تحلیل و ارزیابی کاربری اراضی روستا - شهر گلوگاه بابل با استفاده از GIS


1 دانشیار جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری- دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان

2 کارشناس ارشد جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری


ارزیابی کاربری اراضی شهری به عنوان هسته اصلی برنامه ریزی شهری، نقشی مهم در ساماندهی فضایی- مکانی شهرها ایفا می کند. روستا- شهر گلوگاه در سال 1381 تبدیل به نقطه شهری شده و با جمعیتی معادل 5114 نفر در جنوب شهرستان بابل قراردارد،که به لحاظ ساماندهی مکانی- فضایی کاربری اراضی شهر، نابسامان می باشد. علل این نابسامانی را بایستی عمدتاً در توپوگرافی شهر، ضعف مدیریت، عدم اجرای قوانین و مقررات شهرسازی جستجو کرد. نتایج بررسی های کمی سطوح و سرانه‌های شهری موجود و افق ده ساله آتی شهر(1395)، نشان می‌دهد که مساحت کاربری‌های دایر روستا- شهر گلوگاه با توجه به سرانه ها و استانداردها حدود 123873مترمربع کمبود فضا دارد. در تحلیل کیفی کاربری اراضی شهر با استفاده از نرم افزازArc GIS و با توجه به شاخص های ارزیابی(مطلوبیت، ظرفیت، سازگاری)، نتایج حاصل بیانگر آن است که مکان گزینی اکثر کاربری های این شهر در ماتریس مطلوبیت، شرایط آن نسبتاً نامطلوب بوده، گرچه از لحاظ سازگاری، درحد نسبتاًسازگار بوده، در عین حال از حیث ماتریس ظرفیت، غیر از کاربری تجاری و اداری، سایر کاربری ها نتوانسته اند جمعیت سطح شهر و حوزه نفوذ آن را تحت پوشش مناسب قرار دهند. یافته های حاصل از این تحقیق بیانگر آن است که بایستی به توسعه درون بافتی شهر اندیشید و با در نظر داشتن شاخص های مکان گزینی کاربری ها به تفکیک قطعات و باز توزیع فضایی - مکانی اراضی شهر پرداخت.


عنوان مقاله [English]

An Analysis and Assessment of The Rural-City of Galoogah Land use by Utilization of G.I.S

نویسندگان [English]

  • I. Ebrahimzadeh 1
  • K. Habibzadeh 2
چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract
During the Second half of the twentieth century, influence of without planning urbanization in developing countries, Irregulars that features land use in the cities there are, so to improve quality of urbanization, cities rehabilitate land use is very important. However quantitative and qualitative analysis of levels of urban land use for establish and optimize the distribution of usage factors, Proportionate of needs of residents and logical access solutions to existing problems, that’s an effective step for managers, planners and urban authorities.
Urban land use planning as main center Urban planning execute main role in spatial planning managing of towns, and evaluation how Urban land use planning is more importance. In this article is tried until with the help of abilities to Geographical Information system (GIS) values urban land use in Galoogah town. Galoogah town has the population about 5700 which is in the south of Babul eparchy, Commutation to town in 1381. Lack management and lack of functional rules and rules of urban design one side and addressing as blighted urban in babul eparchy another side in servicing and providing facilities and also use spatial planning managing caused to have unsafe town.

In this study, in addition to the library resources and information, field works have also been incorporated to enhance the quality of the project. Meanwhile, methodology of the study has been based on comparison-analytic which largely identify the drought impact of Hamoon Lake on Sistan economical functions comprising the main objectives of this study.

Results and Discussion
In this research land uses town are studied from two aspects, quantity and quality. In quantity search, pay attention to the surface and basic need Percapita in this condition until 1395. The results of this search show that in this condition, utilized land area Galoogah according to Percapita and standard to have shortage about 123873 . In quality analysis land use town with using soft word Arc GIS and considerable evaluation (desirability, capacity, compatibility) the results show that site of many land use of town in fit idea is partly unfit although in the view of compatibility is about 39% compatible. However in the view of capacity without commercial and official in another land uses such as athlete. Educational-cultural, healthy–treatment land use doesn’t have better use from this needful service.
One of the important steps in the process of urban land use planning is Evaluation and Determination of proportion the framework of quantitative and qualitative criteria. Based on the results of quantitative land use levels, it was found that the existing of Galoogah, except of residential, administrative, religious and roads, other passages usage factor Posts face space required. Therefore, this city with the existing mutual relationship with the surrounding villages, unable to city needs and spheres of influence in order to eliminate restrictions positive response to urban. With considering the total usage factor area available - of this city, (976, 521 square meters), about 123, 873 square meters space deficiency has been estimated. That most lack is belonging to the educational, park and green usage factors.

The results of qualitative analysis of the compatibility matrix in this city, shown that the average usage factor of adaptation of this city is 39 percent. Administrative usage factor with the highest compatibility with 82 percent and usage factor of cultural with 73 percent, educational with 73 percent, sport with 63 percent and residential with 54 percent, conditions are relatively consistent. Capacity matrix of the city show that in this village-City only business land use need, population-level city and administrative spheres of influence were covered and the other usage factors existing facilities, only answer primary rural-urban of Galoogah needs and in this respect the conditions are relatively poor. From desirability Matrix view, some usage factors of this city such as health – treatment, suffer from voice pollution, because that’s in the vicinity of the main artery of city. Also, the lack of space most land use comments dimensions, some of the administrative space occupied more than have needs. Therefore, in these urban spheres of influence, it is necessary to provide facilities necessary for the city level and sometimes the village level spheres of influence comes an attempt made double.
Therefore, in this city because the natural topography and geography is relatively unfit (due to restrictions created by the forest, rivers and variable slope), Considering the Location land use indexes, do to separate parts of the Proportionate of urban density and Benefit from professional and technical staff in civil affairs are including the factors affecting the future development of this city. The find out of the research shows that the Galoogah town with flat topography and being plain, development context and that physical extension in the text. In addition to creating convenience and logical pitch land use with the notice of indexes and standard and also devotion spaces need able and spatial spread for removal shortage town with using of expert urbanized people should locate in the first programming too.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Arc GIS
  • Galoogah town
  • Quality land use
  • Quantity land use
  • urban Land use