تحلیلی بر نقش پارک های شهری در ارتقای کیفیت زندگی شهری Seeking-Escaping با استفاده از الگوی نمونه موردی: پار کهای شهری تبریز


1 استادیار گروه جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری، دانشگاه تبریز

2 دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری، دانشگاه زنجان


کوشش های جهانی برای حفظ محیط طبیعی عمدتاً به زیست بو مها یا اکوسیستم های نسبتاً بکر و دارای
تنوع زیستی و حفاظت گونه های جانوری و گیاهی منحصر به فرد توجه داشته است؛ لیکن نزدیکی طبیعت
به محل کار و زندگی انسا ن ها، فضاهای سبز کوچک داخل شهرها و نیز فواید آنها برای مردم در این میان
کمتر مورد توجه قرار گرفته اند. فضاهای سبز از یک سو موجب بهبود وضعیت زیست محیطی شهرها
می شود، و از سوی دیگر شرایط مناسبی را برای گذران اوقات فراغت شهروندان فراهم می سازد . هدف
اصلی این مقاله بررسی تأثیرات روانی اجتماعی پارک های شهری در بهبود کیفیت زندگی شهروندان از
طریق بررسی عوامل جاذبه پارک ها، در پوشش دادن عوامل دافع ه ایِ محل سکونت آنان با استفاده از
است . یافته های تحقیق، بیانگر آن است که شهروندان تبریزی بیشتر Seeking-Escaping الگوی
به منظور دسترسی به هوای سالم، تفریح خانوادگی، کسب نشاط و دوری از آلودگی ها و تنگی محیط
مسکونی، پیاد هروی، رفع خستگی، و گریز از یکنواختی زندگی به پار کهای شهری روی م یآورند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

An Analysis on the Role of Urban Parks in Urban Life Quality Improvement; Using “Seeking – Escaping” Method, The Case: Urban Parks of Tabriz

نویسندگان [English]

  • Seyed Hasan Motiee Langroodi 1
  • Razieh Teimouri 2
چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract
Global efforts for protecting natural environment put more emphasis on ecosystems that involve
environmental variety and protection of unique animal and plant species and less attention has
been paid to the nature of the residential and occupational areas along with small intercity green
spaces and also their benefits to urban residences.
Access to safe and convenient green space is likely to be an important environmental factor
in public health. Green spaces cause to improve the environmental status of cities and also they
provide appropriate conditions for the urban residences to spend their leisure times. Green space
plays an important social role in easing tensions and improving psychological and mental
health. In this paper, we have examined four main parks (Mashrooteh, Baghmisheh, Azerbaijan
and Elgoli) of Tabriz. This city is located in the North-East of Iran with approximately 1378000
populations. Tabriz has approximately 132 parks in big and small areas.
The main purpose of this research is to study the socio-psychological effects of residence
through studying the attraction factors of parks in covering the rejection of their residential area.
Research Data was gathered from one hundred persons who use the four main parks of
Tabriz. In this research, we completed 25 questionnaires for each park visitor in random
regardless of social or expert condition of visitors that came to the parks. The questionnaires
were distributed on holidays and ordinary days and in different times and locations of the parks.
Also we used questionnaires to examine the tendency or non tendency to public green spaces.
For data analysis and getting attraction and repulsion factors, we used Seeking-Escaping Model.
The findings of the research are categorized in four Sections: Causes of Parks’ Recourses,
Repulsions from Residential Area, Mental effects of Parks on People and Priority of Parks to
other recreational Places.

Results and Discussion
People feel better living around green spaces. Living in areas with abounded green space helps
to reduce anger and violence and improve the ability to concentrate and work effectively. There
is good scientific evidence that relations with natural spaces in urban areas can improve mental
health and can help in restoration in psychological well-being. The results of the studies show
that all people from all age groups acknowledge the advantages of parks in improvement of
moral, social and economical conditions. Also the majority of people feel better when they are
in parks and they use parks as a space to go to for rest and reinforcement. In this research, to
analyze people’s motivations to go to natural environment, indexes were used that suggest both
attractions and repulsions. Analysis of data suggests the motivation of most people to go to
parks is to spend time with family and friends.
Parks provide easily accessible recreational opportunities for people and offer opportunities for
healthy physical and mental activities. The findings of this research indicate the tendency of
Tabriz residences to urban parks for accessing good weather, family entertainment, getting
happiness, walking and avoiding pollutions, narrowness of residential environment, resting and
escaping from life homogeneity.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Attraction and rejection factors
  • Life quality.
  • Seeking – Escaping Method
  • Urban Park