تحلیل عملکرد برخی از شاخص‏ های خدمات شهری و عوامل اجتماعی- فرهنگی بر جامعة معلولین با استفاده از روش بسط فازی چانگ (مطالعة موردی: شهر بندر ماهشهر)

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


استادیار گروه جغرافیا و برنامه‏ریزی شهری، واحد ماهشهر، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، ماهشهر، ایران


معلولیت یکی از وجوه زندگی بشری است که در طول تاریخ و در همة جوامع به انواع گوناگون وجود داشته است. ناتوانان جسمی بخشی از افراد جامعهاند که همچون سایرین نیازمند توجه و دسترسی به و استفاده از امکانات و خدمات عمومی‏اند. به‏رغم شرایط سخت زندگی آنها، هنوز در بسیاری از کشورها از جمله ‏ایران در اولویت برنامهریزی قرار ندارند. با توجه به اهمیت موضوع، هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسی عملکرد برخی از شاخص‏های خدمات شهری و عوامل اجتماعی- فرهنگی تأثیرگذار در جامعة معلولان در شهر بندر ماهشهر است. روش تحقیق در این پژوهش، از نظر هدف کاربردی و براساس روش توصیفی و تحلیلی است. بر همین اساس، برای بهدستآوردن داده‏ها از طریق پرسش‏نامه استفاده شد و با محاسبة فرمول کوکران بین 260 نفر از معلولان منطقه به روش نمونهگیری تصادفی ساده توزیع شد. پس از جمع‏آوری پرسش‏نامه‏ها، تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات به وسیلة آزمون T تکنمونه‏ای انجام و برای رتبهبندی شاخص‏ها از مدل Fuzzy Chang استفاده شد. نتایج پژوهش نشان می‏دهد، ماتریس اوزان نهایی یازده شاخص محاسبهشده بر اساس مدل فازی چانگ، بهترتیب وضعیت رفتار کارکنان ادارات با 419/0، وضعیت جداول و معابر خیابان‏ها با 366/و وضعیت پیادهروها با 254/0 دارای عدم رضایت بالا بوده؛ در حالی که میزان عدم رضایت معلولان از مؤلفه‏های وضعیت شغلی با صفر، وضعیت امکانات ورزشی با 01/0، و وضعیت پارکینگ با 11/0 از شدت کمتری برخوردار بوده است.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Analysis the effect of some of the indicators of urban services and socio-cultural factors on the disabled community, Using fuzzy Chang expansion method (Case Study: Port City of Mahshahr )

نویسنده [English]

  • Abbas Maroofnezhad
Ph.D., Department of Geography and urban planning, Mahshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr, Iran.
چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract
Disability as biological and social phenomena,a fact that all communities, regardless of the level of development, both industrial and non-industrial countries are facing it. People with disabilities, are part of the community, just like others, requires access to and use of public facilities and services, also daily statistics population middle-aged and elderly people who form a group of motor impairments are added. Therefore, attention to urban public services and socio-cultural factors for the needs of the disabled, one of the needs of the community,especially Iranian society after the imposition war add the number of disabled the community and consequently, needs to be more attention. Requirements for growth and development of communities, creating space and urban infrastructure appropriate for all public services and centers and the role of socio-cultural factors in cities(for example, the look society's to the disabled) for more mobility and easier access,they are very important. Also the priority meeting the needs of the disabled by accessing and using public facilities and services In cities must be considered.But there are some obstacles, especially in design, architecture and urban planning, many urban spaces lack the necessary conditions to meet the needs of people with disabilities. Obviously, the presence of disabilities in the city is an early step towards activating this group in human and social activities; that is, in employment, leisure and recreation, educational, professional and commercial activities from the social and economic point of view. Therefore, it is quite logical that urban spaces should be designed and built in such a way to move disabled people to move easily and with minimum energy expended done.

The method of this research is applied in terms of purpose,it is based on a descriptive and analytical method. The aim of this study was to evaluate are influential the performance of some of the indicators of public services and socio-cultural factors on the disabled community in the port city of mahshahr. Accordingly, a questionnaire was developed to measure some of the indicators of socio-cultural factors and urban services and between 260 disabled person was in region distributed by simple random sampling. After collecting, questionnaires were evaluated by Fuzzy Chang method and single sample T-test.

Results and discussion
Disability as a biological and social phenomenon is a fact that affects all communities both industrial and non-industrial, regardless of the level of development. Additionally, the number of the middle-aged and old people who form the disabled population has increased. Therefore, people with disabilities as citizens of society have rights and rights that should be paid attention to among these are the refurbishment of urban spaces and as well as the social and cultural are factors that affect in this stratum the cities, so that the inadequacy of different urban spaces for people disabilities easy access to places and spaces needed It faces numerous problems and bottlenecks and on the other hand, society's view of these people if they consider disability a kind of restriction It destroys their social and cultural rights in urban society. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of some of the indicators of urban services and socio-cultural factors on the disabled community in the port city of mahshahr. total of 11 criteria and 24 sub-criteria and their analysis was determined by single-sample t-test and chang's fuzzy expansion office staff behavior, street curbs and passageways, sidewalks, institutions, parks and office stairs respectively. Although the disabled people were less dissatisfied with the condition of job factors, sport facilities and parking.

Persons with disabilities are among the strata that providing access needs for them requires using special measures and arrangements and is considered as a prerequisite for other job services, such as educational, health, recreational, sports and welfare. Due to the ignorance to the problems of the disabled in urban environments, a large part of society is deprived of social presence and will also be considered socially disabled. Therefore, there should be paid enough attention to the needs of these groups. By a multi-criteria questionnaire based on the 5-point Likert scale the disabled community of port city of mahshahr was asked that to evaluation, some utilities and socio-cultural factors affecting this community based on of values Excellent to very poor. Then by coding the answers, based on the average value and One-Sample Test With 95% confidence level was that is the result of the components, office staff behavior, street curbs and passageways, sidewalks, institutions, parks and office stairs respectively. Although the disabled people were less dissatisfied with the condition of job factors, sport facilities and parking. The results of the component analysis and sub-components of Chang's fuzzy expansion method also indicate this and show the highest degree of satisfaction to the lowest level of satisfaction office staff behavior, street curbs and passageways, sidewalks, institutions, parks and office stairs respectively. Although the disabled people were less dissatisfied with the condition of job factors, sport facilities and parking. The present research tries to investigate some indicators of municipal services as well as some social and cultural factors affecting the disabled community in the city of Mahshahr with a theoretical and field approach. According to internal and external research related to the subject, it can be acknowledged that this research has been done in two ways) T-test and Fuzzy Chang and their comparisons have been used for the components that might be different in its kind from other researches but undoubtedly have drawbacks. Finally it can be said The results are in one-sample test and Chang's fuzzy expansion method In terms of severity not satisfied with disabilities criteria and sub-criteria has been confirmed.

Key words
Urban Services, Socio-cultural factors, Disabled Community, Fuzzy Chang Expansion Method, Port City of Mahshahr.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Urban Services
  • Socio-cultural factors
  • Disabled Community
  • Fuzzy Chang Expansion Method
  • Port City of Mahshahr
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