Assessment of the Elementary Components of Mental Preparedness of the Families of Kerman City against Natural Disasters

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Yazd, Iran

2 MA in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Yazd

3 Assistant Professor of Political Geography, University of Yazd


Natural disaster cause enormous financial losses and life casualties annually. Given the special location of Iran and some of the cities in vulnerable areas in one hand and spatial importance of these issues for reduction of vulnerability and resilience against the earthquakes on the other hand, it seems necessary to prepare, in advance, families with the effects and earthquake situations. This preparedness can be a competent and non-expensive method to reduce the losses of the earthquakes. For now, in the study area the best strategy can be a good decision to make the societies resilient against the earthquake events. The purpose of this research is to investigate the mental and attitudinal preparedness of the families in Kerman City as the study area.
To achieve the goal of this study, we have used a descriptive research method using correlation. The data have been gathered by library studies and field surveys by the help of questionnaire. The statistical population of this study is 141867 families dwelling in city of Kerman. The sample size is determined 350 families based on Cochran formula. We have also used cluster sampling appropriate to sample volume. Finally, after we have collected the data by the questionnaires, differences among the districts prepared mentally for the events have been tested using One Way Analysis of Variance. We have also tested the correlation between the mental preparedness variables and socio-economic classes using Pearson correlation coefficient.  
Results and discussion
The results of this research have indicated that the values of mental attitude preparedness of the resident families are significantly different in four districts of the city. Overall, the families are not properly prepared mentally for the events in entire the city. The total average of the preparing variable of the sample families is low and equal to 54.55 in a 25-100 scale of scoring. The lowest and highest values of preparedness of the families are recorded in district one (60.88%) and district 4 (43.78%), respectively.
The results have indicated that there are significant differences among the families of the four districts in variable of preparedness against earthquake and their resilience. It can also be argued that the mental preparedness of the families is significantly correlated with their social-economic bases. Therefore, it can be argued that as the social-economic bases of the families are improved, they would be better prepared to face the disasters. In other words, in order to prepare the citizens mentally for the natural disasters, it is necessary to improve and enhance their social and economic situations.


Main Subjects

  1. امینی، الهام، حبیب، فرح و غلامحسین مجتهدزاده، ۱۳۸۹، برنامه‌ریزی کاربری زمین و چگونگی تأثیر آن بر کاهش آسیب­پذیری شهری در برابر زلزله، علوم و تکنولوژی محیط­زیست، دورۀ دوازدهم، شمارۀ ۳، صص ۱۶۱-۱۷۴.
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