scale projects that causes extensive changes at urban texture in the macro-level-. At this level, even relatively minor decisions related to the design and space planning, such as the width and design of streets, buildings and blocks size, the composition of the land uses and the location and type of parks and public spaces can be comprise significant results and effects on the livability and urban stability.
Because of the need to rebuild and restore the sense of social belonging which widely sensed in modern urban societies, neighborhood scale has become one of the major surfaces in planning. In this context, neighborhood sustainable development can be considered as a prerequisite for sustainable city and region development .Todays oriented-focused approach and pragmatism has been replaced by non-focused approach in designs and urban development. the objective of using small scale here is micro – urban units (generally neighborhood )which all daily tasks will be generalized in by walking distances.
As there are unsustainable issues and threats like energy consuming, waste of basic sources, population growth, wrong produce and consume patterns, pollution increase that is seen in Tehran a lot, even for protecting the moment, it is inevitable to adjust environmental views in planning and governing the metropolis. Nazi Abad is one of the oldest neighborhoods of Tehran located in District 16.
By reviewing the researches we have realized that most of researches have been done in country, estate or city scale. And most of the criteria that were used were totally different. we have tried to evaluate economical, social and environmental aspects in Naziabad. this research at first would introduce the sustainable neighborhood along with its dimensions and measures and will be followed by measuring the stability of NaziAbad and regarding available abilities in this neighborhood some suggestions will be given to improve the district situation and turning into a stable district. To achieve this aim, the following questions were raised:
- Is Nazi Abad district of economically, socially and environmentally sustainable neighborhood?
- Is the job, education and income associated with the stability of the neighborhood?


In this project, 381 people were selected as the sample of the society By Cochran model.
Method of this research is defining – exploring. For gathering the data we used two documental and survey methods. Demography of this society is people of the NaziAbad and they have been chosen by random.
A questionnaire was used to collect data. For this purpose, first Criteria and indicators of sustainable urban settlements were extracted and the next step They were complying with the conditions of urban neighborhoods. Thus the first step Using some of the studies, The indicators were extracted And after consultation with teachers and experts in the field of urban and regional planning And after passing through the filter initial questionnaire, In the pre-test, 73 items were used in the final questionnaire. After completing the questionnaire, Data obtained from the statistical community was measured using frequency distribution and various test On Spss software.
In the study of sustainable development in three basic dimensions of social, economic and environmental investigated. It is explained that the assessment of the social dimension of participation indicators - solidarity, cohesion - belonging, personal security - social, recreation and leisure, public education and health were used. In order to assess the economic dimension of employment indicators - income, housing, facilities - infrastructure and public transport services were used, and the environmental indicators and green open spaces, pollution and vision were measured.

Results and discussion:

The general characteristics of the respondents such as gender, age, occupation, education level and household income were examined and the following questions were answered.
In the study of sustainable development in three basic dimensions of social, economic and environmental investigated. It is explained that the assessment of the social dimension of participation indicators - solidarity, cohesion - belonging, personal security - social, recreation and leisure, public education and health were used. In order to assess the economic dimension of employment indicators - income, housing, facilities - infrastructure and public transport services were used, and the environmental indicators and green open spaces, pollution and vision were measured. As a result,
Degree of agreement with the idea that the neighborhood is Naziabad social dimension of sustainable sites is moderate downward. Agree with the idea that the rate of economic in Naziabad neighborhood locations are sustainable in the medium. Degree of agreement with the idea that local environmental Naziabad dimension is moderately stable areas and the degree of agreement with the idea that Face Down. Naziabad neighborhood development index is moderately stable areas is Face Down.
Continued existence of the relationship between occupation, education level and income level of neighborhood stability was examined. And was identified as the occupation of Nazi Abad neighborhood residents and stability of weak and there is a positive relationship between income and education level of residents with Nazi Abad neighborhood stability of a relationship does not exist.


According to the researches, sustainability of this neighborhood in social and environmental aspects are weak and in economical aspect is medium. As a result the sustainability of Naziabad neighborhood is almost weak.


sustainable neighborhood, Nazi abad, social, economic, environmental

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • sustainable neighborhood
  • Naziabad
  • social
  • Economic
  • Environmental
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