Function of Cyberspace in Promoting the Intellectual and Social Level of Women in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Geography, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


In emerging concepts, geopolitics, cyberspace, and the functions of this space have been considered in different areas. This space has been considered by various gender groups in various dimensions and has made them more prominent in various social fields. In such circumstances, one of the important indicators for measuring the national development of countries is participation of women in large contributors (social, political, cultural, and economic participation).
The significant expansion of communication technology and its breakthrough in all individual and personality dimensions has led to a shift in the methods of the mostly traditional package and provided a way for different partnerships of different human groups. On the other hand, the lack of encumbrances and extensive freedoms in cyberspace has left the women's community afraid of traditional encounters and gave them the courage to be effective in society. The study of the multiple dimensions of these changes and their socio-political and cultural implications will highlight the main objectives of this article.
Because of the most important effects of using cyberspace and social network, its direct role in promoting the social status of women in Iranian society can be pointed out. Cyberspace provides various environments of political geography for women in Iran. The active social activists can make individual and collective creativity in order to create their own abilities in different fields and, in my opinion, to a real place to reach their own.
In this regard, the role of the World Wide Web is becoming more and more colorful with the diversity of information provided to users in cyberspace. Therefore, in this article, all the thematic functions are related to the positive and negative effects and their consequences in the Iranian society.
Because of the passion created by cyberspace, Iranian women have a different place for themselves, and with bold advent in various areas of the space, they are looking for different and continuous roles in society. In this research, we try to address the various dimensions of cyberspace and social networking functions as multifaceted and influential media in Iranian women's society.
In recent years, Iranian society has faced widespread social mutations in various areas. In the meanwhile, in terms of political geography, cybercafé has different functions with many effects, and some of these functions are definitely at the service of upgrading the intellectual and social aspects of women in different fields and the strengthening of their social consciousness. In such a society with such an evolutionary pace, this level of cyberspace permeability over Iranian women should not be ignored and analyzed in many dimensions.
This research has been conducted by reviewing library and theoretical views using content analysis. This study finds the strategic significance that some social scientists do not consider the reasons for the influence of such a trend in Iranian women solely related to the short-term course. This was the product of step-by-step growth in the past five decades. In the Iranian society, the woman changes rapidly.   
Results and discussions
The women may face a lot of problems in their social life if they do not consciously deal with life issues. These views, along with other research perspectives, reflect the impact of technology on social behaviors and widespread changes in behavioral patterns in Iranian women's society.  
The research shows that simultaneous with the changing individual and group patterns of Iranian women, due to the increased tendency of this group to have intangible communication tools in cyberspace, the women have undergone many changes in various age groups.
The virtual networks and the second world of humans formed by communication technology serve as an unconventional plot in the present age. This function has greatly influenced the emergence and appearance of social phenomena. Meanwhile, the effect of virtual phenomena and networks on traditional and so-called confinement groups is more effective in the fence of houses.  
It can be concluded that emotional and non-teaching effectiveness show disadvantages and advantages of Iranian women society. Presence of dense and massive presence of Iranian women and girls in the modern communication and diverse activities in cyberspace represents the consolidation of new approaches and extensive passage of traditional space in Iran. 


Main Subjects

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