Study the effective geographical factors on formation of retire governments and their consequences for Persian Gulf

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Geopolitics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Undoubtedly, the oil is the most political and the most important good in today’s world economy. Rant phenomenon and rentier governments have been a subject of great interest as a reason for rentier governments among researchers. Rant can be described as an income which is earned out of economic activities including benefit of investments and wages effortlessly and a rentier government is a government that earns more than 42 percent of its income from foreign rants. In the present study, the effect of geographical factors on formation of rentier governments and influence of these governments on area political geography (area country geo-economics positions, countries competition, area convergence) were studied. Finally, it is concluded that although oil trade and oil sell income have led to improvement of agriculture in Persian Gulf area, geopolitical powers competitions, military activity expansion and area countries divergence have been resulted from this single product economy.
Generally, there are fine tools based on the revenues from oil rentier state theory in one hand and the government inability fair distribution of income and obedience to democratic rule on the other hand.
William Asher and Douglas Yates enjoy the rentier state theory and argue that government officials by sales revenue rich underground resources. They could be some unofficial and illegitimate purposes to easily track social and economic policy without taking into account the interests of the community in the fall. Rentier state theory also has been hypothesized by this theory. It works like Kieron Chaudhry, Philip Dawkins and Hazem Beblawi. According to this theory as a rentier state in return for implicit and tacit agreement with the non-taxation of society to achieve, they also consider government or economic priorities.
According to the importance of the current situation, we have analytical and descriptive large-scale use of analogy in the Persian Gulf region. It has been trying to library information and documentation, including an important and reliable source of internal and external resources in the areas such as history, political geography, geopolitics, knowledge of international relations, political science, sociology, historical approach to demonstrate this article. This comes in the context of positivist methodology, effort and struggle in an analysis of documentation could take advantages of rational and scientific arguments.
The word is a concept rather than a reductionist interpretation of the relationship. It is the construction and operation of government terms such as governance, rule, dominate class and misleading. Machiavelli is often seen as the first person referred to the concept of state. A government, an independent country and citizens of certain territory demands that loyalty is formed (Glasnr, 2004, 31).
Geographic governance structure of this type of government has led to political systems in the region, particularly in Arabic countries under the command of the king with a focus on tribal, religious and government leaders. This is due to the specific geographical conditions and oil revenues as the logic of politics and statecraft for their own survival and the survival of their government. This system of government is also the major interests of society or country in most cases. The governance structure and continued access to oil revenues makes rentier in political disorder, despite poor governance, inadequate distribution of power. There are internal disputes, lack of coordination in the political system, political instability and insecurity of other state characteristics in the region.


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