Marginalization and Its Role in the Emergence and Spread of Drug Abuse and Addiction (Case Study: Ardabil)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Uncontrolled growth of cities in the recent years, especially in developing countries, has created many problems in different aspects of the country, in national, regional and local levels. This has also led to suburbanization and squatter areas. These cities are faced with many challenges. Some of these challenges are related to abnormal texture conditions and unbridled physical (marginalization) and some other challenges related to social, cultural, economic conditions resulting from urban phenomenon. Therefore, it is very important to understand the role of suburbanization in the emergence of different social disorders. This is because one of the major concerns of the third world countries is due to urbanization problems, suburbanization. This study wants to study the role of marginalization in social damage, particularly in the drug deal.
The research method is descriptive - analytical and the data have been derived from field research and information resource. Marginalization in Ardabil region is also famous thirteen-fold indicating that most of these areas have been in certain time ranges. The expansion and sprawl of suburbanization in Ardabil city and urbanizing non-urban population in this city added more to behavioral disorders in that part of the city. In fact, the first cell of the formation areas is in direct contact with marginalization development of urbanization, the period of land reform and the influx of villagers without land to the cities and between countries in the early 1970s. However, it is escalated to 70 simultaneous conversions of Ardabil city center of the province. Sampling was done through simple random method and from among all Ardabil zones, Mir-Ashraf zone was selected as the sample.  In estimating sample volume for distributing questionnaires we used Cochran’s method; hence from among 1896 households we selected 90 households as our sample volume and the related questionnaires were distributed randomly among them. After data collection through questionnaire and acquiring official statistics from the related organizations, data analysis was done through SPSS and GIS applications.
Results and Discussion
The results of the statistical analysis of addiction indicate the 7.91 of the highest social damage in the neighborhood Mir-Ashraf. According to estimates derived from the number of people suffering from addiction in Ardabil marginalized region, about 80 percent of people in a region have the damage.
From the perspective of urban ecology, urban mass increase is directly related to increasing of local population. This is especially true in suburban neighborhoods. Research findings indicated that rapid growth of urbanization along with suburbanization sprawl have led to social disorders like drug addiction in Ardabil city especially in suburbanized and squatter areas of this city. The previous studies confirmed the hypothesis that urban ecology and urban social pathologies are much more prevalent in some areas than other areas. In the present research the environment influences human (social) economic and social conditions and cultural place, and the incidence of social pathology has been demonstrated. Therefore, it can be affected by the social pathologies of social, cultural and geographic locations.


Main Subjects

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