Assessment of Geomorphosites in Two Counties of Khoor-Biabanak and Tabas for Slow Tourism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA in Geography and Tourism Planning, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Domestic tourism with overnight stay is one of the most important types of tourism in each country. This is very important to identify and assess destinations that have potential for developing slow tourism. The destinations in arid areas have factors such as silence, hospitable people and rich culinary. Thus, these destinations have high potential to be developed as slow tourism sites. By combination of slow tourism and geotourism because of their sustainable objects we can reach the aim of protecting and conserving of environment. The target of this study is to identify and assess potential destinations which can feature up to more consistency of tourism. The study is a descriptive-functional research using library resource, internet, and field research. Required information was gathered from experts and visitors, using SPSS24 and GIS10.2. The results show that the first selected geomorphosite for slow tourism was Dagh-Sard-Garm and the first selected geomorphosite for geotourism was Kal-Namak. Aesthetic value has the highest rating and ecological value the lowest. According to tourism point of view the most important criterion of slow tourism was attraction and benchmark and planning and infrastructure with the lowest score. Finally, based on findings and take advantages of SWOT technique, review strategy (WO) is the adapted strategy for development planning of slow tourism in geomorphosites in this case study. 
In general, all new models of tourism infrastructure, namely environmental protection and socio-individual issues are well-intended. One type of the tourism from both branches (environmental and socio-individual well-intended) has emerged, with slow tourism emphasizing on Geomorphosites. The desert and its wilderness are vast and beautiful as one of natural attractions of our country. Today deserts contain attractive areas for ecotourism visitors. By using existing conditions, new activities can be started in the field of tourism. The optimal approach could be the development of tourism market with low impact and reduce the negative impact of tourism. In the process of this development, slow tourism will play a key role.
This study as an applied research is conducted by using field and library reviews to provide information and data. This research as a leading investigation has to assess geomorphosites to develop the slow tourism, and earlier studies (external or internal) had never developed this kind of tourism in geomorphosites. Hence, the measure of the facilities and services according to the rules and reliable sources of slow tourism, have 5 sub-criteria. Ten experts in the field of tourism in areas of Khoor-Biabanak or Tabas were asked about 20 locations. According to the expert's opinion, we selected 10 Geomorphosites in the Khoor-Biabanak County and 10 Geomorphosite in Tabas County. These sites had the greatest potential for tourism development. The experts have used a questionnaire to assess and evaluate each Geomorphosites.
Results and discussion 
Since scrutiny of tourism potential of Geomorphosites in each county and the utilization of expert's opinion, 10 Geomorphosites had been selected from each county. The experts evaluated 20 Geomorphosites by utilizing the criteria defined by the values of scientific, ecological, cultural, aesthetic, economic, facilities and services. Total topmost scores on different criteria are related to Kal-Sardar Geomorphosite and total lowest score on different criteria are related to Mehrjan's Aqueducts Geomorphosite. Cronbach's alpha values were then determined. This amount was reported for all values equal to 0.858. The KMO exploratory factor analysis was performed on the data. Using factor analysis Varimax rotation for six main criteria was expressed in two categories. Factor analysis results showed that for slow tourism purposes, the cultural, economic, facilities and service criteria are more important. For land-based tourism, scientific, ecological and aesthetic factors play more important role. Then, weighting factor analysis for ranking Geomorphosites is from -3 (lowest score) to +3 (Highest score).   
This study was based on surveys of experts and also based on their opinion about scientific and aesthetic criteria to gain the most points scored. This shows that geomorphosites gained high value and high potential for tourism development, especially scientific and educational tourism. Ecological and cultural values had gained less scored compared with other criterions, for ecological criteria because of the lack of protective measures. For cultural criteria because of the lack of population and in some cases uninhabited area, the lack of cultural programs such as festivals and cultural gatherings is due to low rating criteria. Generally, geomorphosites of each county have great potential to attract tourists, and statistically significant differences among Khoor-Biabanak and Tabas geomorphosites had not found. Although geomorphosites of Tabas County were better for slow tourism purpose, this could be due to having more facilities and also more services and facilities in the area. Khoor-Biabanak county's geomorphosites were better for land-based tourism purposes.
Average rating of geomorphosites in Khoor-Biabnak for land-based tourism purposes were diagnosed more and this can be the result of originality and unfamiliarity of the region. Therefore, the integrity of the geomorphosites affects the scientific, ecological and aesthetic criteria. In the end, some suggestions are presented to grant the management solutions for geomorphosites for the purpose of slow tourism. In the following we will refer to some of the most important suggestions:

Development of the physical environment, transportation, communications, electricity, health infrastructure can be improved in the region;
Various training courses should be organized for tourists and locals, for the recognition and protection of the natural and socio-cultural attractions;
Project's Management needs to support local people; Local managers should be trained and anthropology exhibitions must be hold in villages for local products sale; 
Brochures have to be distributed among tourists and encouraging operations can be provided through distribution of promotional products in tourism facilities;
Museum for geology and earth morphological parameters during tours can show the importance of plant and animal species and museums;
Photo exhibitions, poetry, essays, stories and competitions in schools should be held to introduce the area. 


Main Subjects

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