Explaining the Levels of Urban Creativity in the Metropolitan Cities (Case study: Karaj metropolis)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Tarbiat Modares

2 University of Zanjan

3 Student. University of Zanjan


A creative city is one that utilizes from creative works, scientific and technological innovations and impact of growing culture and is able to use creativity and imagination in the public and private sector. Such a city is possible ideas and potential solutions to solve all the problems in today's complex cities. Since, cities are a place for flourishing of creativity, the creativity in cities usually refers to ideas related to culture, art, knowledge and learning.
Present study is an applied research and the used method was descriptive-analytical method. Data were gathered by citations from books, documents, articles and using statistical data, censuses of population and housing, municipal reports and other related organizations. The under study statistical population included 11 districts of Karaj city. Measurements and data analysis were carried out using Excel Software, Urban Planning Model and TOPSIS Software and valuation was done using ANP model. In continue, the results obtained from these soft wares and process implementing were entered into the geographical information system (GIS) to complete the process of analysis and investigating the distribution and frequency of indexes on the statistical population.
Results and discussion
To assess a municipal property must always take into account a number of specific criteria and how close to the ideals and standards must be measured using related indexes. Hence, there are a number of indexes, by which development of creativity and city's creativity can be measured. Activity priorities of creative cities endorsed by UNESCO in 2004 and used to measure include: Literature, cinema, skills and ritual art, design, media arts and nutrition each of them with different components which the main and adapted of their components have been selected to measure Karaj City in the term of creative city. In this study, the indicators have been selected in the form of 26 components and at the level of Karaj's districts include literature and culture, scale, nutrition, higher education institutions, communal spaces, symbols, urban identity, art and so on. In present study, the indicator of the creative city have been analyzed through investigating the under study area as well as Richard Florida's viewpoint and adopting it with under study area. Among the effects that creativity can has on organization and urban management activities, one can refer to Increased production, increased service delivery, enhancing the quality and diversity of services, lower costs, reduce waste of resources, increase the level of mental health, reduce bureaucracy, increase activism among managers and so on.
The findings showed that the city's regions are moving towards creativity and prosperity and descript 5 is placed on the first rank with the value of 0.56 and descript 11 with the value of 0.11 is placed on the last rank. In terms of having creativity indicators, descript 5 is a richest region and descript 11 is a deprived region. The difference between the highest TOPSIS rank(descript 5) and the lowest TOPSIS rank (descript 11) is equal to 0.45 which indicates a significant difference in acceleration of progress of the regions toward creativity.
A creative city is one that utilizes from creative works, scientific and technological innovations and impact of growing culture and is able to use creativity and imagination in the public and private sector. Such a city is possible ideas and potential solutions to solve all the problems in today's complex cities. Since, cities are a place for flourishing of creativity, the creativity in cities usually refers to ideas related to culture, art, knowledge and learning.
Present study is an applied research and the used method was descriptive-analytical method. Data were gathered by citations from books, documents, articles and using statistical data, censuses of population and housing, municipal reports and other related organizations. The under study statistical population included 11 districts of Karaj city. Measurements and data analysis were carried out using Excel Software, Urban Planning Model and TOPSIS Software and valuation was done using ANP model. In continue, the results obtained from these soft wares and process implementing were entered into the geographical information system (GIS) to complete the process of analysis and investigating the distribution and frequency of indexes on the statistical population.
Results and discussion
To assess a municipal property must always take into account a number of specific criteria and how close to the ideals and standards must be measured using related indexes. Hence, there are a number of indexes, by which development of creativity and city's creativity can be measured. Activity priorities of creative cities endorsed by UNESCO in 2004 and used to measure include: Literature, cinema, skills and ritual art, design, media arts and nutrition each of them with different components which the main and adapted of their components have been selected to measure Karaj City in the term of creative city. In this study, the indicators have been selected in the form of 26 components and at the level of Karaj's districts include literature and culture, scale, nutrition, higher education institutions, communal spaces, symbols, urban identity, art and so on. In present study, the indicator of the creative city have been analyzed through investigating the under study area as well as Richard Florida's viewpoint and adopting it with under study area. Among the effects that creativity can has on organization and urban management activities, one can refer to Increased production, increased service delivery, enhancing the quality and diversity of services, lower costs, reduce waste of resources, increase the level of mental health, reduce bureaucracy, increase activism among managers and so on.
The findings showed that the city's regions are moving towards creativity and prosperity and descript 5 is placed on the first rank with the value of 0.56 and descript 11 with the value of 0.11 is placed on the last rank. In terms of having creativity indicators, descript 5 is a richest region and descript 11 is a deprived region. The difference between the highest TOPSIS rank(descript 5) and the lowest TOPSIS rank (descript 11) is equal to 0.45 which indicates a significant difference in acceleration of progress of the regions toward creativity.


Main Subjects

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