The Causes and Socio-spatial Impacts of Intra-urban Migration, The Case: Old Neighborhood of Tehranpars in Municipality No.8



It is essential for the urban managers and planners, particularly when facing the challenges regarding the urban renewal to understand the causes and socio-spatial impacts of intra-urban migration. This kind of migration which is considered as a voluntary residential relocation within the urban areas are the causes for socio-cultural and physical irregularities as well as the degradation of sense of place needed for an effective people participation.
The old neighborhood of Tehran pars in Tehran’s municipality No. 8- the study area- experiencing such irregularities. This Descriptive-analytical research was conducted to understand the causes and socio-spatial impacts of intra-urban migration, mentioned above in area.
The research findings, based on data analysis, collected mainly by interview and questioner shows that understanding the regularities of this kind of move can reduce the socio-spatial problems in destinations.
