Evaluating the effects of rural Guide projects implemented in rural areas in East South of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Planning, University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran.



Extended Abstract
In the villages of Zahedan, there is a lack of facilities and services for education, health and so on, along with inadequate rural passages and inadequate rural housing in the face of natural disasters and consequently increased migration from the village to the city. Accordingly, during the years, the preparation and implementation of a rural conductor plan has been proposed as one of the solutions to reduce these problems in these villages. On the one hand, despite the widespread implementation of conductor plans in recent years and its goals, its effects appear to be less than expected and limited to changes in the physical context and less so in economic and social factors. On the other hand, due to the activities carried out by the Housing Foundation of Zahedan province and city in rural areas, especially in the central part of Zahedan, no evaluation of the services provided and the strengths and the weaknesses of these plans have not been investigated. Based on this issue, the present study aims to evaluate the socio-economic and physical impacts of conducting plans in rural areas of central Zahedan from the viewpoint of rural residents of this area.
The research method in this research is based on descriptive-analytical methods with survey approach. Information about the theoretical foundations and literature of the research was collected through documentary method and field data through questionnaire. In designing the questionnaire, the issue, research problem, research purpose and socioeconomic conditions of the study area were considered. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by university professors, Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation experts, and Zahedan Central Provincial Staff. Its reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha, which was 0.84. The statistical population of the study consists of 2623 villages in the central part of Zahedan city, out of which 5 villages with conductive plan were selected and excluded from the populated villages. The method of selection of the villages under study was selective and judgmental and used criteria such as population (in terms of population) and time of project implementation (5 years or more). To estimate the sample size, 335 villagers were selected by Cochran formula with 95% confidence level and 5% error probability by simple random sampling. After data collection and processing, SPSS, EXELL and ArcGIS software were used to analyze the data in the study area using one-sample t-test and Kruskal-Wallis.
Results and discussion
Among the economic indicators, direct and indirect employment (2.63) had the highest performance and investment components in the village and the production of production units in the village had the lowest (2.40 and 2.49, respectively). In general, the results show that all economic indicators are below average and undesirable at the target level. Among the social indicators, the components of educational facilities in the village and the reduction of rural migration with the mean of 2.62 and 2.46 had the highest performance and the components of participation in the preparation of the conductor plan and the goals of the project were in line with the villagers' expectations, respectively. They have the lowest performance with averages of 2.37 and 2.39. In general, the results show that all social indicators are below average and undesirable at the desired level. Among the physical indices, the components of absorption of infrastructure facilities and services and compliance with the technical requirements of the project in construction with the mean of 2.54 and 2.48 have the highest performance and the components of the status of the design of the water supply and disposal network, respectively. The squares have the lowest yields with the mean of 2.27 and 2.20, respectively. In general, the results show that all physical indices are below average and undesirable at the target range. One sample t-test was used to evaluate the performance of conductor design in socioeconomic and physical dimensions of the study area. Physical performance with average of 2.31 had the lowest performance. Overall average conductor design performance was lower than average among study villages and has been shown to be undesirable. The results of Kruskal-Wallis test to measure people's satisfaction with RWC in the five studied villages showed that the average of people's satisfaction with RWC implementation in the studied villages was not the same and there were significant differences.. According to the average rank column, we conclude that people's satisfaction with the performance of rural conductor in Kheirabad village with average of 22/22 00 is higher than other villages. They have conductor designs.
Among the economic indicators, direct and indirect employment creation has the highest performance and the components of investment in the village and creation of productive units in the village have the lowest performance. From the social point of view of the respondent, the main effect of the conductor plan was on the components such as the existence of educational facilities in the village and the reduction of rural migration and the least impact on the components of participation in the preparation of the conductor plan and the project goals were in line with the villagers' expectations. In terms of physical impacts from the perspective of individuals, the conductor design had the greatest impact on the components such as attracting infrastructure facilities and services and observing the technical requirements of the design in construction and had the least impact on the components of the design status of the water disposal network and the layout and squares. Is. In general, the results showed that the performance of the conductor plan in all dimensions was lower than the average in the studied villages, which indicates the dissatisfaction of the villagers.
There is no funding support.
Authors’ Contribution
Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declared no conflict of interest.
 We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declared no conflict of interest.


Main Subjects

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