Communicative Planning Governance Network sustainable regeneration slum textures (case study: Kermanshah city)

Document Type : Research Paper




Extended Abstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate the pathology of continuous management of urban reconstruction with a state-level, top-down, hierarchical and non-participatory, lack of communication and interaction in urban regeneration and transfer to participatory collaboration among actors in urban management (government, market, public sector, Private, civil society and citizens) with a communicative, cooperative, interactive and discursive governance model for sustainable urban regeneration. With the advent of actions and the writing of communication with the sovereignty of the network, the Twin approach has emerged as the network communications management in modern management. The method of research is combination (quantitative and qualitative). Observations, interviews and questionnaires were used. This research aims to identify structural patterns of relations between the 34 formal and informal organizations associated with sustainable urban regeneration. For this purpose, the analysis of social networks and indicators of size, density, network center, reproduction, transmission, and the shortest distance between the two macro level activators were used. There are 34 characters in this network and in fact determine the social boundary of the network. A total of 1122 transmissions can occur in this network, of which only 271 occur (roughly a quarter), indicating the network's weakness and the lack of cooperation of communication networks from sustainable urban regeneration. The link between information and collaboration between the organizations studied (37%) was low and the network was in policy, coordination, management (planning, monitoring and evaluation) indicators, implementation, instrumentation, central and hierarchical facilities.
This research aims to identify structural patterns of relations between the 34 formal and informal organizations associated with sustainable urban regeneration. For this purpose, the analysis of social networks and indicators of size, density, network center, reproduction, transmission, and the shortest distance between the two macro level activators were used. There are 34 characters in this network and in fact determine the social boundary of the network. A total of 1122 transmissions can occur in this network, of which only 271 occur (roughly a quarter), indicating the network's weakness and the lack of cooperation of communication networks from sustainable urban regeneration.
Results and discussion
The link between information and collaboration between the organizations studied (37%) was low and the network was in policy, coordination, management (planning, monitoring and evaluation) indicators, implementation, instrumentation, central and hierarchical facilities. urban regeneration and transfer to participatory collaboration among actors in urban management (government, market, public sector, Private, civil society and citizens) with a communicative, cooperative, interactive and discursive governance model for sustainable urban regeneration. With the advent of actions and the writing of communication with the sovereignty of the network, the Twin approach has emerged as the network communications management in modern management. The method of research is combination (quantitative and qualitative). Observations, interviews and questionnaires were used. This research aims to identify structural patterns of relations between the 34 formal and informal organizations associated with sustainable urban regeneration. For this purpose, the analysis of social networks and indicators of size, density, network center, reproduction, transmission, and the shortest distance between the two macro level activators were used.
Urban regeneration and transfer to participatory collaboration among actors in urban management (government, market, public sector, Private, civil society and citizens) with a communicative, cooperative, interactive and discursive governance model for sustainable urban regeneration. With the advent of actions and the writing of communication with the sovereignty of the network, the Twin approach has emerged as the network communications management in modern management. The method of research is combination (quantitative and qualitative). Observations, interviews and questionnaires were used. This research aims to identify structural patterns of relations between the 34 formal and informal organizations associated with sustainable urban regeneration. For this purpose, the analysis of social networks and indicators of size, density, network center, reproduction, transmission, and the shortest distance between the two macro level activators were used.Urban regeneration and transfer to participatory collaboration among actors in urban management (government, market, public sector, Private, civil society and citizens) with a communicative, cooperative, interactive and discursive governance model for sustainable urban regeneration. With the advent of actions and the writing of communication with the sovereignty of the network, the Twin approach has emerged as the network communications management in modern management. The method of research is combination (quantitative and qualitative). Observations, interviews and questionnaires were used. This research aims to identify structural patterns of relations between the 34 formal and informal organizations associated with sustainable urban regeneration. For this purpose, the analysis of social networks and indicators of size, density, network center, reproduction, transmission, and the shortest distance between the two macro level activators were used.Urban regeneration and transfer to participatory collaboration among actors in urban management (government, market, public sector, Private, civil society and citizens) with a communicative, cooperative, interactive and discursive governance model for sustainable urban regeneration. With the advent of actions and the writing of communication with the sovereignty of the network, the Twin approach has emerged as the network communications management in modern management. The method of research is combination (quantitative and qualitative). Observations, interviews and questionnaires were used. This research aims to identify structural patterns of relations between the 34 formal and informal organizations associated with sustainable urban regeneration. For this purpose, the analysis of social networks and indicators of size, density, network center, reproduction, transmission, and the shortest distance between the two macro level activators were used.Urban regeneration and transfer to participatory collaboration among actors in urban management (government, market, public sector, Private, civil society and citizens) with a communicative, cooperative, interactive and discursive governance model for sustainable urban regeneration. With the advent of actions and the writing of communication with the sovereignty of the network, the Twin approach has emerged as the network communications management in modern management. The method of research is combination (quantitative and qualitative). Observations, interviews and questionnaires were used. This research aims to identify structural patterns of relations between the 34 formal and informal organizations associated with sustainable urban regeneration.


Main Subjects

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 [p1] نام کوچک نویسندگان درج نشده هم در منابع فارسی هم لاتین.


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