The analysis of citizen cooperation effects on urban management with the proper government approach( case study: Yasuj city)

Document Type : Research Paper



Extended Abstract
Over recent decades, citizens' participation in modern society has attracted a great deal of
attention. Participation in urbanization is also proposed at different stages such as planning,
design preparation, design implementation, and urban management and administration, and in
various forms such as participation in decision making, participation in financing, paying the
cost of designs implementation, participation in provision of human resources, and involvement
in design benefits. Various models have been presented in the modern urban management system
to eradicate the urban problems and challenges. Today, one of these models is considered as the
dominant model of urban management and is the urban governance model. In this model, the
responsibility for public administration has been divided among three institutions: government,
civil society, and private sector.
Research method: Considering research nature, the current research is an applied study. It was
conducted using descriptive-analytical method. The required data were collected through library
resources, including taking note and using Internet, and via field study, including questionnaire
and interview. The research statistical population consisted of citizens who are living in Yasuj
city, managers, and urban affairs staffs. According to the modified Cochran formula, the required
sample size for citizens and managers was calculated to be 383 and 20 persons, respectively.
Additionally, in order to determine the rate of people participation in urban management, as well
as to determine the rate of urban managers' adherence to the principles of good governance, one-
sample t-test was used.
Results and Discussion
Results obtained from describing the characteristics of individuals in the statistical population
show that most of the respondents among citizens were in the age range of 25-35 years and
among managers were in the age range of 35-45years. Of the whole respondent sample for
citizens, 81.1% were male and 18.9% were female, and of the whole respondent sample for
managers, 96% were male and 4% were female. The average dimension of these individuals'
household is 3.4 and 2.9 for citizens and managers, respectively.

The results of the research show that the rate of citizens' participation in the city's management
affairs is at a very good level such that of the 16 investigated components, the citizens and
managers have only estimated the citizens' participation in the urban management affairs to be at
moderate level in five components. They estimated other components to be at strong level.
Results show that of the 22 investigated components, 2 components were evaluated to be at weak
level, 9 components were evaluated to be at moderate level, and 11 components were evaluated
to be at strong level.Several models have been proposed in urban modern management to
solve city problems and challenges. One of these patterns, which today is
the dominant model in urban management, is the urban governance model.
Considering the importance of consistent urban management and also
citizen cooperation in urban affairs, this study aims at analyzing the effects
of citizen cooperation on urban management in the city of Yasuj.
The research method is descriptive- analytic in which the data has been
elicited using survey method. The populations of the study are the
managers and employers of the urban management domain and the
citizens of Yasuj. Using Kukran formula, a sample of 383 for citizens and
a sample of 20 for managers have been selected randomly. To analyze the
data, inferential statistics including (one-sample t-test, cluster analysis,
contingency table, k-2 test, Pearson correlation index) have been utilized.
The findings from one-sample t-test showed that the amount of
cooperation and consideration of ruling principles and standards is at a
good level in the population of citizens and managers. Moreover, the
results of K-2 and Pearson tests indicate that there is a direct and
meaningful relationship (at 99% level) between the two variables of
cooperation and good ruling in the city of Yasuj.
Several models have been proposed in urban modern management to
solve city problems and challenges. One of these patterns, which today is
the dominant model in urban management, is the urban governance model.
Considering the importance of consistent urban management and also
citizen cooperation in urban affairs, this study aims at analyzing the effects
of citizen cooperation on urban management in the city of Yasuj.
The research method is descriptive- analytic in which the data has been
elicited using survey method. The populations of the study are the
managers and employers of the urban management domain and the
citizens of Yasuj. Using Kukran formula, a sample of 383 for citizens and
a sample of 20 for managers have been selected randomly. To analyze the
data, inferential statistics including (one-sample t-test, cluster analysis,
contingency table, k-2 test, Pearson correlation index) have been utilized.
The findings from one-sample t-test showed that the amount of
cooperation and consideration of ruling principles and standards is at a
good level in the population of citizens and managers. Moreover, the
results of K-2 and Pearson tests indicate that there is a direct and
meaningful relationship (at 99% level) between the two variables of
cooperation and good ruling in the city of Yasuj.Several models have been proposed in urban modern management to
solve city problems and challenges. One of these patterns, which today is
the dominant model in urban management, is the urban governance model.
Considering the importance of consistent urban management and also
citizen cooperation in urban affairs, this study aims at analyzing the effects
of citizen cooperation on urban management in the city of Yasuj.
The research method is descriptive- analytic in which the data has been
elicited using survey method. The populations of the study are the
managers and employers of the urban management domain and the
citizens of Yasuj. Using Kukran formula, a sample of 383 for citizens and
a sample of 20 for managers have been selected randomly. To analyze the
data, inferential statistics including (one-sample t-test, cluster analysis,
contingency table, k-2 test, Pearson correlation index) have been utilized.
The findings from one-sample t-test showed that the amount of
cooperation and consideration of ruling principles and standards is at a
good level in the population of citizens and managers.


Main Subjects

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