شاخ صسازی مؤلف ههای سیاست و فضا در جغرافیای سیاسی


1 استاد گروه جغرافیای سیاسی، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس

2 کارشناس ارشد جغرافیای سیاسی، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس

3 دانشیار جغرافیای سیاسی، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس


جغرافیای سیاسی شاخ ه ای از علم جغرافیاست که به مطالعه و کالبد شکافی پدیده های سیاسی فضایی و
نواحی متشکل و سازمان یافته سیاسی، از سطح خُرد تا کلان (میکرو تا ماکرو) م یپردازد. از دیدگاه علّی،
موضوع دانش جغرافیای سیاسی را کنش متقابل متغیرهای سیاسی با متغیرهای فضایی تشکیل می ده د.
پس با توجه به آنچه که اشاره شد، دو مؤلفه سیاست و فضا از مفاهیم اساسی این رشته اند که شناخت
شاخ صهای آنها از مه مترین اقدامات زیربنایی در درک پدید ههای سیاسی فضایی به شمار م یآید.
فضا را م ی توان عرصه ای س هبعدی که دارای هویت، ساختار، سیستم ها و مرزهای مشخص است و
مقیاس های مختلف و چشم انداز پویا (دینامیک) دارد و قلمرو زندگی، تحرک، احساس، آرمان و فعالیت
انسان ها را تشکیل می دهد، به حسا ب آورد . اما سیاست متأثر از ایدئولوژی های گوناگون عبارت است از :
مفاهیم و نهادهای سیاسی فرمانروا، فرایندها و سازوکار های تصمی م ساز که بر پایه نظام ارزشی پدید
آمده اند و با پشتیبانی عامل قدرت مستتر در حاکمیت، بر فضای جغرافیایی تأثیر می نهند و از آن تأثیر
م یپذیرند. این مقاله به صورت کتابخان های و میدانی و با شیوه توصیفی تحلیلی، سعی بر شناسایی و
رتبه بندی، شاخص های سیاست و فضا در جغرافیای سیاسی دارد. یافته ها بیانگر این مطلب است که
شاخصه های شناخته شده در مباحث نظری با توجه به یافته های میدانی تأیید شدند، و ب ر این اساس از
51 شاخص مورد آزمون، تعداد شاخ ص های سیاسی مطلق 19 شاخص، شاخ ص های فضایی مطلق 22 و
شاخص های دوگانه 10 شاخص شناسایی و رده بندی شدند . نکته شایان توجه وزن و اهمیت بیشتر
شاخص های فضایی در قیاس با شاخص ه های سیاسی بود، که نشان از اهمیت و جایگاه هر یک ا ز این
مؤلف هها در مطالعات جغرافیای سیاسی و ژئوپلیتیک دارد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Intoxication of Politics and Space in Political Geography

نویسندگان [English]

  • M. R. Hafeznia 1
  • M. Ghaderi Hajat 2
  • zahra ahmadipor 3
چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract
Political geography is a branch of geography science that deals with studying and analyzing the
spatial-political phenomena, crystallized and organized political areas, from micro to macro
levels. From the casual standpoint the subject of political geography science is the wrought of
interaction between political and spatial variables. So based on what was said, the two indexes
“policy” and “space” are considered as fundamental concepts of this field and therefore,
recognition of them is an infrastructural action in order to have an understanding of political
phenomena. Space can be considered as a three dimensional compound which includes identity,
structure and systems with defined barriers; it has different scales and dynamic visions that
create life dominion, mobility, emotions, ideals and human activities. But policy which is
affected by various ideologies is: concepts and political ruler institutions, procedures and
decisional mechanism that is created by a value system and supported by the power factor
hidden in the government, and is affected by geographical space and also has influence on it.
This research is done by library and field research with descriptive - analytic method which tries
to recognize and rank indexes of policy and space in political geography. Data and Information
collection in this research is done in two steps: first step is related to the subject methodology
information gathering and history of related researches that is gathered by library search,
websites searches, scientific journals and researches. Second step is done by field research (via
questionnaire). Statistical population of research consists of domestics and foreigner masters of
political geography, political science and international relation fields and the sample is 60
persons of the mentioned fields’ masters that are selected randomly.
Results and Discussion
This research is organized to index policy and space indicators in the field of political
geography studying in order to evaluate the results and rank them according to the opinions of
experts. We feel that field research is needed more than library studies which is why the questionnaire was designed. After collecting the 50 questionnaires, the following results were
found: After receiving the experts’ opinions and analyzing them, the results yield as follows:
among all political indexes, basic law, unions and bilateral or multilateral contracts have the
most and the least receiving weight respectively 387 and 216.5.
From the 27 indexes which were considered as political indexes by researchers, 20 indexes
were assigned to absolute policy. 8 were twofold or spatial-political and only 1 index was
recognized as spatial index by experts’ opinions.
For the spatial indexes after analysis the following results were obtained: among all spatial
indexes, biology basis (water, land, air, etc.) and service structures have the most and the least
receiving weight respectively 381.5 and 249.5.
From the 24 indexes which were considered as spatial indexes by researchers, 22 indexes
were assigned to absolute space and 2 were twofold or spatial-political.
From the 27 indexes which were considered as political indexes by researchers, 20 indexes were
assigned to absolute policy. 8 were twofold or spatial-political and only 1 index was recognized
as spatial index according to experts’ opinions. Total receiving weight of political indexes is
7840.5 and the mean of total weight of each index is 290.4 and mean weight of each index is
From the 24 indexes which were considered as spatial indexes by researchers, 22 indexes
were assigned to absolute space and 2 were twofold or spatial-political. Total receiving weight
of spatial indexes is 7635 and the mean of total weight of each index is 318.14 and mean weight
of each index is 6.2. Research data represents that indexes of space indicators are more
important in political geography. Based on what was mentioned, we can classify the indexes of
space and policy indicators in political geography with their corresponding subunits as follows:
Keywords: Policy, Space, Ideology, Political geography.
Basic law, decision making
process, management,
pronouncement, codifying law,
accepting law, accepting bylaw,
issuing manual, issuing circular,
designing bill, governing,
government, parliament, political
communion, political leaders and
elites, parties.
Spatial – Political
Global organizations
(UN), regional organizations,
unions, bilateral/ multilateral
contracts, economical and
financial institutions, election
residential, strategies,
leadership, nation, identity.
Biology basis (water, land, air,
etc.), ecology, place, land, territory,
country, city, village, area, sector,
communication networks (railway,
highways, etc.) mineral and
industrial instructions, production
instructions, services instruction,
hesitancy instructions, defense and
security instructions, skeletal
instructions, barriers, population,
immigration, minority.
Indexing policy and space indicators in political geography

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Ideology
  • Policy
  • Political geography.
  • Space