Evaluation of the Effects of Community-Based Tourism on Rural Development Case Study: Target Villages of Markazi Province Tourism

Document Type : Extracted from the dissertation


1 Ph.D. Student, Department of geography, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

2 Associate Prof., University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran


4 Assistant Prof., University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran



This research investigates the impact of community-based tourism (CBT) on the development of designated tourism villages within Markazi Province, Iran. Tourism has remained a subject of ongoing investigation for several decades, garnering significant attention from planners and researchers. The recent surge in urban congestion and pollution may be a contributing factor, as it incentivizes individuals to seek out rural destinations offering tranquility and scenic beauty for short getaways. However, traditional tourism models lacking local community involvement have proven disruptive. CBT addresses this concern by prioritizing the active participation of local residents. Markazi Province, boasting a wealth of rural tourism attractions, presents a promising case study for CBT development. Its potential for ecotourism further strengthens its suitability as a model for CBT implementation. We hypothesize that fostering local community participation and establishing infrastructure conducive to rural tourism in Markazi Province can create a mutually beneficial relationship between residents and tourists. Consequently, this research aims to assess the effects of CBT on the development of designated tourism villages within the province.

Research Methodology

This research employs a descriptive design with a quantitative approach. Data analysis will utilize correlation schemes and structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques using Smart PLS4 software, which is well-suited for handling smaller sample sizes and non-normal data distribution (if applicable). Information was gathered through two methods: documentary analysis of research and academic literature (library sources and scientific journals), and a field survey using questionnaires. The target population encompasses all 25 designated tourism villages within Markazi Province. To ensure representativeness, villages experiencing higher tourist influx were chosen based on consultations with tourism experts and university professors in the region. Households were selected as the sampling unit. Drawing upon data from the 2015 General Population and Housing Census, the total number of households residing in these villages is 2085. Cochran's formula was employed to determine the required sample size, resulting in a target of 325 participants for data collection.

Discussion and Findings

In order to fit the measurement models, the reliability and validity indices of the measurement models are used. In order to measure reliability, 3 criteria of factor loadings, Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability were used. On the other hand, the convergent validity criterion was used in the validity check. Coefficients of factorial loads: the criterion for suitable loads is at least 0.4. All the coefficients of the remaining factor loadings show the fit of the model. Cronbach's alpha: the appropriate value for alpha value is at least 0.7. The research data shows the appropriateness of this criterion. Composite reliability: This value is suitable when it is higher than 0.7, which research data proves the suitability of this measure. Convergent validity: the appropriate value of that number is greater than 0.5. The validity of the data is in a good state. In examining the fit of the structural model, the significance criteria of T values, redundancy criterion, R2 criterion, Q2 criterion, redundancy criterion and GOF criterion were used. Significance of t-values: If the t-values are greater than 1.96 with a confidence level of 95% (factor loading greater than 0.5), it indicates the correctness of the relationships between the constructs of the model and the confirmation of the related hypotheses. Therefore, the findings show that the social, economic, environmental, management-institutional effects, and finally, community-based tourism, except for 4 variables, have significant effects on the development of tourism target villages in Markazi Province in other indicators. R2 coefficients indicate the influence of an exogenous variable and an endogenous variable. 3 values of 0.19, 0.32 and 0.67 are considered as weak, medium and strong values for it. Also, regarding the value of Q2 in the case of 3 endogenous constructs, the values of 0.02, 0.15 and 0.35 indicate the weak, medium and strong predictive power of the construct or related exogenous constructs. Finally, regarding the criterion of redundancy, the appropriate value of this index should be above zero. In other words, the higher the value of this index, the better the model is. Redundancy criterion, R2, Q2 of all the endogenous variables of the research shows the confirmation of the fit of the structural model in the current research. To calculate the GOF criterion, as a criterion for measuring the overall performance of the model, values of 0.01, 0.25 and 0.36 have been introduced as weak, medium and strong values. Considering that the obtained value of goodness index in the research is 0.527 (that is, more than 0.36), it can be said that the structural model of the current research has a strong fit, so the obtained value indicates the overall desirability of the model. Calculation of path coefficients: Regarding the purpose of the research, which is to measure the effects of community-based tourism on the development of the studied villages, first of all, it can be said that the T-statistics in all social, economic, environmental, and managerial-institutional components are higher than 2.57, which shows that these components have the effects of They have placed significance on the studied area. Also, regarding the extent of their effects, it can be said that the social, environmental, economic and finally managerial-institutional components have the greatest effects on the development of tourism target villages in the Markazi province.


The results suggest that social factors (coefficient = 0.880) exert the strongest positive influence on community-based tourism (CBT) development in the studied villages of Markazi Province. This highlights the significance of social readiness for CBT implementation. A community's receptiveness to change and its existing social structures can significantly influence the program's success. Environmental components (coefficient = 0.611) emerge as the second most impactful factor. This underlines the importance of preserving the natural environment in CBT destinations. Sustainable practices and responsible tourism strategies are likely to be crucial for long-term development. Economic factors (coefficient = 0.291) and managerial-institutional factors (coefficient = 0.276) also demonstrate positive influences on CBT development, albeit to a lesser extent compared to social and environmental factors. These findings suggest that economic benefits and effective management structures, while necessary, may not be the sole drivers of successful CBT programs.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 01 August 2024
  • Receive Date: 13 March 2024
  • Revise Date: 30 July 2024
  • Accept Date: 01 August 2024