Spatial analysis of divorce distribution in Iranian provinces using GIS

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

2 university ofzanjanDepartment of Geography and Urban Planning, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran.

3 Department of Law, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Department of Social Sciences-Sociology, Shushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shushtar, Iran.


Extended Abstract
The family has been introduced as a social institution resulting from the marriage bond between a man and a woman and is classified as individual and personality. Sometimes, couples face problems in their marital relations that cause them to have conflicts. A person's general evaluation of the marital relationship and the fulfillment of the personal needs, desires, and wishes of the couple determines the level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the marital relationship; on the other hand, disagreement is normal in any marital relationship and marital conflicts are one of the common problems of couples, in today's world. Therefore, some call divorce liberating in these circumstances. Divorce means the collapse of the most important institution of socialization in human society. This phenomenon is one of the realities that the family institution in today's world experiences widely. However, this does not mean that the family has not faced this phenomenon in the past. Nevertheless, divorce, like all other phenomena in today's world, has changed in nature and is more of an optional choice; therefore, in Iran, due to the rapid growth of the population during the past decades, there have been consequences such as increased rent living, marginalization, selling body parts, malnutrition, increased begging in the city, child labor, increased hand-selling, and finally divorce and the collapse of foundations. In order to plan and organize the situation of people experiencing poverty, one must first gain the necessary knowledge of their location and spatial distribution in Iran and then solve this challenging problem of the provinces with detailed planning so that the complications and negative consequences can be avoided. Poverty at the provincial level, including divorce, was prevented or moderated. Usually, in social sciences, the number of marriage and divorce cases and their causes and results are investigated. However, geographical discussions emphasize the location of damage in the country's provinces and its contexts. Hence, the purpose of this research is to investigate the geographical distribution. Divorce is in the provinces of Iran. Therefore, it is tried to investigate the distribution of divorce at the level of the provinces so that the country's administration, social institutions, and charitable organizations can help the target groups with precision and proper planning and take effective steps to reduce the social damage of divorce. 
Results and discussion
The lowest divorce rate belongs to Sistan and Baluchistan, Semnan, Chahar Mahal, and Bakhtiari provinces. On the other hand, the highest divorce rate belongs to Tehran, Razavi Khorasan, and North Khorasan provinces. Graphical statistical models were used based on the mean center test and standard deviation ellipse. The average center specifies the central location as the basis of all social damage locations. The standard deviation ellipse, using the standard deviation of the distance of each divorce to the center of the average, determines its dispersion, direction, and position. The average divorce occurred in Isfahan province. The ellipse of the standard deviation of the total divorce under investigation has much accumulation; this shows that the divorce complex is in the direction of the southeast to the northwest, so with a probability of 99%, 70% of the divorce area is 6.368836.
 The results indicated that most divorce spots in the east are in Razavi, South, and North Khorasan provinces due to the size of the provinces and population. Also, most of the cold spots are in the northwestern provinces. It can be said that in the upper and middle classes, the main issue is not economy and livelihood but cultural factors related to changes in society's values and attitudes, including in the field of marriage, giving priority to the family, and having a negative perception of divorce, which conflicts with the research findings. Akhoi Samrin's research in 2016 showed that the lack of love and intimacy is the central category of Al. It is similar to the research findings. The category of not being ready for marriage and not going through the marriage process is one of the causal conditions for collapsing marriages. Cultural issues and economic issues were placed under the intervening conditions and categories such as addiction, inappropriate current family structure, lack of marital compatibility, sexual factors and problems, inappropriate relationship with the main families, family history, and personality problems were among the background factors effective in divorce. The results showed that the use of ineffective communication and emotional strategies led to consequences such as feeling tired, lonely, hopeless, hatred for one's spouse, and finally, the desire for divorce, which conflicts with the research findings. The main limitation of the research is the non-cooperation of the country's civil registration organizations, the General Justice, and other related organizations and not providing information about divorce constant problems in the geographic information system software (Crack). As a result, the country's hot spots and centers of divorce have been formed in this region of the northeast and east of the country, and it is indicative of the high incidence of divorce in this region. Therefore, to take the necessary measures to reduce the phenomenon of divorce in the province, it seems necessary to plan carefully to reduce the factors.
There is no funding support.
Authors’ Contribution
Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declared no conflict of interest.
We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.


Main Subjects

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