سنجش و ارزیابی معیارهای مؤثر بر عملکرد کشاورزان عادی و موفق روستایی، مطالعه موردی: روستاهای شهرستان خدابنده


1 دانشیار گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس

2 استادیار گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس


استفاده از تجربیات افراد موفق و نمونه در محیط زندگی و فعالیت خود از ضروریات و ابزارهای تسهیل و
تسریع کننده جریان توسعه روستایی پایدار است . افراد موفق به عنوان کارآفرینان، نوآوران و افراد خلاق
جامعه روستایی دارای الگوهای معیشت و فعالیت ویژه ای هستند که بر اثر نوع درک آنها از محیط
پیرامون، استفاده اصولی از توانایی ها، استعدادها و خلاق یت های فردی، ریسک پذیری، آینده نگری،
گروه گرایی و مانند اینها به دست می آید و این افراد به خاطر تجربیات موفق خود می توانند الگوی مناسب
زندگی و فعالیت برای سایر کشاورزان روستایی در منطقه باشند . به این دلیل که اکنون کشاورزی به مثابة
الگوی غالب اقتصادی و فعال یت در روستاهای منطقه از نوع کشاورزی آسی ب پذیر و معیشتی است، با
کمترین تغییرات در ساختارهای اقتصادی و اجتماعی و اکولوژیکی پیرامون، تأثیرات شکننده و
جبران ناپذیری را بر کشاورزان وارد می سازد. بر این اساس، در تحقیق پیشِ رو هدف سنجش نگرش
کشاورزان نسبت به شاخ ص ها و متغیرهایی است که می توانند روشنگر و تسریع کننده بخش های
کشاورزی مناطق روستایی باشند . از این طریق زمینه های تفاوت و شکاف اندیشه ای، عملکردی و فعالیت
در بین کشاورزان عادی و موفق شناسایی می گردد و راهکارهای مناسب برای کاهش آن تبیین و تشریح
می شود. به منظور رسیدن به این هدف از روش تحقیق ترکیبی کیفی و کمی استفاده شده است و نتایج
نشان از وجود تفاوت در جنبه های گوناگون نگرش T به دست آمده با استفاده از آزمون من ویتنی و
کشاورزان دو گروه نسبت به متغیرهای مؤثر در عملکردشان دارد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Measurement and Assessment of Effective Factors in the Function of Successful and Ordinary Rural Farmers Case Study: Khodabandeh Rural Area

نویسندگان [English]

  • Abdolreza eftekhari 1
  • M. Purtaheri 2
چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract
According to sustainable development principals, one of the highly important sustainable rural development theories is economic development. Nowadays, this economic approach in economic theories pays special attention to rural entrepreneurship. In most countries entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs are particularly noticed; and entrepreneurship and providing the grounds for its development are considered as instruments for economic development in different countries, especially in developing ones, because entrepreneurship with high effectiveness leads to economic development (including employment, compatibility and pioneering). On the other hand, if rural development in an overall and synoptic approach, is assumed to be based on sustainable development, increase of people’s choice process, democratic development, empowering people to decide on forming the environment, increase of happiness and pleasure, increase of potential opportunities and capacities, empowering women, the poor and farmers to organize their environment and team work, then we can claim that empowerment and creating capacity is a new paradigm and focus point. Moreover, based on sustainable development, paying attention to economic development along with social and ecological development is one of the most crucial dimensions of sustainable rural development (SRD). Economic development is associated with social and ecological development, because using villagers' ability and talent appropriately is the main factor of improvement and the proper method of achieving the goals. In entrepreneurship program, there are three specific subjects under the title of local economic development. Making people understand that local economy belongs to them is the first subject. The second subject is systematic analysis of ways by which local economies can be augmented and the third subject is developing local economic institutional structures.

Today the study of the literature of rural development and planning, indicates that in every problem, organized and cultural coalitions frameworks should emphasize on the people and the rural societies, so that they would be able to use their abilities, capacities, and innovations appropriately. Such attitude is assumed to be one of the requirements of rural sustainable development. The origin of this attitude is derived from sustainable development and its novel conceptualization which is clarified in the capacity development perspective through capacity creating and empowerment. For this reason, use of available opportunities and abilities assists rural people to reach a desirable future. On this basis, use of the life experiences of successful people and environmental activities is the tools of success. Because successful people are creative and innovative people and entrepreneurs in their own communities who are successful
in their lives and can be patterns for others. Farmer community cannot be excluded from the rural territory. Successful entrepreneur people in Agriculture, using their abilities, talents and creations make a different life pattern in their community. Therefore, an entrepreneur farmer is one who detects, evaluates and recognizes the best and the last market and the economic opportunities with regard to environmental restrictions and learning from his or her experiences
by a specific future prospective method; and then uses potential and actual agricultural opportunities wisely and properly based on his or her talent and external guidance and observing human, spatial and place rights.

Results and Discussion
The way of problem solving is among the characteristics of entrepreneur farmers. They believe that to achieve a creative solution, it is necessary to know and define the main problem at first. They assume that each problem contains two sections i.e. risk and opportunity and to achieve an appropriate solution, it is required that both sections be understood exactly. As a result, the problem is considered by them from the perspective of a researcher (to detect opportunities) and an inspector (to detect risks). Of course it should be noted that successful entrepreneurship in rural agriculture requires an inseparable bond with the industry section or industrializing agriculture, because they have ante- post relations. In other words, their developments are interrelated, but development of economic sections is sequential i.e. the development process begins in agriculture section and expands to industry section and lastly to service; because all
individuals and social professions and skills of people in developing countries are concentrated in the agricultural section. On this basis, the goal of fundamental research is Measurement and Assessment of the Effective Factors in the Function of Successful and Ordinary Rural Farmers.
The research methodology is the synthetic of qualitative research and quantitative research. The findings of the research show that with Mann -Whitney and T test of the whole variables, there are significant differents between the attitude of successful and ordinary country farmers of Khodabandeh in the field of Effective Factors in Function.

Based on the results, each group of samples made different statements and consider successful factors as the most effective factors in agric-entrepreneurship of rural regions. In this way, the successful farmers experiment can be considered as the core and center of entrepreneurship and innovative activities in rural communities.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Agricultural entrepreneurship
  • Iran.
  • Rural Development
  • Sustainable