سنجش و تحلیل راهبردهای توسعة شهری با رویکرد توسعة پایدار با استفاده از منطق فازی (نمونة موردی: بندر بوشهر)

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری، دانشگاه اصفهان، اصفهان، ایران

2 استاد گروه جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری، دانشکده علوم جغرافیایی و برنامه ریزی، دانشگاه اصفهان، اصفهان، ایران


شهر، به‏عنوان یک سیستم چندبُعدی و پویا، همواره با چالش‏های پیچیده و گسترده‏ای روبه‏روست. این پیچیدگی‏ها سبب شده که برنامه‏ریزان به دنبال رویکردهای نوین در برنامه‏ریزی شهری باشند. از جملة این رویکردهای نوین، برنامه‏ریزی راهبردی شهری است. بندر بوشهر با توجه به رشد روزافزون جمعیت در سال‏های اخیر و افزایش رو به تزاید مسائل و مشکلات شهری در ابعاد گوناگون (کالبدی، اقتصادی، و فرهنگی)، با محدودیت‏های متعددی مواجه بوده است. همین امر لزوم اتخاذ رویکردهای نوین جهت برنامه‏ریزی آینده‏نگرانه برای این شهر را آشکار می‏‏کند. هدف نگارندگان از این پژوهش آن است که با استفاده از وزن‏دهی به شاخص‏های راهبردی توسعة بوشهر توسط متخصصان برنامه‏‏ریزی شهری و با رویکرد برنامه‏ریزی راهبردی به اولویت‏بندی پیشران‏های توسعه دست یابند. برای این هدف، از روش توصیفی- تحلیلی و همچنین روش پیمایشی (پرسش‏نامه) در قالب راهبرد‏‏های توسعة شهری استفاده شد که از نظر هدف کاربردی محسوب می‏شود. جامعة نمونة این پژوهش را سی نفر از کارشناسان حوزة برنامه ‏ریزی شهری تشکیل می ‏دهند. برای وزن‏دهی به راهبرد‏‏ها از اکسل و سیستم فازی استفاده شد. نتایج حاصل از پژوهش نشان می ‏دهد که در دو منطقة شهر بوشهر اولویت ‏بندی راهبرد‏‏های توسعه یکسان است و راهبرد‏‏های ساماندهی کالبدی- فضایی، دسترسی پایدار شهری، تقویت اقتصاد شهری، حکمروایی خوب شهری، زیست ‏پذیری شهری، و محیط زیست شهری بهترتیب اولویت‏ های پیشران‏ های توسعة پایدار شهر بوشهر محسوب می ‏‏شوند. البته، در اولویت‏ بندی شاخص ‏های فرعی در دو منطقه اندکی تفاوت وجود دارد. با توجه به نحوة اولویت‏ بندی پیشران‏ های کلیدی، ابعاد کالبدی و اقتصادی در اولویت برنامه‏ ریزی ‏اند و مسائل زیست‏ محیطی رتبه ‏های پایین ‏تری را به خود اختصاص داده‏ اند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Measuring and Analyzing Urban Development Strategies with Sustainable Development Approach Using Fuzzy Logic (Case Study: Bushehr Port)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Hajar Jahanshahi 1
  • Hamidreza Varesi 2
  • Masood Taghvaei 2
2 University of Isfahan
چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract
Introduction: The city as a multidimensional and dynamic system always faces complex and wide-ranging challenges. These complexities have led planners to seek new approaches to urban planning. Sustainable development has been one of the most important concerns of researchers in recent decades, as it encompasses all aspects and aspects of human life. Sustainable development has been one of the most important concerns of researchers in recent decades, as it encompasses all aspects of human life. Today, the need to pay attention to sustainable development is one of the things that everyone agrees on. New cities [today] face many physical, economic and social problems due to lack of sustainable development indicators. Accordingly, the term development is intended to promote the quality and quality of life of individuals and to improve the general well-being and sustainability of society and refers to the continuation of this process throughout the generations. Accordingly, the term development refers to the promotion of the quality and quality of life of individuals and to the general well-being and sustainability of society, and refers to the continuation of this process throughout the generations. Considering the increasing growth of Bushehr port in recent years and the increasing urban problems in various dimensions and the necessity of adopting sustainable urban development approaches for its future planning, this study seeks to use the strategic planning to To prioritize the development drivers of Bushehr.
Methodology: This study was conducted using descriptive-analytical method and using survey method (questionnaire) in the form of urban development strategies and is considered as a practical application. The statistical population of the study consisted of 30 experts from the field of urban planning. Fuzzy system has been used for weighting strategies.
Results and Discussion: According to the findings obtained separately for the two districts of Bushehr, it was found that prioritizing the sub-indices in District One is such that connecting and integrating the two parts of the city with a weight of 0.0777, empowering the poor with Weight 0.0269, Sustainable Revenue Weight 0.067, Spatial Justice Weight 0.061, Historical Textures Improvement 0.0456, Justice Weight 0.0455, Tourism Development and Renovation of Worn Textures With the weight of 0.02453 the highest weight and priority respectively. Democracy with a weight of 0.0117, development of environmental NGOs with a weight of 0.0168, citizenship promotion with a weight of 0.01607 and optimization of energy consumption with a weight of 0.0144 are top priority. And. Also, prioritizing development strategies in the form of key indicators and as development proposals, respectively, spatial physical organization with a weight of 0.224, urban viability of 0.188, strengthening of the urban economy with a weight of 0.178. Good urban governance with a weight of 0.153, urban environment with a weight of 0.134 and sustainable urban access with a weight of 0.102 were the highest weighted and prioritized, respectively. On the other hand, in Bushehr District 2, sub-indices are prioritized in such a way: informal accommodation with a weight of 0.082, passive defense with a weight of 0.068, interconnection and integration of two parts of the city with a weight 0.0266, social welfare with the weight of 0.0257, spatial justice with the weight of 0.0255, stable income with the weight of 0.0254 and participation with the weight of 0.050 are the highest rank and priority. Also, housing development with a weight of 0.0167, urban development with a weight of 0.0164, development of environmental NGOs with a weight of 0.0153 and energy consumption optimization with a weight of 0.0152 were the lowest. Also, in prioritizing development priorities in zone 2, the final score was spatial physical organization strategies with a weight of 0.225, urban viability with a weight of 0.192, strengthening of the urban economy with a weight of 0.165, good urban governance with a weight. 0.153, 0.137 urban environment and 0.102 sustainable urban access, respectively, were the most weighted and prioritized. This comparison shows that respondents in urban development strategies in the two areas of Bushehr are similar. However, given the different circumstances, there is only a slight disagreement in prioritizing the sub-indicators. This is due to the formation of dysfunctional textures and informal settlements without the supervision of urban management and consequently the settling of poor and socioeconomic strata in parts of Zone 2 as well as in parts of the region in the nuclear power plant area. But overall this prioritization based on collective wisdom can serve as a guide and document for the sustainable development of Bushehr for decision makers, especially urban management.
The results of the research show that in two areas of Bushehr, the priorities of development strategies are the same, and strategies are: physical-space organization, sustainable urban access, urban economic strengthening, good urban governance, urban biomass and Urban environment is considered as the priorities of sustainable development proponents of Bushehr city, respectively. Of course, there is a slight difference in the ranking of sub-indices between the two urban areas.
Conclusion: This comparison shows that respondents in urban development strategies in the two areas of Bushehr are similar. However, given the different circumstances, there is only a slight disagreement in prioritizing the sub-indicators. This is due to the formation of dysfunctional textures and informal settlements without the supervision of urban management and consequently the settling of poor and socioeconomic strata in parts of Zone 2 as well as in parts of the region in the nuclear power plant area. Is. But overall this prioritization based on collective wisdom can serve as a guide and document for the sustainable development of Bushehr for decision makers, especially urban management. Regarding the way of prioritizing key proponents, physical and economic dimensions are prioritized and prioritized and environmental issues rank lower.
Key words: Bushehr Port, Urban Strategic Planning, Sustainable Urban Development, Index, Fuzzy Logic.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Key words: Bushehr Port
  • Urban Strategic Planning
  • Sustainable Urban Development
  • Index
  • Fuzzy Logic
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