The Role of Citizen Participation in Urban Management Approach for Improvement and Renovation of Old Textures (Case Study: Region 12 of Tehran Municipality)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Iran

2 MSc in Urban Management, Urban Management Department, University of Tehran, Iran

3 MSc in Urban and Regional Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran


Restoration of old texture, especially in the large urban centers, is one of the most complex subjects attracted the attention of managers, professionals, and people. In the process of urban improvement and renovation, creation of a safe economic base and elimination of material poverty of its inhabitant segments in one hand and cooperation of managers with stakeholders on the other hand can contribute to successful implementation of a project. One of the most critical management parameters before any decision for urban old textures is participation of the residents who are privileged in the areas. It seems that urban authorities do not consider the social and physical properties of the areas. Because of the need for urban renewal in region 12 and having many decisions and follows, a very small percentage of old tissues has been renovated. Region 12 of Tehran Municipality with old tissues and consequently different problems has numerous challenges to provide different strategies for solving problems in the context of improvement and renovation of old tissues. Regarding the issue of renovation in the region, about 30% of the region (about 495 hectares) is the old tissues. Unfortunately innovation progress has been less than one percent in year 2012 (Monzavi, 2010).
In this study, various aspects of citizen participation in urban improvement and renovation of old tissues and their different problems, procedures, legal and historical aspects will be studied according to statistic methods (correlation). Finally, we will summarize the subject whether we can achieve improvement and renovation of old tissues of Region 12 of Tehran Municipality by participation management? This study tries to study the role of participation management in improvement and renovation of old tissues of Region 12 of Tehran Municipality and modernization in the context of collaborative management in district 12 of Tehran Municipality due to its strategic location and the interaction between the executive management, political institution, people and other beneficiary factors in improvement and renovation of the city. We determine how the factors such as lack of coordination between the relevant factors influence obstructs to accelerate regeneration of the tissue (Akhtari, 2010). The overall aim of the research is the role of citizen participation in urban management of region 12 old tissues. In addition, more detailed goals such as renovation and improvement program based  on  systematic viewpoints  and appropriate conditions of old tissues, help understand the effective factors on cooperative behaviors in executive management of renovation and improvement. We try to identify aspects of citizen participation in the renovation and improvement process of old region 12 of Tehran municipality old tissues and to study the influence of citizen participation on solving renovation and improvement of old tissues problems.
The methods used to collect and analyze data in this article are analysis of upper documents, meta-analysis and interview. In Analysis of the documents, we tried to study available documents in renovation organization and detailed plan of the area. In Meta-analysis, the studies  conducted in renovation organization and Tehran urban planning Center have been analyzed about participation and intervention systems on Tehran old tissues. Interview technique has been used in order to have more valid data from previous methods. The objective of this technique includes three major categories of privileged in old tissues:  citizen of region 12, facilitators of renovation offices and urban managers in renovation and improvement district. Content analysis and content review have been used due to collection of used data for reduction and analysis of them. The method used in this research is descriptive –analytical. Proceedings have been carried out by library studies, field visits, and interviews with responsible managers and citizens opinions through questionnaire (survey). After collecting all the information, a description of the relative frequency has been calculated and used by kai square method and Ho hypothesis. The relationship between participatory management with improvement and renovation of old tissues has been studied in this case.
The low levels of citizen participation hypothesis in urban renovation and regeneration of old tissues should mention that the frequencies related to this hypothesis shows the frequencies in high participation than participation citizen in the renovation and restoration of urban old tissues. In the other hypothesis namely high role of urban management in renovation and regeneration of worn tissues, the frequencies shows the advantage and lack of management in renovation and restoration of urban worn tissues. According to the surveys carried out from residents of old tissue of region 12, in connection with the renovation and regeneration, it can be mentioned that improvement plan of urban worn tissues as many urban development projects are faced with citizens distrust problems which stems from not sharing the process of renovation and restorations of worn tissues with citizens of these tissues. Neglecting the needs of people, those who directly are associated with these kinds of tissues problems can intensify this distrust and disaffiliation.
According to the obtained results, educational, employment, income and residential specifications show special needs of worn tissues residents to increase citizen participation. This study shows that solving the improvement and renovation problems has a direct relationship with urban management. Thus, utilization of capacity and organizational capability of organizations, institutions, private sector and citizens in local participation and collaborative management is the most effective guidelines can help region 12 of Tehran Municipality to realize their executive policies and improve the improvement and renovation in the worn and old tissues.


Main Subjects

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