During last decades, it has been adopted various approaches in order to organize suburb regions which most of them have noticed to physical dimension of regions more than other dimensions. Among these approaches, it has been used sustainable urban regeneration (SUR) approach as a strategy which has comprehensive attitude and practice and tends to improve various kinds of sustainability including economical, social, physical and environmental stabilities as dominant approach in this research. In this study, we examine Saadi slum as one of suburb regions in Shiraz city.
In this paper a descriptive-applicable method is used as the research method and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Treats matrix (SWOT) used to nominate strategies of sustainable urban regeneration approach.
Results and Discussion
Attention to sustainability dimensions is too important which are mentioned in SUR. In this research used Economic, Social, Physical and Environmental factors. All factors include dimensions. Economic sustainability indicators: household monthly outcome, occupation and unemployment percent and responsibility. Social sustainability indicators contain family size, immigration, identity and sector security, sex ratio. Physical sustainability indicators take in user’s capitation, gradient, informal structure, accessible network, builder materials and sector public establishments. Environmental sustainability indicators are green spaces level and capitation, correct distribution of population and waste-gathering system. SUR is a comprehensive approach to recover the life quality. Strategic planning for sustainable urban regeneration has some process which is including:
1) Study the challenges of SUR: this approach requires communities to collaborate and build consensus. It requires strategic alliances and coalitions to form, developing the capacity for stakeholders to participate in and lead the urban regeneration process. This requires that integrated strategies and cross-cutting measures do more than define the nature of the problem. It requires the community to develop a vision of the regenerated urban district and neighborhoods. This vision then provides the policies for making urban regeneration sustainable.
2) Diagnosis: in this stage the distressed situation is being recognized, in terms of environmental, social, economical and physical conditions. This picture of the situation provides the context and the ‘springboard’ for creating the vision of the desired stress-free future, and also we should recognize the beneficiaries. Beneficiaries in Saadi neighborhood are habitants, politicians, stakeholders and services provider.
3) Visioning: The overall aim of this step is to produce a shared and desirable vision for the future through collaborative work with all stakeholders and to present this vision first as a scenario and consequently as a set of sustainable urban regeneration policies. In attention to existence of Saadi tomb, Delgosha garden and beautiful mountain around the sector we can say that, the vision of Saadi neighborhood is a tourism sector.
4) Codify SUR strategies and select the best strategies: SUR strategies change distressed area gradually and put it in a better situation. In order to select the best strategies SWOT matrix is used.
Assessment of internal and external environment: at first internal and external factors which are efficient in Saadi sector are evaluated in a matrix. The last score of internal matrix of Saadi sector was 2.47 that mean Saadi sector cannot use from opportunities or get away from treats. And also the last score of internal matrix was 1.58 that shows the weakness of Saadi sector, and then the location of Saadi is determined in eternal-external matrix (EI) and acceptable strategies are chosen. These strategies are more effective to annihilate sustainable obstacles of sector.
Our findings in term of analyzing the sustainability in Saadi sector according to selected factors showed that family size (4.2) high sex ratio(105), illiteracy percent (20.3), high density (219 person in each Hectare), low sector security level, poverty culture and high number of Afghani immigrants are cause to some problems which made the sector unsustainable. Unemployment percent in this sector is 14.2, this ratio is higher than Shiraz (11.4 Unemployment rate in Shiraz). Also problems such as employment of people in low level occupations and consequently low monthly outcome are some reasons which made Saadi sector unsustainable. Also study the physical and environmental factors show the low level of sustainability in Saadi slum, so sustainability level in all variables is too low in this sector and urban regeneration strategies which are results of SWOT model show that we should emphasize on defensive strategies which are mentioned in WT strategies.
Movahed, A. , Goli, A. and Izadi, P. (2013). Application of Urban Regeneration Approach in Marginal Sectors (Case Stady: Saadi-Shiraz). Human Geography Research, 45(1), 105-122. doi: 10.22059/jhgr.2013.30041
Movahed, A. , , Goli, A. , and Izadi, P. . "Application of Urban Regeneration Approach in Marginal Sectors (Case Stady: Saadi-Shiraz)", Human Geography Research, 45, 1, 2013, 105-122. doi: 10.22059/jhgr.2013.30041
Movahed, A., Goli, A., Izadi, P. (2013). 'Application of Urban Regeneration Approach in Marginal Sectors (Case Stady: Saadi-Shiraz)', Human Geography Research, 45(1), pp. 105-122. doi: 10.22059/jhgr.2013.30041
A. Movahed , A. Goli and P. Izadi, "Application of Urban Regeneration Approach in Marginal Sectors (Case Stady: Saadi-Shiraz)," Human Geography Research, 45 1 (2013): 105-122, doi: 10.22059/jhgr.2013.30041
Movahed, A., Goli, A., Izadi, P. Application of Urban Regeneration Approach in Marginal Sectors (Case Stady: Saadi-Shiraz). Human Geography Research, 2013; 45(1): 105-122. doi: 10.22059/jhgr.2013.30041