Trans-regional Market and Landuse Changes in Surrounding Areas (Case Study: Markets of Sofa Yaftabad, Amin al-Mulk Market of Bags and Shoes, and Aluminum Avian Castle)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Khwarazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 MA in Geography and Urban Planning, Khwarizmi University, Tehran, Iran


Urban expansion in Tehran would initially rely on the market in different stages of development and urban development. Urbanization due to population extreme would not able to respond to the business needs of the population. New consumer products and large-scale services such as transportation and warehousing require major activities in the markets.
Commercial centers were often developed in conjunction with the main axes of movement over time and they are created in the course of its expansion. In essence, the commercial centers in urban areas formed the center of the megalopolis.
Most of the experts such as Jacob Riis believe that the proximity of a market to residential neighborhood provides the backdrop backgrounds for the area.
District 17 of Tehran as a sample in the present study is a disparate business unit. Most of the district is related to the megalopolis regional markets including the Amin al-Mulk special market of bags and shoes, aluminum market, and the Yaftabad furniture market.
The goals of cognitive researches are to discover facts and develop the boundaries of human knowledge. This present study as kind of cognitive research seeks to identify physical changes in the communities under the influence of megalopolis markets. The comparative research is to assess the impacts of the extensive market centers on the landuses of the surrounding neighborhoods. The study has investigated the physical changes during the years 1980, 1996 and 2011. Thus, we have used a combination of quantitative-qualitative data through questionnaires and interviews.
The statistical population is the building blocks and urban neighborhoods.  We have used SPSS to analyze the research hypotheses through one-sample t-test and make mapping by GIS.
Results and discussion
In the study area there were landuse changes in residential, industrial workshop, and commercial landuses in Yaftabad neighborhood. Most of residential areas converted into workshops and stores.
In Hasan Shrine neighborhood, most of the landuses are converted into commercial and industrial centers and huge malls.
 In 1996, the residential and transportation areas have the highest level of demands. A great majority of farms also converted into industrial and commercial workshops
In Bagh Khazane neighborhood, most of the agricultural, residential and transportation areas are converted into commercial and production centers.
In Bolorsazi Neighborhood, most of the district was occupied by immigrants of different ethnic groups. The trend was continued after the Islamic Revolution. This was responsible for the conversion of agricultural land and orchards into residential land.. In 1996, the residential, industrial plants and transportation have the highest landuse areas in the neighborhood.  
The results of the study have indicated that many residential neighborhoods are now converted into markets and shop-commercial stores. These changes were the greatest in Yaftabad neighborhood. It can be concluded that establishment of trans-regional markets of the megalopolis in some districts led to spatial chaos in the urban structure of the neighborhoods and landuse changes.


Main Subjects

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