Measuring the Impact of Local Institutions on Transformative Social Innovation Discourse for Rural Sustainable Development: the case study of Rey County

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Earth Science, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


The concept of transformative social innovation encompasses a set of novel strategies, concepts, ideas, and organizations that address societal needs. This concept is a fundamental element in the pursuit of rural sustainable development. Therefore, this research aims to assess the impact of local institutions on transformative social innovation in the context of rural sustainable development, utilizing indicators such as social networks and relationships, social education and awareness, social institutions, and the factors of social cohesion and solidarity to address disparities. This descriptive-survey research, based on quantitative data analysis, evaluated the impact of influential and affected indicators in 43 sample rural settlements and 400 randomly selected households in Ray County. The findings indicate a direct and positive correlation between all indicators of the impact of local institutions on transformative social innovation in rural sustainable development from the respondents' perspective. The evaluation of the impact of local institutions on social innovation, based on the perspectives of rural respondents, reveals that although the discourse of social innovation plays a fundamental role in the interaction and cooperation between local management and other local institutions and organizations, such as non-governmental organizations, with higher-level agencies, the adoption of a top-down approach in Iran and the study area, stemming from a government-centric approach and in conditions of 'power over' and dominance, local institutions, as a type of management formed to address the needs of people on a small scale, have been limited in their capacity
Extended Abstract
The concept of transformative social innovation encompasses a set of novel strategies, concepts, ideas, and organizations that address social needs. This concept is a fundamental element in achieving rural sustainable development. Although social innovation plays a pivotal role in connecting local governance with higher-level organizations, government-centric, top-down approaches employed in several developing countries (such as Iran) have led to challenges such as the lack of delegation of authority to local institutions, interference by various government agencies in local affairs, lack of transparency in responsibilities, and consequently, the failure to improve rural sustainable development indicators. The convergence and intertwining of the discourse on transformative social innovation with the fields of planning and management further complicates this domain. Consequently, social renewal and transformation can be seen as developing novel collaborative approaches to achieving social goals. Therefore, the objective of this research is to assess the impact of local institutions on transformative social innovation for rural sustainable development, using indicators such as social networks and relationships, social education and awareness, social institutions, and the factor of social cohesion and solidarity to address inconsistencies.
This research, in terms of data collection method, is descriptive-survey; and in terms of data nature, it is a quantitative study. It aimed to measure the influential and influenced indicators of the research in 43 sample rural settlements and 400 randomly selected households in Ray County. To ensure the compatibility of the questions derived from previous researches with the research variables and to reveal the face validity of these indicators and their compatibility with the conditions of Iran and the villages of the study area, the degree of importance of the indicators of the influential and influenced components of the research was evaluated by 12 university professors and researchers related to the subject and based on their research works. Also, 35 expert specialists who had conducted researches close to the subject of the study were evaluated. After receiving their opinions, the indicators of the first influential component (local institutions), the mediating influential component (social innovation), and the influenced component (rural sustainable development) were identified.
Results and discussion
The findings indicate a direct and positive correlation between all the influential indicators of local institutions on transformative social innovation towards sustainable rural development, from the perspective of the respondents. The evaluation of the impact of local institutions on social innovation, utilizing the viewpoint of rural respondents, reveals that although the discourse of social innovation plays a fundamental role in the interaction and cooperation of local management and other local institutions and organizations, such as non-governmental organizations, with higher-level authorities, due to the adoption of a top-down approach in Iran and the studied region, stemming from a government-centric approach and in conditions of "power over" and dominance, local institutions, as a type of management formed to address the needs of people on a small scale, have been affected. From the perspective of respondents, social institutions and social networks and relationships, with the highest correlation, and subsequently, empathy and social cohesion, and education and social awareness have been most effective in improving the dimensions of sustainable rural development.
Based on a review of the literature and the research background, if the internal shortcomings and constraints of local institutions (local governance) that hinder the growth and development of transformative social innovation are adequately addressed, and the concept of bottom-up governance is implemented with reduced hierarchical power, it can be recognized as an opportunity to pay attention to the needs and demands of local people and villagers. This can lead to the advancement of policies with the acceptance and legitimacy of local people and villagers. Consequently, it reduces the adverse impact of government control. Moreover, it contributes to the success and progress of programs and projects in the rural sustainable development process. Therefore, based on the literature and the findings of this research, addressing the challenges of the effectiveness of local institutions by utilizing the role of transformative social innovation is essential for improving the dimensions of rural sustainable development. Additionally, improving the dimensions of rural sustainable development requires enhancing the effectiveness of local institutions. This two-way relationship itself serves as an opportunity that highlights the value and necessity of considering local institutions and increasing the participation and cooperation of villagers in the rural sustainable development process.
There is no funding support.
Authors’ Contribution
Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declared no conflict of interest.
 We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.


Main Subjects

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