تکاپوی امنیتی دستگاه جاسوسی و اِنها در تثبیت و تداوم حکومت مسعود غزنوی براساس تاریخ بیهقی

نوع مقاله : مستخرج از پایان نامه


1 گروه جغرافیای سیاسی، دانشکدۀ جغرافیا، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران

2 گروه جغرافیای سیاسی، دانشکده جغرافیا، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران

3 گروه علوم سیاسی، دانشکدۀ حقوق و علوم سیاسی، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران



در جغرافیای سیاسی، برقراری «امنیت» یکی از عناصر اصلی در حفظ حاکمیت و اعمال قدرت حکومت‌ها است. این مفهوم سیاسی، تعیین‌کنندۀ میزان قدرت یک حکومت و نشانۀ میزان ثبات و استحکام حاکمیت اوست. در حقیقت، یکی از ابزارهای قدرت فرامرزی حکومت‌ها، کارکرد امنیتی دستگاه جاسوسی است؛ زیرا قدرت و امنیت و منافع یک حکومت، فقط درون مرزهایش تأمین نمی‌شود، بلکه قلمرویی بدون مرز را شامل می‌شود. درمسئلۀ جاسوسی، نه‌تنها مرزهای جغرافیایی و سیاسیِ جداکنندۀ دو سرزمین از یکدیگر نادیده گرفته می‌شود، بلکه داخل دستگاه حکومت نیز هیچ نوع مرز و محدودیتی برای جاسوسان وجود ندارد. پرسش کلیدی نوشتار حاضر آن است که اهمیت و کارکرد امنیتی نظام جاسوسی چیست و در تداوم حکومت سلطان مسعود غزنوی چه جایگاهی داشته‌است. این تحقیق از نوع تحقیقات تاریخی است که با روش توصیفی ـ تحلیلی و به روش کیفی با استناد به منابع تاریخی و به‌ویژه تاریخ بیهقی انجام شده‌است. نتایج پژوهش حاضر ما را به نفوذ جاسوسی در رگ و پی حکومت غزنویان رهنمون می‌شود، به‌طوری‌که ادامۀ حیات سیاسی و افزایش امنیت و قدرت حکومت سلطان مسعود غزنوی، به منهیان و جاسوسانش بستگی زیادی دارد. ازآنجاکه بیهقی به‌دلیل نزدیکی به قدرت و حضور در دیوان رسائل، از تمام نامه‌ها باخبر است و بیشتر آن‌ها را در تاریخ خود ثبت کرده، به‌خوبی می‌‌توان فهمید که در بسیاری ازمسائل مهم حکومتی و تصمیم‌گیری‌های مملکتی، ردپای مُلَطّفه‌ها و نامه‌های سرّی جاسوسان برای حفظ امنیت درون و برون مرزی قلمروحکومتی سلطان مسعود وجود داشته‌است.

واژه‌های کلیدی: حکومت غزنوی، تاریخ بیهقی، جاسوسی و اِنها، امنیت، سلطان مسعود.



عنوان مقاله [English]

The security efforts of the spy agency and the espionage system in stability and continuation of Masoud Ghaznavi's government based on the history of Beyhaqi

نویسندگان [English]

  • Marjan Badiee Azandahi 1
  • Rasoul Afzali 2
  • Jahangir Moini Alamdari 3
  • Atefe Golfeshan 2
1 Department of Political Geography, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran. Iran
2 Department of political geography, faculty of geography, university of Tehran, Tehran.Iran
3 Political Science, Faculty of Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran .Iran
چکیده [English]

In political geography, establishing "security" is one of the main elements in maintaining sovereignty and exercising government power. This political concept is a determinant of the power of a government and a sign of the stability and strength of its rule. In fact, one of the tools of the governments' cross-border power is the security function of the spy system; Because the power, security and interests of a government are not provided only within its borders, but include a territory without borders.The news system or spy system is not a new thing and a product of modern governments, but it has a long history of human history. The espionage system was very widespread in Iranian governments before and after Islam. The position of spy and informant in Iran's governments can be well understood in the histories left from the past. Investigating the espionage system and its role in the governance and security of the Ghaznavid government as one of the governments formed in Iran with a vast and heterogeneous territory in which there has been a lot of internal and external espionage activity, is the main topic of this article. The key question of the present article is what is the importance and security function of the espionage system and what is its place in the continuity of Sultan Masoud Ghaznavi's government? Also, how did the ups and downs of the Ghaznavid government and its security depend on intelligence? The purpose of this article is how to use spies and their decisive influence on the security and political decisions of Sultan Masoud Ghaznavid inside and outside the geographical territory of the government, which covers from Khwarezm to Ray.

The current research is based on the complex espionage system in the Ghaznavid government and the rulers' need for spies' information and news.

This research is a type of historical research that has been written using a descriptive-analytical method and a qualitative method with reference to historical sources and especially the history of Beyhaqi.

In all governments, considering the types of threats they face, it is always necessary to obtain internal and external news for the stability and continuity of the government and the country and to maintain internal and external security, especially during internal or external wars. All these points, in addition to mistrust and skepticism towards government agents, not being sure of the rebellion of subordinates are also important factors of the need to know about secret news and assigning spies. This breaks the borders and is beyond the boundaries of territories and governments.

Since Beyhaghi himself was one of the political agents of the Ghaznavid court and worked in the critical point of this government, namely Diwan Rasail. He has complete access to secret correspondences and letters of spies and the answers of the Sultan and courtiers to them. By bringing these writings in his history, he introduces us to the espionage apparatus and their role and importance in expanding security and stabilizing the Ghaznavid government, especially during the time of Sultan Masoud Ghaznavid. In the past, more security means the security of the Sultan's person and the security of his sovereignty. In Ghaznavid rule, due to the lack of trust and sense of insecurity that had taken root in all parts of the court and government, it was inevitable to expand the espionage system in order to increase the security of the sultan and the durability of his rule. Perhaps the main reason for the rise and fall of the Ghaznavids cannot be considered to rely on its espionage system, but this complex and large system was not ineffective in stabilizing the security and government, especially the government of Sultan Masoud Ghaznavid, and even in his defeat of the Seljuqs and the fall of the Ghaznavid government.

The current research is based on the complex espionage system in the Ghaznavid government and the rulers' need for spies' information and news. The results of the current research lead us to the influence of espionage in the course of the Ghaznavid government, So that the continuation of political life and increasing the security and power of Sultan Masoud's government depends a lot on Menhian and his spies. The most important reasons for Sultan Masoud's use of spies are: Masoud's skepticism towards his father and his lack of safety for his life. The division in the Ghaznavid government system between the Mahmudites and the Masoudites, which itself was the cause of mistrust and assigning spies to each other. In general, the role and security function of spies and menhians is very important for the formation of Sultan Massoud's government and its stabilization. Perhaps the main reason for the rise and fall of the Ghaznavid government cannot be considered to rely on its spy system, but this complex and large system was not without influence in the stability of the government, especially the government of Masoud Ghaznavid, and even in his defeat of the Seljuqs and the fall of the Ghaznavid government.

The results lead us to the influence of espionage in the foundations of the Ghaznavid government, so that the continuation of political life and the increase in the security and power of Sultan Masoud Ghaznavi's government depend a lot on Monhian and his spies. Since Beyhaqi is aware of all the letters due to his proximity to power and his presence in the Court of Letters and recorded most of them in his history, it can be well understood that in many important government issues and country decisions, traces of secret agents and spies' letters are used to maintain security of internal and external borders of Sultan Masoud Ghaznavi's government territory.

Key words: Ghaznavid government, Beyhaqi history, espionage, security, Sultan Masoud.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Key words: Ghaznavid government
  • Beyhaqi history
  • espionage
  • security
  • Sultan Masoud

مقالات آماده انتشار، پذیرفته شده
انتشار آنلاین از تاریخ 26 اردیبهشت 1403
  • تاریخ دریافت: 04 آذر 1402
  • تاریخ بازنگری: 26 اردیبهشت 1403
  • تاریخ پذیرش: 26 اردیبهشت 1403