تحلیل بنیادهای پایدار همگرایی و متغیرهای اعتباری تهدید قومی در ایران


1 استادیار دانشکده جغرافیا، دانشگاه تهران

2 دانشجوی دکتری جغرافیای سیاسی، دانشکدة جغرافیا، دانشگاه تهران


تعدد گروه‌های قومی دارای گرایش سیاسی در جوامع معاصر، به علت تفاوت‌های ماهیتی با نظام‌های سیاسی حاکم، منشأ بالقوه‌ای برای تضعیف وفاق و تهدیدی برای انسجام ملی کشورها به‌شمار می‌آید. وجود فرضیه قومیت و به تبع آن تصور تضعیف امنیت ملی، به فرضیه‌ای تعمیم‌پذیر در تحلیل مناسبات قومیت و حاکمیت سیاسی تبدیل شده است، اما نمی‌توان این فرضیه را به تمامی کشورها که دارای اقوام متعدد هستند، تعمیم داد. هدف پژوهش حاضر آن است که نشان دهد آیا وجود فرضیة قومیت و واگرایی با شرایط قومی ایران مطابقت دارد. داده‌های به‌کارگرفته شده برای تحلیل فرضیه فوق، شامل عناصر پایدار همگرایی قومی (سرزمین بنیادهای جغرافیایی و پایداری سرزمین، حاکمیت و ساختار سیاسی، تداوم تاریخی، و بنیادهای فرهنگی) و منابع اعتباری تهدید قومی )دولت مدرن، محرومیت نسبی، نخبگان قومی و غیرقومی، تهدیدات منطقه‌ای، و فرامنطقه‌ای) است. نتایج تحقیق نشان می‌دهد که تعدد قومی در ایران، نه تنها تضعیف‌کنندة امنیت ملی نبوده، بلکه با تکیه بر عناصر پایدار همگرایی قومی، قوام‌بخش و تداوم‌دهندة هویت کشور ایران بوده است و گروه‌های قومی با تکیه بر تاریخ طولانی و استقرار در فضای ایران، جزئی از هویت و شاکله ایران به‌شمار می‌آیند. لذا تهدیدات مطرح شده در خصوص گروه‌های قومی، ریشه‌ای و اصولی نبوده‌اند و بیشتر از تحولات و چالش‌های جدید به‌شمار می‌آیند، که با مدیریت مناسب و صحیح می‌توان این تهدیدات را برطرف ساخت. نوشتار حاضر با رویکردی توصیفی ـ تحلیلی، با این فرض که بنیادهای پایدار در همگرایی و هویت‌بخشی به‌منظور تقویت کشور با حضور اقوام (در ساختار سنتی در قالب ایلات و قبایل و در ساختار جدید در قالب گروه‌های قومی) شکل گرفته‌اند، سعی در کالبد‌شکافی نقش اقوام در ساختار سیاسی ایران دارد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

An Analysis of The Permanent Fundamentals of Integration and Formal Variables of The Ethnic Threat in Iran

نویسندگان [English]

  • R. Afzali 1
  • B. Zarghami 2
چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract
The multiplicity of ethnic groups with political tendencies in current societies is a potential origin for weakening concord and a threat to the national integrity of states due to the natural differences with the ruling political regimes. The existence of ethnicity theory and following that imagination of national security weakening is changed to an extended theory in analyzing ethnicity and political sovereignty relationships. But this theory cannot be extended in some states which have multiple ethnos. The aim of this research is to show that whether the existence of the ethnicity and divergence theory is in conformity with the ethnic conditions of Iran. The applied data includes the stable elements of ethnic convergence territory, geographical bases and stability of territory; sovereignty and political structure; historical continuity, cultural bases (and credible sources of ethnic threat) modern state, relative deprivation, ethnic and non-ethnic elites, regional and supra-regional threats.
Research conclusions show that ethnic multiplicity in Iran had not only weakened national security but had perpetuated Iran identity based on the stable elements of ethnic convergence and ethnic groups are part of Iran’s identity and form based on long history and deployment in Iran. Therefore, the proposed threats in relation with ethnic groups is not radical and material and are more than new challenges and changes which can be resolved by appropriate and correct management.
Major ethnic groups with political pluralism in contemporary society's nature due to differences with the ruling political systems weaken a potential source of consensus and national cohesion is a threat. Hypothesis of ethnicity and consequently thought to undermine national security analysis Hypothesis of possible expansion relations and ethnicity has become political sovereignty. But this hypothesis cannot be that some countries with multiple ethnic groups are generalized. The purpose of this study is showing that there are diverging hypotheses in relation to ethnicity and ethnic conditions of matches.
Iran vast land of ancient history, heir to the pervasive culture thousands of years the range variable language, religion, dialect, the customs and habits and Comparative etc., with flexibility and tolerance has created a dramatic and religious groups-linguistic during several centuries lived together and experience historical and cultural heritage have business units. Mental phenomenon of ethnic identity and fantasy in the context of the contemporary conditions has been formed. Iranian society before being introduced topics ethnic, tribal and tribal society was based on the traditional structure, was political space role. However, due to the phenomenon of ethnic and ethnicity realties in contemporary form and structure can be analyze available.
Composed of ethnic Azeri's, Baluchi, Turkmen, Talesh, Arab, Persian, Kurdish, etc. that diversity language, religion and race are. Contemporary challenges of ethnic-based agents is part of Infrastructural challenges to force ethnic active part of the active forces and non-ethnic and transnational sector, due to performance is the ruling political structure. Each of these differences between ethnic groups along ethnic, also has many subscriptions are subscriptions that cause them is integrity and symbiosis.
Applying data to analyze the above mentioned elements of sustainable convergence hypothesis ethnic all geographical foundations and land stability; sovereignty and political structure; continuing historical, cultural institutions) and credit resources threatened ethnic( modern state, relative deprivation, ethnic and elite Non-ethnic, regional threats, Super regional.
The results showed that stable convergence ethnic factors mentioned in this study because the stability of the elements land, participation in government structures and political power, historical continuity, cultural institutions such as sustainable language, religion, traditions, myths and symbols and other overlapping each other and have mutual dependency. These variables sake of identity creation and nation-maker in Iran by Iranian tribes and create a historical process has been continuing ethnic solidarity and cause the land is immobile.
Factors including the threat of ethnic instability which varies at national level due to lack of coordination with the advent of modern state functions ethnicalism global political, ethnic areas of relative deprivation compared to other regions and ethnic and non ethnic elites which are specific goals are. Organized regional level, countries involved and learn from regional sources are unstable ethnic threat. Unstable under the influence of these resources threatens national power and weight of geopolitical can be increased or decreased.
This article with an analytical-explanatory approach is on this assumption that stable bases in convergence and identity for the strength of Iran has attempted to discover ethnos’ role in the political structure of Iran by the existence of ethnos in traditional structure in the form of tribes and in the modern structure in the form of ethnic groups.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • convergence
  • ethnic
  • Iran.
  • National Identity
  • Threat