Explaining the factors affecting the efficiency, effectiveness of management and rural participation in the development of the villages of Soomehsara city with a good governance approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Geography and rural planning, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran

2 Professor, Dep. of Geography, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Dep. of Geography, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran


Rural governance is an approach against the rural government in the system of administration and control of rural affairs and is a process that is formed based on the interaction between organizations and official institutions of rural administration and organizations and problems of civil society and private sector. Good governance as a new concept in management Rural is important because in recent years the country has sought to implement a significant role for people's participation at all levels, including rural, and to create management mechanisms such as rural councils and rural councils. Good governance is one of the new approaches of the General Directorate of Rural Affairs in the transnational, national and local spheres. One of the regional dimensions of governance is local governance or rural management in both dimensions of supervisory management (councils) and executive management (Dehyar), which refers to the quality of rural affairs management. To analyze and evaluate the factors affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of rural management. In both supervisory and executive oversight, this study seeks to analyze in detail the relationships between what is happening (activities, decisions, and arrangements) and what we expect to achieve (goals and values). There were features that both explained the resources and processes and included the effective result, which can be used to find the unknown and obscure aspects in practice, at which time we can say that good rural governance is a means to one or more goals. It is desirable that it can play an irreplaceable role in the life of rural communities.

In this research, first, the required data have been collected, classified and organized, and then the obtained information has been analyzed using descriptive tables, graphs and statistics. In this study, the following statistical methods have been used:
1) Methods of statistics Description: In the description of the collected data and information, the methods used are: frequency, mean, standard deviation.
2) Inferential statistical methods: In this section, according to the research hypotheses, first from Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (to determine whether the data is normal or abnormal) and if normal, Pearson correlation coefficient and paired t-test. , Was used by SPSS statistical software to prove the hypotheses.
Library studies were used by Soomehsara Governor's Office regarding the information of the city's rural districts and rural management experts, statistical yearbooks, articles, specialized books, and information available in government organizations, including the Management and Planning Organization.

Result and Discussion
Evaluation of performance and effectiveness variables in order to study rural management and good management shows that more than 70% of respondents averaged the amount of donors to the tasks of their organizational structures in relation to villages, 59.3% of respondents use the correct usage Dehyaran averages the available resources of the village, more than 48% of the respondents moderate the role of the effectiveness of Dehyaran's actions and activities and continuous reduction of village expenses by Dehyaran in institutionalizing culture, more than 40% the role of village managers in preserving natural resources And highly evaluated its optimal use. More than 70% of rural investment attraction, participation in paying attention to the deprived, pursuing development projects and informing the people are moderate and high. On the other hand, more than 65% of the people have commented on the opinions and suggestions of the villagers, the opinion of the people in choosing Dehyar and the existence of a long-term financial outlook for the village, contrary to the opinions of many middle and high managers.
The results generally show that the presence and follow-up of villagers and other rural managers from the perspective of managers between 40 and 70 percent has a direct impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of rural management and good management.
More than 77% of the respondents moderated their contribution to the tasks of the organizational structures towards the villages, more than 70% of the respondents the effect of continuous reduction of village expenses by villagers in institutionalizing culture, improving the work process of the village and the satisfaction of the villagers was considered moderate and high. The standard deviation of less than one and the opinions of the villagers vary from very low to very high in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.
From the perspective of managers in increasing the participation of villagers in good governance management and improving it in the village, more than 55% of the role of managers in encouraging and paying attention to women's participation in the village, attention to the deprived, pursuing development plans and informing the public And more than 50 percent of them have considered the impact of paying attention to the opinions and suggestions of the villagers, the opinion of the people in choosing Dehyar and the existence of a long-term financial outlook for the village.
According to Pearson correlation test, there is a significant relationship between the efficiency and effectiveness of rural management and good governance and improving management and governance. The relationship between these two variables is direct and the coefficient of t-test. Since the error rate of the relationship is less than 0.05 and according to the coefficient of determination of the relationship, which is considered to be 95% in this research, the research hypothesis is thus confirmed.
According to Couple sample test there is a significant relationship between the efficiency and effectiveness of rural management and good governance and improving management and governance.

The results on the efficiency and effectiveness variables of rural management show that the factors of the amount of villagers' assistance to the tasks of their organizational structures in relation to villages are average, the extent of proper use of rural resources by villagers, Dehyaran has an important role in institutionalizing culture, the role of village managers in maintaining natural resources and its optimal use from the perspective of managers and villagers as effective factors for the efficiency and effectiveness of rural management and good governance. There is a relationship between increasing the efficiency of rural management and good management and improving good management and good management in the study area.


Main Subjects

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