Measurement and Evaluation the Environmental Quality of Public Space on Destination Villages in Attracting Tourists (Case Study: Tourism Target Villages of Torqaba and Shandiz)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 departmant geography.ferdosi university

2 M.Sc student of Geography and Rural Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 PhD student in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Department of Geography and Rural Planning

4 PNU university


Extended Abstract
In many countries today, tourism is seen as a tool for the development of rural areas. Therefore, attractions in rural areas play a key role in attracting tourists.Public spaces in the countryside such as squares, alleys, etc., along with the exterior architecture of existing homes and furniture, can be attractive elements for tourists. Environmental quality of public spaces and its elements is the first and most important tourist attraction from the point of view of rural tourists and can cause tourism boom. Accordingly, the purpose of the present study is to investigate and analyze the environmental impact of public space on destination villages in attracting tourists.
The research method is descriptive - analytical and data collection was done by both documentary and field methods. In this study, eight villages of Torqabah and Shandiz which have tourist attractions and are popular in the area were studied. The statistical population consists of rural tourists and the sample population consists of 194 tourists. Pearson correlation test, one-sample T test, and Vikor's model were used to analyze the data. The statistical population consists of rural tourists and the sample population consists of 194 tourists. Pearson correlation test, one-sample T test, and Vikor's model were used to analyze the data.

Results and discussion
According to the results of single sample T test, the highest value was related to functional component with mean (3.08) and the lowest value to aesthetic component with mean (2.94).According to the correlation test, there is a significant relationship between the components of environmental quality and is generalizable to the whole community. Also the results of Vikor model showed that Jagaragh village is in the best condition in terms of environmental quality of public spaces and Kang village is the lowest.

Overall, the results showed that the aesthetic aspects of the public spaces of the studied villages are lower than the average of the other components and should be considered more, but the sense of rural identity can be felt in a semantic sense. Observed average. From a functional point of view, the villages are in a good condition and the environmental aspect of the physical condition is moderate, which will be more favorable to the tourist by enhancing the vegetation and environmental health of the village. The results of the Pearson test show that the four components of environmental quality of public spaces have a strong direct relation with each other and can be generalized to the whole community. In other words, the existing components are related to each other and can be mutually reinforcing. This means that increasing positive changes in one component increases the positive status of the other components. Also, Vikor Multi Criteria Decision Making Model was used to analyze the situation of the villages and the results showed that the village of Kong was the lowest and lowest in terms of indices and Jagharg village. Considering the environmental quality indices of public space in the study area is at the highest level. In sum, given the theoretical foundations and research findings, the following suggestions can help officials and planners as well as all tourism stakeholders in creating more sustainable environmental quality tourism villages: Planning for compliance Principles of visual aesthetics in the construction of villages and prevention of inappropriate construction with the function of villages; increase of resorts and restaurants in the villages; restoration of old village buildings; preservation of rural identity; protection of the rural environment; Village services according to their tourist attractiveness; Community facilities and recreational facilities suitable for tourists daily due to the fact that the bulk of tourists daily in the villages. ؛ Create a sense of responsibility for the quality of the rural environment between residents and tourists.Overall, the results showed that the aesthetic aspects of the public spaces of the studied villages are lower than the average of the other components and should be considered more, but the sense of rural identity can be felt in a semantic sense. Observed average. From a functional point of view, the villages are in a good condition and the environmental aspect of the physical condition is moderate, which will be more favorable to the tourist by enhancing the vegetation and environmental health of the village. The results of the Pearson test show that the four components of environmental quality of public spaces have a strong direct relation with each other and can be generalized to the whole community. In other words, the existing components are related to each other and can be mutually reinforcing. This means that increasing positive changes in one component increases the positive status of the other components. Also, Vikor Multi Criteria Decision Making Model was used to analyze the situation of the villages and the results showed that the village of Kong was the lowest and lowest in terms of indices and Jagharg village. Considering the environmental quality indices of public space in the study area is at the highest level. In sum, given the theoretical foundations and research findings, the following suggestions can help officials and planners as well as all tourism stakeholders in creating more sustainable environmental quality tourism villages: Planning for compliance Principles of visual aesthetics in the construction of villages and prevention of inappropriate construction with the function of villages; increase of resorts and restaurants in the villages; restoration of old village buildings; preservation of rural identity; protection of the rural environment; Village services according to their tourist attractiveness; Community facilities and recreational facilities suitable for tourists daily due to the fact that the bulk of tourists daily in the villages. ؛ Create a sense of responsibility for the quality of the rural environment between residents and tourists.
Keywords: Environmental Quality, Tourism Development, Public Space, Rural Tourism, Tourism Attraction


Main Subjects

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