Evaluation of development levels in the villages, Neyriz Township with taxonomy model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Geography and Rural Planning, Payam Noor University, Rezvanshahr Saddogh Center, Yazd, Iran

2 MA in geography and rural planning, Payam Noor Rezvanshahr Saddogh


Rural areas have an important role in the development. While rural areas can implement a detailed plan in accordance with characteristics of the villages. This small rural area located in Fars province can eliminate inequalities in the distribution of resources and services. This study is to assess the degree of development and the gap between rural villages as well as the distance to the city center. The effects of distribution facilities and services and the development of rural areas is conducted by numerical taxonomy analysis. .
To assess the degree of development of rural areas, we should use appropriate scientific methods. To achieve the desired objectives, we require the use of specific tools and methods. In the present study, we used analytical and numerical taxonomy analysis using Excel software with the SPSS. A sample of the rural population is selected in the Neyriz City. The document and library data can complete the survey and the information. To determine the rate of development, of sixty-four indicators, we addressed productivity, health, population, education services, infrastructure, cultural, sports and religious.
Results and Discussion
Understanding the current status and future perspective is one of the most important steps in the development of economic, social and cultural aspects. The fact that about half of the population live in rural areas require detailed studies about the villages. The planners can do proper planning for the development of rural areas. One of the objectives of rural planning is equitable distribution of facilities and services.
Planning approach to rural settlement is based on labor and activities on of potential geographical areas. In this regard, economic performance and social activities of the regions should be considered. The influence of these characteristics on the functional characteristics of rural areas in terms of development planning is very important. In recent decades, with the advancement of technology in social and economic structure of rural communities, these societies have undergone vast changes. Thus, suitable allocation of services and distribution pattern has the capability in the survival and development of villages.
In this study, four indicators of economic, social and cultural rights in 2011 in Neyriz are indicated six by analysis of numerical taxonomy. The results obtained show that Rizab Rural District is more developed than those in other rural areas. This is due to its large size and population, despite a distance of 110 km Neyriz. Abadeh village 120 km to the center of the city is categorized in latter class.


Main Subjects

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