Pattern Sustainable quality-oriented regeneration in slum urban fabric (case study: Kermanshah city)

Document Type : Extracted from the dissertation


1 Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Geography, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran

3 Department of Urban Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.



Extended Abstract
During the last half-century, the rapid growth of urbanization has exceeded the possibilities and measures of urban development in Iran, creating extensive social, economic, environmental and physical problems. Facing the challenges of the current cities of the country requires the transformation of the current dominant routine and the use of a new approach in urban planning. The inefficiency of the country's urban planning system has caused cities to be caught in the cycle of underdevelopment for several reasons. Planning in worn-out urban areas has always been the most significant urban planning issue. Recently, many policies and programs have been implemented to improve the quality and re-creation of disordered urban textures. The worn-out and disordered texture of Kermanshah city covers 1228 hectares, about 12.33% of the total texture of Kermanshah. The problem of this research is the instability and poverty in the disorganized and inferior textures, which are associated with challenges and problems of livability, poverty and deprivation in all dimensions, decline of human dignity, identity crisis, lack of access to urban services, degradation of the quality of life, the crisis of security and resilience, insecurity and social anomalies, crimes and delinquency, and the lack of citizenship rights. Therefore, the main question is as following:
-Why have the policies and measures of urban management and urban development plans not improved the quality of urban life in these neighborhoods?
In terms of subject and purpose, the current research is of applied-developmental type of research. In terms of analysis, it is placed in the framework of explanatory and descriptive-analytical research methods. In order to collect and analyze data, survey, documentary and analytical methods have been exerted. The research method is mixed (quantitative and qualitative). In this research, the data analysis and modelling method has been used according to the goals and possibilities. In order to analyze the collected data, the statistical techniques of path analysis, SPSS, and PLS have been exploited. According to the level of analysis (neighborhoods of disordered tissues in Kermanshah city), it is necessary to distribute the designed questionnaire according to the population of each neighborhood. In general, 92,033 households with a population of 290,214 people live in the chaotic neighborhoods of Kermanshah, which are located in the form of 4 types of textures. Cronbach's alpha statistic and factor analysis were used to measure the internal relationships and validity and reliability of the questionnaire and its items, the results of which are as follows:
-Cronbach's alpha value of all dimensions is more than 0.5, which means that the scale in question has high validity.
Results and discussion
The direct and indirect effects of the dimensions of sustainable regeneration are as the social dimension with a direct effect of 0.76, the physical dimension with a direct effect of 0.51 and an indirect effect of 0.21 and a total effect of 0.72, the economic dimension with a direct effect of 0.41 and an indirect effect of 0.30 with the effect total 0.71, the cultural dimension with direct effect 0.21 and indirect effect 0.45 and total effect 0.66, the management dimension with direct effect 0.25 and indirect effect 0.27 with total effect 0.52, and the environmental dimension with direct effect 0.17 and indirect effect 0.10 with total effect 0.27.
In the quality of urban life component, the direct and indirect effects are as follows: the physical-infrastructure dimension with a direct effect of 0.66 has the highest effect, the social-cultural dimension with a direct effect of 0.42 and an indirect effect of 0.28 and a total effect of 0.70, the well-being dimension with a direct effect of 0.39 and Indirect effect 0.19 and overall effect 0.58, health and environment dimension with direct effect 0.21 and indirect effect 0.37 with overall effect 0.58, economic dimension with direct effect 0.20 and indirect effect 0.53 with overall effect 0.73 and managerial-institutional dimension with direct effect 0.18 and indirect effect of 0.42 with a total effect of 0.59. The physical-infrastructural dimension has the most direct effect, and the economic dimension has the most overall effect in the form of direct and indirect effects on the quality of urban life. The overall effect of all dimensions of sustainable regeneration on urban well-being is 0.594, and its R2 value is equal to 0.352, which shows that with an increase of one standard deviation in sustainable urban regeneration, the quality of urban life increases by 0.352 standard deviations. Therefore, sustainable regeneration significantly improves the quality of urban life in the chaotic texture of Kermanshah.
sustainable urban welfare-oriented regeneration with a comprehensive and integrated approach in procedural dimensions (discursive, communication-network, and local governance) and content (strategic, integrated, comprehensive, and neighborhood-oriented) and policies to empower and support worn-out and disordered neighborhoods With a participatory, endogenous approach, community-oriented development and the right to the city in the chaotic textures of Kermanshah, it is a suitable model for the realization of urban welfare. No development of welfare will happen in the environment unless the residents of the worn-out and disordered texture are empowered. Also, in addition to the basic needs, attention should be paid to the emotional and psychological needs of the citizens. Changing the approach in urban plans will undoubtedly be the basis for valuable measures to improve citizens' quality of life and urban welfare. If the approach to regeneration is humane, community-oriented, integrated, comprehensive and strategic, collaborative, city-oriented and discursive, then a sustainable welfare-oriented regeneration approach will be achieved by itself.
There is no funding support.
Authors’ Contribution
Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declared no conflict of interest.
 We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.


Main Subjects

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