One of the world’s geographical regions which has been exposed to the geopolitics tensions was southern Asian region which has more than 2 billion population. In this geopolitical region, the presence and the impact of China and India which are trying to develop their impression all the time and the special notice of America has caused that the domain of regional and world competitions find new dimensions. The importance and the domain of these competitions in the geographical region of southern Asia is so huge that this region has been able to be a place for getting the strategic Excellency in Asian continent, and probably a focal for changing the balance of world power in the 21 century. This issue has caused that the study of the structure of geopolitical competition between China and India and the role of America in the Southern Asia region is an interesting issue for academicals studies.
In this research, the goal is to investigate this tip with the way of descriptive analytical research which the nature of geopolitical competition between China and India in this geographical region is created on what basis; and what the process of America’s intervention has influenced on the power equations. The result of the research indicates that the most important influential factor on the geopolitical competition of China and India is the development of the economy’s role in the world’s changes. In a way that the competition between themselves has been transformed from security domain to the economic domain. In this process, the United States with the notice of the profits unity with India is trying to restrain the impact of China in peripheral regions, being an obstacle to achieve China’s economical and communicational plans in the countries like Pakistan, Myanmar and Bangladesh. This issue has cause the increase of China’s penetration costs and on the other hand has caused the increase of competition power of India which seems in a short time neither of China and India countries aren’t able to acquire absolute geopolitical and geo-economics excellence towards each other.
One of the world’s geographical regions which has been exposed to the geopolitics tensions was southern Asian region which has more than 2 billion population. In this geopolitical region, the presence and the impact of China and India which are trying to develop their impression all the time and the special notice of America has caused that the domain of regional and world competitions find new dimensions. The importance and the domain of these competitions in the geographical region of southern Asia is so huge that this region has been able to be a place for getting the strategic Excellency in Asian continent, and probably a focal for changing the balance of world power in the 21 century. This issue has caused that the study of the structure of geopolitical competition between China and India and the role of America in the Southern Asia region is an interesting issue for academicals studies.
In this research, the goal is to investigate this tip with the way of descriptive analytical research which the nature of geopolitical competition between China and India in this geographical region is created on what basis; and what the process of America’s intervention has influenced on the power equations. The result of the research indicates that the most important influential factor on the geopolitical competition of China and India is the development of the economy’s role in the world’s changes. In a way that the competition between themselves has been transformed from security domain to the economic domain. In this process, the United States with the notice of the profits unity with India is trying to restrain the impact of China in peripheral regions, being an obstacle to achieve China’s economical and communicational plans in the countries like Pakistan, Myanmar and Bangladesh. This issue has cause the increase of China’s penetration costs and on the other hand has caused the increase of competition power of India which seems in a short time neither of China and India countries aren’t able to acquire absolute geopolitical and geo-economics excellence towards each other.
One of the world’s geographical regions which has been exposed to the geopolitics tensions was southern Asian region which has more than 2 billion population. In this geopolitical region, the presence and the impact of China and India which are trying to develop their impression all the time and the special notice of America has caused that the domain of regional and world competitions find new dimensions. The importance and the domain of these competitions in the geographical region of southern Asia is so huge that this region has been able to be a place for getting the strategic Excellency in Asian continent, and probably a focal for changing the balance of world power in the 21 century. This issue has caused that the study of the structure of geopolitical competition between China and India and the role of America in the Southern Asia region is an interesting issue for academicals studies.
In this research, the goal is to investigate this tip with the way of descriptive analytical research which the nature of geopolitical competition between China and India in this geographical region is created on what basis; and what the process of America’s intervention has influenced on the power equations. The result of the research indicates that the most important influential factor on the geopolitical competition of China and India is the development of the economy’s role in the world’s changes. In a way that the competition between themselves has been transformed from security domain to the economic domain. In this process, the United States with the notice of the profits unity with India is trying to restrain the impact of China in peripheral regions, being an obstacle to achieve China’s economical and communicational plans in the countries like Pakistan, Myanmar and Bangladesh.
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Badiee Azandehie, M. , Zarei, B. and BarzegarzadehZarandi, M. (2022). The impact of Indo-China geopolitical competition on south Asian region security with emphasis on US intervention. Human Geography Research, 54(1), 375-389. doi: 10.22059/jhgr.2021.326457.1008335
Badiee Azandehie, M. , , Zarei, B. , and BarzegarzadehZarandi, M. . "The impact of Indo-China geopolitical competition on south Asian region security with emphasis on US intervention", Human Geography Research, 54, 1, 2022, 375-389. doi: 10.22059/jhgr.2021.326457.1008335
Badiee Azandehie, M., Zarei, B., BarzegarzadehZarandi, M. (2022). 'The impact of Indo-China geopolitical competition on south Asian region security with emphasis on US intervention', Human Geography Research, 54(1), pp. 375-389. doi: 10.22059/jhgr.2021.326457.1008335
M. Badiee Azandehie , B. Zarei and M. BarzegarzadehZarandi, "The impact of Indo-China geopolitical competition on south Asian region security with emphasis on US intervention," Human Geography Research, 54 1 (2022): 375-389, doi: 10.22059/jhgr.2021.326457.1008335
Badiee Azandehie, M., Zarei, B., BarzegarzadehZarandi, M. The impact of Indo-China geopolitical competition on south Asian region security with emphasis on US intervention. Human Geography Research, 2022; 54(1): 375-389. doi: 10.22059/jhgr.2021.326457.1008335