Sociological analysis of the effects of tourism industry on regional development of Qazvin province(Case study of Qazvin county)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Central Tehran Azad University

2 Professor, University of Tehran

3 Associate professor


With the development of soft technologies with their value-oriented nature in the context of culture, in the form of creative industries in line with the tourism industry can be a specific goal for development strategies in the context of regional economic planning. The degree of tourism potential in creating development in a region largely depends on the alignment of tacit culture and objective culture of tourism stakeholders in the region, especially decision-makers at different levels of local government. Qazvin is one of the historical and cultural cities of Iran that has the largest number of registered antiquities. Due to the loss of the opportunity of Qazvin tourism pilot by the United Nations Human Settlement Program in 2005, in which tourism was introduced as an important factor of public welfare and income for all segments of the population, and according to statistics It is stated that the increasing and decreasing trend of credits allocated to the tourism sector, the current situation and the impact of tourism on the regional development of Qazvin and its future forecast from the perspective of tourism stakeholders in the region. The main purpose of this study is to identify and study the impact of tourism industry on regional development of Qazvin province (case study of Qazvin city). - What is the sociological analysis of the effects of tourism indicators related to the regional development of Qazvin province (case study of Qazvin city) from the perspective of tourists and stakeholders in the region? And predicting the future of the tourism industry according to the current situation from experts and officials How is it with tourism in the region?
Descriptive-analytical in three stages, using the SWOT technique to develop a strategy from two groups of tourists to 140 people and stakeholders (tourism-related jobs) 120 people and using the Delphi method in three rounds, officials and experts up to 41 people to advance Forecast of the future of tourism in Qazvin Data collection has been done. According to the Likert scale and gaining a maximum of 5 points in each case with 41 participants, the maximum score of each agent could be 143.5 points and gaining 70% of this point.
Results and discussion:
The SWOT results of tourists:the top strengths of the region:diversity of historical and natural landscapes of tourism, sense of security and confidence of tourists during the trip, clean climate of the region and its opportunities, ability and potential of the region for tourism development. Recommend to friends, good travel experience due to reasonable costs, weaknesses:poor quality and high cost of accommodation centers, traffic on communication routes within the historical context, lack of proper access to information centers and Tourism guidance as well as threats:Lack of proper use of natural and historical resources in the region in the form of sustainable development, incoherence in tourism management, lack of proper investment in the tourism sector.
Stakeholder SWOT results the strengths of the region: people agree to the expansion of tourism, life satisfaction in the region according to the business environment and increase the personal income of residents related to tourism, knowledge and interest of people in reviving history And Opportunity:The Ability and Potential Necessary for the Development of Tourism in the Region, The Originality and Specialness of the Works and Places of the Region and the Presence of Women in the Footsteps of Men in Tourism Jobs Quality in the facilities needed by tourists and is faced with serious threats:lack of systematic planning and planning of tourism, lack of appropriate investments in tourism, inappropriate change of use, including the traditional garden of Qazvin.
In the third stage of the analysis using the Delphi technique process in three rounds, the consensus of Delphi panel members, officials and experts related to tourism in the province, predict the future of tourism .In the economic dimension: Reconstruction of tourist places in order to create a hotel and visit historical centers, direct supply and prosperity in the production of handicrafts, impact on increasing newly established urban spaces and impact on the growth of value added in the tourism sector. In the cultural dimension: impact In the prosperity of Saad al-Saltanah and the reconstruction of such historical collections, the impact on the preservation of archeological and historical monuments, the effects of original architecture and historical memory.In the social dimension: the impact on facilitating communication services, the impact on Public transport services. In the environmental dimension: an effect on the attractiveness of the environment of historical places and attractions, the impact on the development of ecotourism, tourism advocates and conservation of the natural environment. In providing and training skilled and experienced manpower at management levels, his work The purpose of the tourism sector is to comply with international tourism laws and international relations between governments in order to improve the standards of the region.
The difference between tacit culture and objective culture derived from the goals and values of all stakeholders, including people and managers, has created a conflict of interest. It is closely related to the future of Qazvin tourism industry. decision-makers in terms of the ability to set a goal and achieve it in policy fail and work with very little power. Economic development of tourism depends on coordinating these conflicting interests.Development requires change, and change always happens in the context. In order to make improvements, one must pay attention to the context and create accessories that are both functional and in line with the goals. Principles of Qazvin tourism policy can be used with a recurring problem-based adaptation approach to empower local government and community-based tourism from the component Regional development opportunities are possible. especially in the city and region with a rich historical and cultural background of Qazvin.


Main Subjects

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