Keywords = Urban Management
The Concept and Dimensions of Risk Management in Smart Cities (Case Study: Mashhad Municipality)

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 28 April 2024


Razieh ghasemzadeh; Omid Ali Kharazmi

Urban Management Pathology of Sanandaj City with Good Governance Approach

Volume 56, Issue 3, June 2024, Pages 1-15


Keramatollah Ziari; Hosin Hataminezhad; Amir Sharifi

Analysis of the role of urban management in Shahrekord's Livability

Volume 52, Issue 3, October 2020, Pages 1055-1069


pezhman mohamadi; Yusefali Ziyari; Ali Tavakolan

Philosophical-conceptual processing of the right to the city from the perspective of urban management

Volume 52, Issue 4, January 2020, Pages 1235-1255


Afshin Mottaghi; Hossein Tala; Arash Ghorbani Sepehr

Assess the implementation of good urban governance in Iran (Case Study: Ilam city)

Volume 49, Issue 3, October 2017, Pages 607-619


Hasan Hekmatnia; Mohammad Maleki; Mir Najaf Mousavi; Alireza Afshani

Urban Management and the Conflict Caused by Adjunction of the Rural to Urban Areas (Case study: Islamshahr and Shatereh)

Volume 47, Issue 1, April 2015, Pages 119-129


Ali Noorikermani; Naghmeh Mohammadpourlima; Farshid Alizad Minaabad

Managerial Analysis of Tehran City

Volume 44, Issue 3, October 2012, Pages 111-126


A. A. Nazarian