تبیین نقش رقابت‏ پذیری کلان‏ شهری در توسعة منطقه ‏ای (مطالعة موردی: کلان‏شهرتهران)

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 گروه شهرسازی، واحد تهران جنوب، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران

2 گروه شهرسازی، واحد تهران جنوب، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران و دانشیار و عضو هیئت ‌علمی گروه جغرافیای انسانی و آمایش دانشگاه شهید بهشتی تهران، ایران


رقابت مهم ‏ترین ابزار برای جذب مزیت‏ ها و موقعیت‏ ها به شکل صحیح است. در اندیشة برنامه ‏ریزی توسعة شهری پرداختن به توسعة کلان‏شهرها به ‏مثابة یکی از اصلی ‏ترین پایگاه ‏های تولید و توزیع ثروت و ارزش ‏افزوده به‏ شمار می ‏رود. در چنین شرایطی، اهمیت نواحی اداری- سیاسی با کارکردهای ملی و فراملی افزایش می‏ یابد؛ به ‏طوری‏ که نواحی پیرامونی آن از جریان ‏های اجتماعی- اقتصادی تأثیر می‏ پذیرد. بررسی این تأثیرات می ‏تواند بازخورد رقابت‏ پذیری نواحی کلان‏شهری را بازگو کند. بنابراین، هدف کلی پژوهش بررسی نقش رقابتی کلان‏شهر تهران در توسعة منطقه ‏ای است. روش تحقیق ‏از نوع پیمایشی است؛ تحقق هدف فوق و شناخت دقیق ابعاد مسئله در گرو مطالعه، بررسی، و تحلیل دیدگاه‏ های صاحب‏نظران است که به دنبال مقدمة پژوهش به آن پرداخته خواهد شد. پیش ‏فرض پژوهش بر این گزاره که «توسعة منطقه‏ای نتیجة نقش و تأثیر رقابت‏پذیری کلان‏شهر (تهران) است» استوار شده است. این تحقیق از نوع کاربردی و در آن نوع پرسش‏نامه از نوع محقق‏ ساخته است. جامعة آماری تحقیق را 70 نفر از استادان و اعضای هیئت‏ علمی تشکیل می ‏دهد که داده‏ های پژوهش با استفاده از نرم‏ افزار SPSS و Lisrel اندازه‏گیری شد. بر اساس آزمون میسر- می بر و اولین و با توجه به اینکه مقدار آن برابر با 72/0 است، قضاوت دربارة آن در حد خوب گزارش می ‏شود. با توجه به مقدار مجذور گای و سطح معناداری آزمون کروی‏ات بارتلت (01/0P< و15/62X2=) نتیجه گرفته می‏ شود که بین عامل‏ ها همبستگی وجود دارد. ملاحظه می‏ شود که همة مؤلفه ‏ها با نقش کلان‏شهر تهران در توسعة منطقه ‏ای دارای همبستگی قابل‏ قبول ‏اند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Explain the role of metropolis competitiveness in regional development of Iran (Case study: Tehran metropolis)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Esmail Omidali 1
  • Zohreh Fanni 2
  • Naser Shafie Sabet 2
1 Azad University
چکیده [English]

In a world where development is one of the main goals in societies, addressing metropolitan issues is one of the main bases for the production and distribution of wealth and added value. Competition is the most important tool for attracting advantages and opportunities correctly. In this study, first a brief review of the history of research and then theories and perspectives on the competitiveness of metropolises, and its "key components" and then its role in regional development of Iran and also the relationship between the components of metropolitan competitiveness on regional development. Been paid. Therefore, considering the importance and necessity of this issue, the overall purpose of the research is to investigate the role of Tehran metropolis in regional development. The research method is survey; The realization of the above goal and accurate knowledge of the dimensions of the problem, in the study group, is the study and analysis of the views of experts. Regional development is the result of the role and impact of competitiveness of the metropolis (Tehran). This research is of applied type and in terms of research method, descriptive and survey class in which the type of questionnaire is researcher type. The statistical population of the research consists of 70 professors and faculty members who use the research data using SPSS and Lisrel software were measured. Accordingly, in the exploratory analysis of the first stage (the question of the role of the metropolis in regional development), the results show that all the required assumptions related to the use of factor analysis have been met. The Kaiser-Meyer and Oaklin test is an indicator of sample adequacy. Determined the degree of belonging of variables to each other (causal factor) and as a result, their suitability for factor analysis and also determined the suitability of each variable alone. Considering that its value is equal to 0.79. Assessing the reliability of the extractive factors of the Tehran metropolis role questionnaire in regional development, it is determined that the reliability of the components and the Tehran metropolis role questionnaire in regional development is acceptable. Exploratory analysis of the second stage (metropolis role questionnaire in regional development) in which in this stage, all 3 components of the Tehran metropolis role questionnaire in regional development are examined based on the Kaiser-Meyer and Oaklin test, and considering that Its value is equal to 0.72, so the judgment about it is reported to be good. Considering the amount of chi-square and the significance level of Bartlett sphericity test (P <0.01 and X2 = 62.15), it is concluded that there is a correlation between the factors. And it is observed that all components have an acceptable correlation with the role of Tehran metropolis in regional development. In a world where development is one of the main goals in societies, addressing metropolitan issues is one of the main bases for the production and distribution of wealth and added value. Competition is the most important tool for attracting advantages and opportunities correctly. In this study, first a brief review of the history of research and then theories and perspectives on the competitiveness of metropolises, and its "key components" and then its role in regional development of Iran and also the relationship between the components of metropolitan competitiveness on regional development. Been paid. Therefore, considering the importance and necessity of this issue, the overall purpose of the research is to investigate the role of Tehran metropolis in regional development. The research method is survey; The realization of the above goal and accurate knowledge of the dimensions of the problem, in the study group, is the study and analysis of the views of experts. Regional development is the result of the role and impact of competitiveness of the metropolis (Tehran). This research is of applied type and in terms of research method, descriptive and survey class in which the type of questionnaire is researcher type. The statistical population of the research consists of 70 professors and faculty members who use the research data using SPSS and Lisrel software were measured. Accordingly, in the exploratory analysis of the first stage (the question of the role of the metropolis in regional development), the results show that all the required assumptions related to the use of factor analysis have been met. The Kaiser-Meyer and Oaklin test is an indicator of sample adequacy. Determined the degree of belonging of variables to each other (causal factor) and as a result, their suitability for factor analysis and also determined the suitability of each variable alone. Considering that its value is equal to 0.79. Assessing the reliability of the extractive factors of the Tehran metropolis role questionnaire in regional development, it is determined that the reliability of the components and the Tehran metropolis role questionnaire in regional development is acceptable. Exploratory analysis of the second stage (metropolis role questionnaire in regional development) in which in this stage, all 3 components of the Tehran metropolis role questionnaire in regional development are examined based on the Kaiser-Meyer and Oaklin test, and considering that Its value is equal to 0.72, so the judgment about it is reported to be good. Considering the amount of chi-square and the significance level of Bartlett sphericity test (P <0.01 and X2 = 62.15), it is concluded that there is a correlation between the factors. And it is observed that all components have an acceptable correlation with the role of Tehran metropolis in regional development. In a world where development is one of the main goals in societies, addressing metropolitan issues is one of the main bases for the production and distribution of wealth and added value. Competition is the most important tool for attracting advantages and opportunities correctly. In this study, first a brief review of the history of research and then theories and perspectives on the competitiveness of metropolises, and its "key components"

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • کلان‌شهر"
  • توسعه"
  • منطقه‌ای"
  • رقابت‌پذیری شهری"
  • "
  • تهران "
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