An Analysis of Quality of Life Satisfaction in Central areas Cities (Case Study: The Impacts of Individual Variables on the Quality of Life of Residents of Ardabil City Central Neighborhoods)

Document Type : Research Paper


university of Isfahan


Extended Abstract
Measuring the degree of satisfaction of Quality of Life in city or neighborhood is difficult and it depends on a lot of factors. Also, understanding the level of satisfaction from each person and in different personal, social, economic, cultural and physical conditions is different. Actually, Adding personal attributes to analyzes will increase predictive power. Some of the individual variables that affect satisfaction include: demographic factors, personality, values, expectations, comparisons with other settlements, and some personal and household characteristics (such as age, gender, education level, occupation, and even ownership).
The purpose of the research is Assessment of quality of life in Ardabil City Central Neighborhoods and is to show the effects of individual variables of urban residents on citizens' perception of quality of life (In four dimensions: social, physical, economic and environmental) is in the form of the geographical school of spatial behavior. Therefore, it has investigated the status of residents' satisfaction with the quality of life in the central neighborhoods of Ardabil City (the Aliqapu or Darvazeh, Sarcheshmeh, Tav, Gazaran, Ochidukan and Pirabd ol-Malek).The main questions of this research are:
1. How are Satisfaction of residents the quality of life in each dimension?
2. How is the quality of life of the residents in the central neighborhoods of Ardebil city?
3. How are the individual variables of the residents relate to the degree of satisfaction with the quality of life urban or neighborhood in different aspects of research?

The method of this research is descriptive and analytical based on the field study method. The data collection instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire prepared. Validity of the questionnaire has been confirmed by experts and its reliability was also measured by Cronbach's alpha, with a credit rating of 0.726. The statistical society of our research is all residents over the age of 12 who are in the six Central neighborhoods of Ardabil (Urban neighborhoods of the Aliqapu or Darvazeh, Sarcheshmeh, Tova, Gazaran, Ochdukan and Pir Abdol-Malek). The sample size is calculated using the Cochran formula and With a confidence level of 95% and with regard to the maximum heterogeneity hypothesis as (p=q=0.5) 384 participants. Each sample was randomly selected and interviewed. The results were analyzed by SPSS software. To analyze the relationship between the variables and the answers to the research questions, different tests (ANOVA and t-test) were used. Research indicators include
1. Indicators of physical-spatial sustainability: housing, neighborhood vitality, quality of neighborhood form and texture, accessibility and aesthetics;
2. Indicators of Social Sustainability: Individual Areas, Public and Social Areas, Neighborhood Units;
3. Indicators of environmental sustainability: efficiency, cleanliness of neighborhoods, quality of litter and natural environment of the neighborhood;
4. Indicators of Economic Sustainability: Neighborhood Sustainable Active Economy, Neighborhood Financial Costs;

Results and discussion
The mean satisfaction of all indicators (economic, environmental, social and physical) was 2.90, indicating a relative satisfaction with the overall quality of life of the residents in the neighborhoods. See the table below:
Table 1. Average residents' satisfaction with the status of each of the survey indicators by neighborhood
Average Neighborhood Economic Environmental Social Physical Urban Neighborhoods
3.29 2.79 3.66 3.49 3.2 Ochdukan
2.47 2.14 2.4 3.01 2.31 Tova
2.82 2.63 2.96 2.89 2.8 Gazaran
3.05 2.4 3.15 3.44 3.22 Aliqapu or Darvazeh
2.9 3.01 2.77 3.15 2.65 Sarcheshmeh
2.89 2.58 3.01 3.31 2.67 Pir Abdol-Malek
2.9 2.59 2.99 3.22 2.81 Average Index
Out of all indicators of quality of life, social sustainability index of residents is better than other indicators of quality of life, which is mainly due to the religious background of the studied neighborhoods. Investigating the relationship between total quality of life and its relationship with independent individual variables of residents, as shown in the table below, given the sig value obtained from T-test for independent variables of gender, age, education level, and resident status, Place of birth and residence time of residents is less than 0.05, so it can be said that the relationship between these variables and total quality of life is significant. Relationship mode for individual variables is marital status, and occupation of residents with quality of life vice versa.
Table 2. Relationship Level and Relationship Type of Individual Variables of Respondents with Residents' Quality of Life
Describe the relationship sig T-test AS SS DF Variables
meaningful relationship 0.026 0.797 0.583 2.915 383 Gender
meaningful relationship 0.018 3.598 2.536 10.144 383 Age
meaningful relationship 0.003 5.211 3.178 12.71 383 Education
No meaningful relationship 0.272 1.358 0.524 2.017 383 Marital Status
meaningful relationship 0.002 13.111 0.814 2.438 383 Residential Status
meaningful relationship 0.003 3.004 1.244 3.733 383 Place of Birth
meaningful relationship 0.021 3.463 1.433 7.167 383 Duration of Residence
No meaningful relationship 0.318 1.234 0.446 2.676 383 Workplace

Ardebil city is in the process of transition to modernity and is influenced by the current and future changes of modern urbanization. Therefore, the quality of life in the central neighborhoods of Ardabil city is not satisfactory and due to being in transition phase this satisfaction can be improved with proper management. On the one hand, changes in urban areas in its various dimensions (economic, environmental, social, and physical) have been unquestionable in the light of community growth and the newly formed needs of residents, and on the other hand, the results of any field study in Behavioral geography, including the consideration of subjective indicators of citizens' quality of life, may be influenced by one another, depending on factors. In addition, individual variables of residents are among the important factors affecting the level of resident satisfaction in different areas of behavioral geography.
Therefore, considering the impact of individual variables of residents on their perception of the environment and the needs and expectations of urban plans, consider and measure the effects that urban plans can have on different groups of residents. Developing and reviewing their components is the major strategy that can be suggested to improve the satisfaction of subjective indicators of quality of life in the residents of each neighborhood and especially in central Ardabil.


Main Subjects

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