تحلیل شاخص پایداری در بین کشورهای آسیایی

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 دانشیار گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد تهران مرکز

2 دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد علوم و تحقیقات، باشگاه پژوهشگران جوان و نخبگان، تهران، ایران


برای توسعۀ پایدار منطقه‌ای، فرمول واحدی برای تمام کشورها به­دست نیامده است و در هر کشور باید با توجه به شرایط اجتماعی، اقتصادی و فرهنگی و شرایط اکولوژیکی، معیارهای خاص توسعۀ پایدار را شناسایی کرد. شناخت مؤلفه‌ها، شاخص‌ها و نماگرهای برخورداری، در گرو شناخت هرچه بهتر شاخص‌های توسعه است؛ زیرا شاخص‌ها نه‌تنها ابزاری برای اندازه‌گیری هستند، بلکه راهنمایی برای چگونگی درک مفهوم توسعۀ پایدار نیز قلمداد می‌شوند و انتخاب و تعیین دقیق آن‌ها در امر توسعه و محرومیت و اینکه آیا وضعیت توسعه‌یافتگی پایدار یا ناپایدار است، یکی از مراحل اساسی در برنامه‌ریزی توسعۀ شهری است؛ بنابراین، شاخص­ها یکی از اجزای ضروری برای ارزیابی کلی میزان پیشرفت به‌سوی توسعۀ پایدار به­شمار می­روند. پژوهش حاضر، با استفاده از 32 شاخص، توسعۀ پایدار را در میان کشورهای آسیایی تحلیل می­کند. روش پژوهش توصیفی- تحلیلی است و در آن، از تکنیک چندمعیاره (تاپسیس) برای سطح‌بندی کشورهای آسیایی مورد مطالعه استفاده شده است. نتایج به­کارگیری تکنیک تاپسیس نشان می­دهد در بین سال‌های 1385، 1387، 1389 و 1391 کشورهای نپال، کامبوج و بوتان در رتبه‌های نخست قرار دارند و در همین سال‌ها، کشورهایی مانند ترکمنستان، عراق، فلسطین اشغالی، اردن و سوریه، ناپایدار به­شمار می­روند. در حالت کلی طی سال­های مورد ارزیابی برخورداری‌ کشورها از لحاظ شاخص‌ های مورد سنجش محسوس بوده و تغییر خاصی در آن‌ها از سال 1385 تا 1391صورت نگرفته است و بیانگر ناپداری نسبتا بالای کشورها از بّعد شاخص پایداری می­باشد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Analysis of Sustainability index among Asian countries

نویسندگان [English]

  • Azita Rajabi 1
  • Nobakht Sobhani 2
چکیده [English]

Single formula for sustainable development for all countries in the region has been accomplished and each country should pay attention to the social, economic, cultural and ecological conditions, the following specific criteria for sustainable development. Undoubtedly, understanding the components, criteria and indicators have better understanding of the development is at stake. Because the parameters are not only a tool to measure, but as a guide to how the concept of sustainable development is considered to be and the determination of their exact development and underdevelopment And whether the development, stability or instability of the show, one of the essential steps in the planning of urban development. Therefore, a mandatory component of the overall assessment of progress towards sustainable development.This study analyzes the sustainability index among Asian countries with 32 indicators has been developed. Multi Criteria used by analytical techniques(TOPSIS) for Regionalization Asian countries studied have been used. Progenies of TOPSIS technique reflects the fact that in the years 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012 the countries of Nepal, Bhutan, Cambodia, and ranks first among countries are discussed In the years studied countries like Turkmenistan, Iraq, Palestine, Jordan and Syria have been part of the unstable countries. Although Turkey is ranked last in 2010 and was considered one of the unstable countries in 2012 could climb to 26th place And be in a better position compared to2010.
Most generally accepted approach for measuring sustainability and sustainable development, deployment and indicators represent them. Because the index is not only a tool to measure, but as a guide to how to understand the concept of sustainable development is also considered to be. However, the code can be a powerful tool for policy and sustainability indicators provide information on the countries and organizations in the public relations executive in fields such as improving the environmental, economic, social and technological
According to our research approach, research, "Application Development" and the methods employed "analytic" is. The data were collected by using a library of different sources, which includes 32 indicators (Table1) is.The population of this study, all but one of the two Asian countries Asian countries is not calculated because of incomplete information In this comparison is calculated at approximately 42 Asian countries(Figure 3). In order to assess the level of each of the countries in connection with the scales of the TOPSIS model is used. Finally, in order to map and classify each of the countries of GIS software is used.
Results and discussion
TOPSIS technique results in 2006 showed that among Asian countries with a score of Cambodia (0.65722) in the first place, Nepal underprivileged (0.6535) and Bhutan in second place with a score of (0.5857) are in third place. On the other hand, Syria, Turkmenistan and Iraq, respectively, points (0.2078) (0.1986) and (0.1834), the lowest ranking among Asian countries in terms of indicators of sustainable development are.In 2008, the countries of Nepal, Bhutan, Cambodia, and the points (0.69035), (0.682257 and 0.613848) were in first place among countries. Countries that are in last place in terms of stability, Jordan, Iraq and Turkmenistan are as unstable countries in the world have been evaluated.Based on the results of TOPSIS technique among Asian countries in 2010, Nepal ranks first with a score of 0.7044, and 0.6228 in Cambodia and Bhutan to the points 0.0.6796 second and third.In the same year, Jordan, Iraq and Turkey to the rating 0.2079, 0.1970 and 0.1742 in last place among Asian countries. In 2012, the results based on TOPSIS technique suggests that Kambvch, Nepal and Bhutan in the first place to third allocated Among countries in terms of stability and balance among Asian countries are known.Also among the countries that are considered to be part of the unstable countries of Jordan, Iraq and Turkmenistan cited In the same year, countries such as Syria, Turkmenistan and Iraq, respectively, rated 0.2078, 0.1986 and 0.1834 have been obtained and the study done at the last rank with TOPSIS technique is supposed Cambodia, Nepal and Bhutan in 1385, first among the 42 countries studied have won

The study done using TOPSIS technique is supposed Cambodia, Nepal and Bhutan in 2006, ranks first among the 42 countries studied have earned in the same year, countries such as Syria, Turkmenistan and Iraq, respectively, rated 0.2078, 0.1986 and 0.1834 to business and were in last place. In 2008 Nepal countries with a score of (0.6903) Ranked first, Cambodia with the underprivileged (0.6822) and butane with underprivileged (0.6138) ranked first and they have been able to maintain its position among the countries considered.On the other hand countries like Jordan, Iraq and Turkmenistan are known as the most deprived countries. Therefore, the comparison between the years (2006 and 2008) can be downloaded to an improvement in the situation in these countries has been compared to 2006. The impact of indicators of sustainable development countries in 2008 show that the countries of Nepal, Cambodia and Bhutan would have been able to devote themselves to the first place and in good condition to take. While Turkey from rank 31 in 2008 to position 42 in 2010 and dropped to last place allocated And Jordan and Iraq have been in a very disadvantaged position 40 and 41 have been accounted for. In general, this year (2008) there have been certain changes compared to 2010. Finally, by looking at these countries in 2012 reflects the fact that the countries (Nepal, Cambodia and Bhutan) have won first place in the same year and be in a better relative to other countries And Jordan, Turkey and Iraq, as in previous years (2006, 2008 and 2010) in very poor condition and in a state of chaos to take their place..
Keywords: Index , Development , Sustainable Development, Asia

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • index
  • development
  • Sustainable
  • Asia
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