Presenting a model of the key success factors of creative tourism (Case Study: Nain )

Document Type : Extracted from the dissertation


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Tourism, university of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

2 Department of business administration, faculty of financial science, management and entrepreneurship, university of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

3 Master of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Natural Resources and Earth Sciences, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran



Today, Nain is one of the cities that have diverse capacities for tourism in terms of history, agriculture, nature, handicrafts, and environ. However, these capacities have not been used well, and currently it has lost its past efficiency. Therefore, paying attention to these capacities in the form of creative tourism can not only prevent the reduction of unemployment and exhaustion of the urban spatial system through providing the necessary platforms for the participation of the local community but also through providing the path of creative economic formation create dynamic and ultimately sustainable tourism development in Nayin. Therefore, the current research aims to present the model of the key success factors for creative tourism in Nain while providing a model for the key success factors for the development of creative tourism in Nain. To this end, the present research tries to answer these questions: 1) what are the key success factors for the development of creative tourism in Nain?

2) What is the model of key success factors for the development of creative tourism in Nain?


This research is applied in terms of its purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of its methodology. The statistical community of the research consisted of two levels of people: city officials, including city managers and city tourism activists, and academic specialists and experts. The sampling method is judgmental; the sample size for the first group was based on theoretical saturation and included seventeen people selected through a semi-structured interview. For the second group, ten people were selected through a questionnaire. The method of data collection was a field method, and its tool for identification of the key success factors was a semi-structured interview and for modeling the key factors of success was a questionnaire designed by the researcher. For designing the interview protocol, the PESTEL technique was used after reviewing the subject literature. Pairwise comparisons between factors were used to design the researcher-designed questionnaire. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data in the stage of identifying the key factors for success, and Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) was used to model the key success factors.

Geographical Area of Research

Nain, as a city located 145 kilometers east of Isfahan province, was the geographical area in this research. According to the census of 2015, this city has a population of 27,379 people, of which 13,768 are men and 13,611 are women. Currently, this city has various capacities for tourism, in terms of history, agriculture, nature, handicrafts, and environ. Also, it is capable of hosting many tourists from different parts of the country and abroad.

Results and Discussion

The research showed that the key success factors for creative tourism in Nain have been equal to 40 success factors, which are divided into 13 sub-categories named as "optimal and desirable use of traditional elements of tourism", "recreation of the city's tourism capacities", "establishment of manners and local customs", "taking advantage of the capacity of talented and active forces", "organizing and attending various festivals", "advertising and commercial awareness", "increasing interactions with cities inside and outside the country", "the need to implement the laws established in the field tourism", "planning and support of senior managers for the city's tourism activities", "production of specialized educational content", "experiencing the way of tourism production and products", "organization of specialized tours", "segmentation of the city's tourism market". Nine other categories include: "institutionalizing the identity and originality of the city", "institutionalizing the identity and originality of the city”, “innovation and ideation", "city tourism promotion and advertising activities", "expansion of national and international communications and interactions", "adherence to laws", "efficient and effective management", "creation of attractive educational content", "illustration of city tourism elements" , "tourism market branding". Later on, in order to analyze the key success factors more precisely, their interpretive structural model was drawn, and the position of each key success factor was examined in it.


In the present research, the model of the key success factors for creative tourism in Nain was demonstrated. The results of the theoretical study of the research have shown that creative tourism is the key to success in the competitive industry. It provides the needs of tourists through creative products and services, and its outcome is the relationship between technology, art, and business. Hence, creativity is pervasive in all tourism activities, and all destinations and creative areas benefit from tourism brands and potentials to achieve creative tourism. Furthermore, the comparison of the research findings with the theoretical foundations shows that Nain is one of the cities that have different capacities in tourism in terms of history, agriculture, nature, handicrafts, environ. These capacities in the form of creative tourism includes: appearing with local costume in tourism spaces, showing hospitality as the host community for tourists, gaining experience of how to produce agricultural and animal husbandry, a memorable and leaving nice memories in the minds of tourists, and branding the city's products with a marketing approach. It can also pave the way for the creative and dynamic economic formation and ultimate sustainable development of city tourism. Therefore, the results of this research show that according to the various capacities of tourism in the city of Nain, there are several key factors in the direction of the development of creative tourism in this city. The output of the structural model has shown that the key factor to efficient and effective management is more important than all other stated key factors. Efficient and effective management is important because it can lead to activities and actions of the trustees in the city towards the defined vision and goals for the city. Moreover, this process can realize the basis of the formation of creative tourism according to the existing capacities of the city in the long term.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 24 July 2024
  • Receive Date: 07 April 2024
  • Revise Date: 22 July 2024
  • Accept Date: 24 July 2024