Applying a qualitative Meta-Synthesis approach to develop of the Entrepreneurial opportunity window model in the tourism supply chain

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Management, Faculty of Management, Economics and Accounting, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Social-Economic, Ilam Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Ilam, Iran



Extended Abstract
Tourism supply chain can be considered as a whole including suppliers, manufacturers and tourism service providers. Customer needs are constantly evolving and the life cycle of tourism products is also getting shorter. Therefore, tourism supply chain management must be able to respond to the diverse needs of the market; The point of view of tourism supply chain management is based on the fact that competition should be formed between supply chains instead of between companies, the development of entrepreneurial fertile tourism can be a new source of income for the host community, and by diversifying the economy, dependence on the economy reduce a single product Tourism is a dynamic industry and needs entrepreneurs to discover new development opportunities and creative methods of existing development management. Entrepreneurial opportunities exist throughout the tourism chain (supply, production, and distribution) and entrepreneurs are needed to discover these opportunities. This specific time frame is called the window of opportunity. Therefore, the signs of entrepreneurship opportunities in the tourism supply chain (windows of opportunity) should be recognized in order to be able to take advantage of the opportunities in the tourism supply chain in order to create entrepreneurship.
In the current research, a meta-composite qualitative method was used. The meta-composite method is included in the category of meta-study research. Meta-study is one of the methods that is used to review, combine and diagnose previous studies. Meta-study includes the set of meta-analysis, meta-composition, and meta-methodology. Meta synthesis is a research that evaluates other researches. Therefore, it is referred to as the evaluation of evaluations. Therefore, meta synthesis is a kind of research about other researches. Meta synthesis can be considered as a systematic study and review of past researches. In the current research, the sampling was of the theoretical saturation type and according to the seven-stage method of "Sandelovski and Barso" and based on this, 50 researches were selected and finalized for the meta-combination stages. In terms of purpose, this research is applied, in terms of data collection, it is documentary-metabolic and non-experimental (descriptive) research.
Results and discussion
In this research, an attempt has been made to express the signs of open windows of opportunity in the tourism supply chain in the form of environmental changes. With a comprehensive and holistic view, the researcher investigated, collected, combined and interpreted the dimensions and indicators of the window of opportunity for entrepreneurship, and finally the results of Meta synthesis show that the windows of opportunity in the tourism supply chain include 8 main categories (changes social and cultural, industry and market changes, technological changes, political and legal changes, new knowledge, demographic changes, market defects and economic changes) and 30 sub-components. Each of these components can be like a window of opportunity along the tourism supply chain, opening the way for entrepreneurs to take advantage of opportunities.
As discussed, each of the components obtained from the meta-combination method can be like a window of opportunity along the tourism supply chain, opening the way for entrepreneurs to take advantage of opportunities. In the field of technology changes, identifying new production technologies and equipment in the production sector of the tourism supply chain can be an opportunity to produce and present new products. The use of new software and hardware, new methods of production and e-commerce can all open the way for entrepreneurs to take advantage of opportunities in various sectors of the tourism supply chain. It can create entrepreneurial opportunities in the supply chain. The diversity of the workforce, social networks also provide entrepreneurial opportunities. Factors such as the increase or decrease of the population, and the quantity and quality of the needs of different age groups (women and men, young population, elderly, children) can create windows of entrepreneurial opportunity in the production sector of the tourism supply chain with the demand for new and diverse products. Provide. Also, the target market population, urban needs in turn provide windows of opportunity for entrepreneurs in the tourism chain. In the discussion of market defects, the use of renewable resources and new methods to reduce waste in the supply and production sector of the tourism supply chain can provide opportunities to create products with lower costs. The inefficiency of competing companies in the exploitation sector. It creates various opportunities for entrepreneurs from sources. By knowing the target markets and using new marketing methods, you can sell more products through advertising. By diversifying products and increasing the quantity and quality of production, conditions can be provided for creating entrepreneurship along the tourism supply chain. Changes in tax rates, free trade and reduction of customs tariffs in the government policy sector can keep new windows of opportunity open in the tourism supply chain. ndividuals and organizations in the sector of economic changes can change the type of services and products produced by recognizing inflationary expectations and recognizing complementary products and goods with elastic income, as well as reducing or increasing people's purchasing power, increasing society's income, increasing or decreasing inflation can create opportunities to produce alternative goods at reasonable prices and lead to entrepreneurship in the tourism supply chain. In the area of changes in the market and industry, the recognition of alternative products can help in accessing new markets and form new businesses. In the field of new knowledge, knowing the knowledge related to the market and industry can also open the way for entrepreneurs to recognize new opportunities.
There is no funding support.
Authors’ Contribution
All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declared no conflict of interest.
 We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.


Main Subjects

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