An Analysis of Globalization and its Impact on the Persian Gulf Countries

Document Type : بنیادی(Stem, Basic)


1 Department of Political Geography, Alborz Campus, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Political Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.



Extended Abstract
Globalization is a broad and multi-process phenomenon that has affected globally and in all parts of the world, including the Persian Gulf region. In the Persian Gulf region, globalization has caused significant changes in economy, culture, politics and communication. One of the important effects of globalization in the Persian Gulf region is the increase in trade and economic growth. The opening of markets, the facilitation of traffic and the movement of investments have brought significant growth in the export, tourism, service and industry sectors. Also, globalization in the Persian Gulf region has led to the expansion of communication and cultural exchanges. Many communities in this region are being influenced by global cultures and are adopting new ways of thinking and living. Also, globalization in the Persian Gulf region has played an important role in the political changes of the region. Some countries in the region have tried to increase their power and capability by making political and economic changes in line with globalization. Therefore, it can be said that globalization in the Persian Gulf region has had important effects on economy, culture, politics and communication. However, these effects may vary among countries and communities in the region and include positive and negative effects.
This research has tried to investigate different aspects of globalization in the Persian Gulf region and the impact of these aspects on this region by using research tools such as questionnaires and computational methods.
The main question of the research: "Given the international developments and the effects of the globalization process on the Persian Gulf region in its various dimensions, what is the most important way to achieve economic development, scientific progress, social welfare, sustainable security and the withdrawal of extra-regional powers from this region?"
In this study, since the main purpose of this research was to influence globalization on the countries of the Persian Gulf region, descriptive and analytical methods of inferential and inductive type were used; in which the inductive role of various theories of globalization was investigated. Also, this research was specific and objective regarding its fundamental theoretical goal and the results had a fundamental aspect.
Considering that the use of a research method (quantitative or qualitative) alone was not enough to achieve the goals of this research, a mixed research design was used.
Results and discussion
The result of the quantitative and qualitative findings of the research, an analysis of globalization and its impact on the countries of the Persian Gulf region, has had a great impact in both positive and negative aspects. The process of globalization with all its complexities has also been implemented in this region and the results of this process in the last few decades are various consequences that have become more visible from political, economic and security points of view. Although these consequences are carried out with the orientations and plans of trans-regional powers to obtain the wealth and oil resources of the countries of this region, they continue to take full advantage of the negligence and ignorance of the heads of these governments, but the resulting economic consequences for all countries in the region and countries outside the region should not be ignored. Because of the commercial, commercial, service and industrial activities that have caused economic prosperity in this region, he ignored it. The efforts of the countries of the region to sell more oil, which is the legacy of their ancestors, to gain more windfall wealth, has created an oil-arms competition, and the necessary excuse is the lack of trust in the neighbours and the fear of trespassing on their country's borders. In this way, what the governments of this region have gained is the high costs of buying weapons and establishing military bases. However, in addition to these issues, the relative welfare of the people of the Persian Gulf countries has changed tremendously compared to the past, and the heads of these governments have taken such actions for more survival and to bring about the relative satisfaction of the society. Most of the wealth obtained from the sale of oil and gas condensates is deposited in European and American banks after spending the above expenses, which means that the money and wealth of these countries are not in their own hands, which is one of the new approaches to the concentration of wealth among the superpowers.
In this research, it was tried to present a new approach to cooperation and communication between the countries of this region by expressing the different features of globalization on the one hand and the other hand by examining the geopolitical, geostrategic, geoeconomic and culture capacities of this region to achieve more success through this way. In all fields, reduce the possibility of the presence of foreign powers in this region. We have achieved the following results in reducing the influence of big powers in the region: Reducing the influence of big powers in the Persian Gulf region is one of the important challenges for the countries of this region.
There is no funding support.
Authors’ Contribution
Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declared no conflict of interest.
 We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.


Main Subjects

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