The Impact of Spatial Policies on the Sustainable Development of Desert Cities

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Executive Manager Human Geography Research Quarterly

2 Tehran



1-Introduction Given that cities are climatically different; Special environmental planning is felt to manage them. Therefore, the study of the impact of political decisions on the geographical space of cities has a fundamental impact on their development and sustainability. Therefore, the relationship between politics and space in the city is one of the important topics studied by geographers of the present age. To examine these relationships, it is important to understand the conditions of natural geography. Cities are divided into three categories in terms of climate, desert cities, mountainous cities and coastal cities that have their own economic, social and environmental characteristics. In this article, with a descriptive-analytical method, an attempt is made to analyze space policies in desert cities. The question that arises here is what effect do the natural geographical conditions of desert and arid cities, especially the climate, have on the type and method of policies and policies of city managers? The results show that "the type and method of spatial policies in desert and desert cities are different from other cities due to natural geographical conditions. Therefore, desert cities have special conditions and talents, and although they have some limitations compared to other cities; "But Dada's climatic conditions play a fundamental role in formulating and implementing various policies in these cities in order to achieve development and sustainability."

2- Methodology

This research is of applied type and the method of data collection in this documentary and library research and the method of information analysis is descriptive-analytical based on qualitative methodology. In this regard, in order to achieve a correct and clear result in this research based on rational inference, an attempt has been made to explain the role of climate in urban policies.

3- Results

-It should be noted that spatial policies are greatly influenced by the role of natural (sustainable) environmental factors. The process of integration and unification has been economic, political and social backwardness under the long-term actions of natural space in general and components such as climate, ruggedness, size and shape of cities in particular. The function of these factors is both positive and constructive and negative and destructive, but in general in desert cities, their destructive role is more on the body of the city.

-From the development point of view, having different natural capabilities and also benefiting from God-given facilities and talents and how to use them show the status of urban communities in each region.

- Determining the levels of ownership and development of urban areas and examining the strengths and weaknesses of the conditions of each area in the economic, cultural and political fields, coordinates the optimal allocation of resources and facilities for development.

4 – Conclusion

Rapid developments in today's world have made it impossible to achieve development plans without constant revision. In addition, the facilities, capabilities, and priorities of urban society are constantly changing. Therefore, with the increase in the number of cities, understanding the natural and human geography of the city and determining the extent of scarcity and imbalance at different levels becomes an inevitable necessity. In this regard, attention to climate and urban typology, due to their role in meeting the needs of urban communities and the soul and psyche of citizens, is of great importance in the spatial policy of the city and in order to develop it. Therefore, knowledge of the climate is essential for planning and managing these spaces. In general, a set of cultural, economic, political-managerial and environmental factors are involved in the formulation and implementation of space policies in desert cities. In the socio-cultural sector, the high rate of population growth is important both naturally and in the form of migration to these cities. In fact, these cities, due to their high potential for industrialization and the establishment of various industries, have been attractive to the population. . Also, the geographical and environmental characteristics of these cities mean that they are located in the plains and have a long distance with the surrounding mountains or natural dead ends due to the availability of a lot of land for construction on the one hand and not enough water for agriculture and therefore barren Lands around cities On the other hand, cities have expanded on all sides and have suffered spatial dispersion. It seems that the new projects that are being implemented in these cities have not paid attention to this issue. Drought is one of the main challenges in these areas, which can turn into a crisis if not addressed. The results show that desert and desert cities have potentials in addition to limitations and the type and method of political decisions of those in power in desert and desert cities should be special and different from other cities according to geographical conditions. Therefore, desert cities need special space policies. Since any space can have rankings in the face of various factors (natural-human), therefore, desert and desert cities, due to their special climatic conditions, also have conditions in the political, economic, cultural and environmental fields. They are special. Of course, it can not be said that desert cities only suffer from limitations and shortcomings, but also the potential of desert cities in various fields such as tourism, medicinal plants and construction of industrial factories, construction products, etc. with proper management and planning of city officials and Capital can become real. However, from a geographical point of view, due to the interrelationship between space and politics, collecting areas for business and development development in desert cities is more difficult than coastal and mountainous cities and requires organized and purposeful politico-spatial management. Therefore, the effects of climate on political, economic and cultural issues and on the formation of socio-political structures and contexts of human groups in urban areas can be examined in the context of urban space policies. To take.

Keywords: city, desert, politics, space, development and sustainability


Main Subjects

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