بررسی شبکۀ روابط اجتماعی بهره ‏برداران از منابع آب در راستای مدیریت بهینه (مطالعۀموردی: نخلستان‏ های بخش شرقی شهر فدامی، شهرستان داراب)

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 استادیار گروه جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشکدۀ ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه گیلان

2 استادیار ژئومورفولوژی بخش جغرافیا، دانشکدة اقتصاد، مدیریت و علوم اجتماعی، دانشگاه شیراز


چگونگی مدیریت منابع آب در حوزة کشاورزی در ایران مسئله‏ای است که باید با مشارکت کشاورزان و بهره‏برداران آب تصمیم‏گیری شود. در این راستا، تحلیل روابط بین ذی‏نفعان و شناسایی کنشگران یا افراد کلیدی در بین بهره‏برداران منابع آب، به‏عنوان بازوی مدیریت مشارکتی، به‏خصوص در جاهایی که منابع آب به‏صورت مشاع بهره‏برداری می‏شود، می‏تواند نقش مهمی در موفقیت طرح‏های مدیریت مشارکتی و بهینة آب داشته باشد. در این پژوهش سعی شده به تحلیل روابط در بین بهره‏برداران آب کشاورزی با استفاده از رویکرد تحلیل شبکه در محدودة نخلستان‏های بخش شرقی شهر فدامی واقع در شهرستان داراب (استان فارس) پرداخته شود. بدین صورت که ابتدا بهره‏برداران براساس ویژگی‏های اقتصادی، سن، و مالکیت تقسیم‏بندی شدند و سپس با مدل تحلیل شبکه روابط و شاخص‏های مختلف بررسی شد. نتایج نشان می‏دهد تقریباً 51/54درصد از بهره‏برداران از منابع آب منطقة مورد مطالعه با دیگران روابط اجتماعی داشته‏اند. همچنین،به‏صورت تفضیلی، برخی بهره‏برداران بیشترین ارتباط با دیگران یا «خروجی» را در بین بهره‏برداران دارندکه این وضعیت موقعیت آن‏ها را در شبکه در وضعیت اقتدار قرار داده است. یافته‏های این تحقیق در تشخیص کنشگران با موقعیت مرکزی، که نقشیکلیدی در برنامةعمل مدیریت بهینةمنابع آب منطقة مورد مطالعه ایفا می‏کند، مؤثر خواهد بود.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Network Analysis Community Relations of Water Resources Beneficiaries In Order to Urban Optimize Management (Case Study: Palm Groves in the Eastern Part of the Fadami city – Darab- Fars)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mahdi Hesam 1
  • saeed negahban 2
2 shiraz
چکیده [English]

Network Analysis Community Relations of Water Resources Beneficiaries In Order to Urban Optimize Management (Case Study: Palm Groves in the Eastern Part of the Fadami city – Darab- Fars)

How to manage of water resources in the agricultural field in Iran is a matter that should be decided with the participation of farmers and water users. In this regard, the analysis of stakeholder relationships and the identification of key actors or actors among the exploitation of water resources as a participatory management arm particularly where water resources are used jointly, it can play an important role in the success of water management partnerships and optimization. This research attempts to analyze the relationships among agricultural water utilities using the network analysis approach in the Palm Groves in the Eastern Part of the Fadami city – Darab- Fars. First, the exploiters were classified based on economic characteristics, age and ownership, and then analyzed with the network analysis model, relationships and various indicators. The results show that about 54.51% of the users of the water resources in the region studied had social relations with others. Also, some operators have the most connection with others or " Out Degree " among operators, which places their position in the network in a state of authority. The findings of this research will be effective in identifying actors with a central position that play a key role in the program's optimal water management action plan; Because key and powerful people can play a role as the executive arm of government actors as local leaders and social powers in organizing participatory water resources management.

Water is a limited and precious resource and must be managed both for immediate needs and for long-term economic and environmental sustainability. With the effects of climate change now a reality, and increasing demands for water, sound policies are required to ensure a sustainable supply of water for present and future generations.
Our water comes from rivers, streams, and lakes (surface water) and water held under the ground in aquifers (groundwater). The NSW Office of Water is responsible for the strategic management of the State's freshwater resources. This involves: setting water policy, developing statutory water sharing plans, negotiating interstate and national water agreements, determining how available water is allocated to water users, particularly during times of drought, approving the extraction, use and trade of water, monitoring the quantity and quality of water extractions, monitoring the ecological health of our aquatic ecosystems. Much efforts in water resource management is directed at optimising the use of water and in minimising the environmental impact of water use on the natural environment.
Successful management of any resources requires accurate knowledge of the resource available, the uses to which it may be put, the competing demands for the resource, measures to and processes to evaluate the significance and worth of competing demands and mechanisms to translate policy decisions into actions on the ground.
For water as a resource this is particularly difficult since sources of water can cross many national boundaries and the uses of water include many that are difficult to assign financial value to and may also be difficult to manage in conventional terms. Examples include rare species or ecosystems or the very long term value of ancient ground water reserves. This research attempts to analyze the relationships among agricultural water utilities using the network analysis approach in the Palm Groves in the Eastern Part of the Fadami city – Darab- Fars. First, the exploiters were classified based on economic characteristics, age and ownership, and then analyzed with the network analysis model, relationships and various indicators.

The research method in this study is the field survey. Documents and quantitative research has two parts located at the library to collect documents through the study of literature. In the quantitative that includes field surveys, data collection tools is questionnaire, The population, exploitation of water resources in the eastern part of the city of palm groves Fadami, Darab city were 25 individuals who were administered a questionnaire matrix to determine the relationships between them. The theory and analysis of network and application Yosynt the most practical application in the analysis of relationships and using lattice is the density, temperature, reciprocity, transferability, E_I etc. for analysis and a variety of graphs to display is used.

Results and discussion
The results showed that the index of density, 26% of farmers in the field of water resources are related to the relatively poor looks. Links reciprocity index showed that 21% of farmers, mutual and reciprocal relationship with each other. The transferability of social relations regional water resource utilization was 14/42% respectively. Means to connect the unit to a third party, which looks relatively good value. Points out that both the transport index is greater, greater network stability. Index EI beneficiaries in the social relations of water resources in the study area for the network based on income groups at 0/383 or 38/3%, based on an area of palm groves 0/338 or 38/3%, based on age groups 0/218 or 21/8%, respectively. The relationship between people and between the center and periphery of 35/7 of 21/1 percent. In addition, the 25 farmers surveyed, 19 central and peripheral are 6 people. It should be the center and the periphery closer to each other, because each of these values to zero, fragility and isolation more networks.
The findings related to social status of water resources in the study area shows that, Overall, approximately 54/51% of water resources in the study area have relationships with others and 19/79 percent of the other operators have been invited to cooperate and respect. It also detailed some operators such as BN, MH, MGH, JM Most of communicating with others, or "Exit" among beneficiaries hold that the situation in their position of authority and influence others in the network has.
Keywords: Community Relations, network analysis, water operators, optimal management, Fadami

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Community Relations
  • network analysis
  • water operators
  • optimal management
  • Fadami
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