Evaluation of residential quality components in historical districts of Sabzevar. Case Study: Sardeh Historical neighborhood

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of geography and environmental science, university of Hakim Sabzevari

2 Hakim Sabzevari University

3 faculty of geography science, university of Kharazmi, Tehran


Urban developments in Iran over the past few decades have made significant changes in the construction of the city and the quality of urban spaces. These changes, especially in historical cities, have had a profound impact on urban relations, social, economic, cultural, physical and spatial characteristics, more than other cities; So as to isolate the more ancient fabric and have been spatial and social segregation. One of the current problems is the issue of environmental quality or the quality of life in historical neighborhoods. In Iran, in addition to the above-mentioned, the challenge facing urban planners and politicians in many historic towns and cities is that of balancing the demand for increasing social, cultural and and economic issues, with the need to respect the environment and provide an acceptable quality of life for all citizens. The emphasis of the study is knowing and analysis of existing parameters in historic neighborhoods and assessment of impacts on quality of life and environment. Since 1970, extensive research projects in measuring the quality of urban life that utilizes various model from both a conceptual and empirical perspective has been launched in assessment of the urban quality of environment and life. Several of the key issues affecting the quality of the environment and in our towns and cities, likes, traffic and heavy motor traffic, poor air quality, health care and security, accessibility to the service, unacceptable levels of noise and a weakened sense of neighborhood and local community. In addition, in adequate construction of buildings and natural hazards that threaten them, has been caused historic neighborhoods be turned a continuous problem for urban management. According to the articles mentioned in this research in this study we have made an endeavor to answer the following questions:
• What is the level of quality in terms of urban and subjective and objective?
• In terms of inhabitants, what are the factors affecting the quality of urban environment in Srdeh neighborhood?

The historical fabic of Sabzevar, which is now located in the new divisions inside the 3rd district, has 11 neighborhoods including: the Neighborhood of the Citadel, the Syerde Neighborhood, the New Alley neighborhood, the Hajikoglu Quarter, Al-Daghi Neighborhood, the Neqashk Nebashk Neighborhood, the Hamm Hakim Neighborhood, Qazi Alley or Aqa neighborhood, Zargar neighborhood, Sabzeh neighborhood and Mazar-e-Sabz neighborhood. Seredeh (Syrdeh) neighborhood from the north to the Farmandari square, from the south to Beyagh Street, from east to Qa'im Street and from the West to Fadayian Islami Street. This neighborhood has very low latitudes, which are the last relics and old towns. Socially, the Sardeh area is a part of urban historic core with an estimated population of 2,500 people and an area of 9.9 hectares.
This research is a survey based on the research method. In this study, the data collection tool was a questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by the advice of the professors and relevant specialists as the referee. In order to achieve the acceptable reliability, a pre-test with a sample of 50 and using Cronbach's alpha, alignment and internal consistency of the questionnaire were provided. The statistical population of this research is the residents of Sabzevar Sardeh neighborhood, which are in the range of 18 to 70 years old. After collecting data in the form of a questionnaire, these data were entered into the software environment and then encoded and analyzed. In this research, factor analysis has been used to examine the relationship between variables.

Results and Discussion
Results indicate that factor analysis is one of the most suitable ways to solve problems in ranking indexes in urban planning. In this paper, this model was used to indicate and categorize the effective indicators. However, the result of this study was to reduce the 59 primary variables to the 9 most important factors by turning the varimax in total mental-mental dimensions, 4 factors in the objective dimension and 9 significant factors in the mental dimension. Load indexes constitute one factor and indicators that cannot accumulate with them are another factor; therefore, the sum of the variables of the nine factors is 52.18%, the highest of which is with 9.52% in the first factor and under the title is the space-physical structure. According to the presented materials, in response to the research question regarding the factors affecting the quality of urban environment in the study area, the spatial structure-physical structure with 5/734% is not possible; the sense of belonging with 3 786/3; the satisfaction of housing space 132 / 3%; satisfaction with life (personal health and wellbeing) 2.672; accessibility of 439.2%; family relationships and social solidarity; 2.31%; security; 1.25%; urban and urban landscape; 903.1%; Ultimately, participation and a sense of collective represented 275.1% as the main factors that are a combination of the mental and objective dimension of the quality of the environment.

Regarding field surveys, it was found that residents are dissatisfied with some of the characteristics that affect the quality of urban environments or face many problems and problems. Considering the theoretical foundations and research findings, it can be said that the way of approaching the quality of the urban environment in the context of both objective and subjective views can provide two different interpretations of the quality of the urban environment and ultimately satisfaction levels. Therefore, it would not be possible to make more practical and rational decisions for the improvement of the quality of the urban environment unless through close contact with residents and attracting popular participation based on good urban governance in order to survey residents about the quality of the urban environment of their place of residence and consultation with them. Relationship with actions that can improve the quality of the urban environment of their place of residence and, ultimately, the level of satisfaction.


Main Subjects

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